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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Where's the best place to pre-order this? Got an online £25 voucher burning a hole in my (online) pocket!
  2. Seeing your dog Eenuh reminds me of my dog. Burneses are the cutest puppies.
  3. I'm just disappointed in MadDog's proudness that his players have to resort to punching/ flapping at someone. You won't see me hoping someone breaks Gerrard's legs.
  4. Vote: Heroiclybadatlyingapparentlyjanitor Seems pretty clear cut/ I'm not really into this game so following the bandwagon.
  5. Blergh, probably should have won that! Oh well, home advantage should helpfully help me on the home leg.
  6. Finally had a little go of the Desire Z it isn't for me. The keyboard I would break and kept trapping my thumb in it! I've decided to go for the Nexus S with Android 2.3! 500minutes, unlimited texts, 500mb- £30 Seems alreet.
  7. Have some cannabis. What's the harm?
  8. Happy (very belated) Birthday! Apologies I unlike Ashley have actually been busy this weekend.
  9. So it really is just me that would be interested in this?
  10. Well if you look at the post above your post Gaggle you will see I'm up for it 110%! But you may just be ignoring my posts :p
  11. That's a lie! I didn't call you!
  12. Well whilst Fields is just trolling/tranking most likely he's technically right. The moment you knew it was wrong it is technically your fault not to correct it. Don't worry they won't call back though. I've never heard of such a thing happening in the few shops I've worked in. It is their stupid mistake really so screw them!
  13. Happy Birthday Fatty Ashley ! Sorry the thread title/ first post is laaaaaaaaaame *P.S: Thank you Drunkseven for the title name! :p*
  14. I was at the match, nothing was 'majestic'. Totally outclassed? I admitted we were rubbish but you weren't that much better.
  15. Either we do have some stupid fans or they were just copying it but putting it in blue to take the piss? Unlikely but still. Today's game was boooooooooooooooring. No MASSIVE chances. The goal was a screw up between Ivanovic/Bosingwa and Cech can't remember who think Ivanovic. Meireles did well to get on the end but it was a bit of a crap goal really. Though you should have scored in the first half, how he hit the crossbar from there I don't know :p Torres was rubbish today, but I don't think Liverpool were amazing today either. Sure they won but no massive dominance. We were a bit flat today which was annoying.
  16. Off to Stamford Bridge today! Hurray *this may be edited later depending on results *
  17. That DVD picture was advertised as well for the film but without the border I think.
  18. Well I need to get a new phone by 18th Feb so time is not on my side :p So Dark you'd really recommend it? It isn't too heavy and the slide out isn't too flimsy? I know it won't quite be like a normal button but I think I'll prefer it to using touch screen to type out long messages. I have a touch screen phone at the moment but it looks good and something different.
  19. I just bought this! :p
  20. Yes! Revenge! 10 chances is pretty good for me actually.
  21. Good luck boys for the season! Lets make it a cracker! Shame I'm against McCoys Sons, probably going to show me up :p
  22. I'm looking at getting the Desire Z. Need to check whether its slide out keyboard is flimsy/ makes the phone too heavy though.
  23. How will we know if someone has a double vote though :p Vote: Jay Just to get something done >_> Although I'd still like to hear from Rummy, who must have been on by now. Why did you try to burgle my place? VOTING SO FAR jayseven [sméagol, The Peeps, Dannyboy, Nintendohnut, Dazz, Jonnas, ReZ, Ellmeister] EddieColeslaw [HeroicJanitor] Majority is 10
  24. Well with the previous attacks being religious based AT FIRST it does seem to point suspicion to someone religiously linked like jay but I'm not sure whether its enough or just a red-herring?
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