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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Excellent, I hope I don't ruin that with the one's I've given you!

  2. I've just changed to Vodafone and had no problems yet!
  3. I feel so sad having being called this :(


    I pick only the ones that look awesome. Did I ever recommend Deadman Wonderland?

  4. You guys are just complaining because you're losing :p
  5. Also, Wolf Guy and The Breaker. There was also Veritas but I haven't seen it updated for a loooong time. Too many great mangas out now.

  6. Yeah, been reading it for ages :p I read WAY too much manga for my own good really. Not sure how I have the time for it.


    I'd also suggest "Gantz" it is a bit weird and too much ecchi in some places, but ignore that and persist and I'm pretty sure you'd like it a lot by the end!

  7. No offence but having noticed these errors, you can't really be pedantic about any errors in someone else's writing!
  8. Fixed for you Moooooogle! :p
  9. Man up :p 10charjustjokingofc
  10. What an awesome sounding day Mr-Paul! Was your feedback positive? Sounds like it after their response afterwards!
  11. Wow! That was a bit of a collapse! I don't want you to reveal what it is but do you really have just a double vote as a power Heroic? If you really are who you say you are, that's a pretty lamish power with so much potential wasted :p Arrest: Tales What does controlling ReZ mean?
  12. The final, final plot part at the end with the WOOHOO was quite funny though. That isn't spoiler I don't think. Oh and they definitely had a "moment"
  13. You've become very accusative and defensive all of a sudden. I think you're lying! Is your power just a double vote?
  14. Finally finished it tonight. I really liked it. I'm a big fan of Tamsin Greig ever since Green Wing so this was another good show I've seen her in. The ending was a bit different to what I hoped. I could see it building up and didn't want it to end like that! Did a quick search to see if any news about a series 2 but I guess it is way too early for anything like that. Though I think that shows my enjoyment for the show since I've never done that before.
  15. What game was he playing?!
  16. Good to have you back! Shame I now (supposedly) have herpes
  17. You've been persistently against me for no real reason so I'm happy to Vote: Heroic Although I'd suggest keep an eye on Tales... I meant Arrest: Heroicjanitor
  18. A Study of how the Guille theme goes with everything?
  19. Now I can safely say it looks much better! Thanks for doing that :p
  20. new update out today at 5pm GMT for Ps3 and Xbox360 apparently. PC players a little bit later. Woo! Finally Torres will actually be worth purchasing. To make my team even better :p At least players like Bale and Carroll should also be getting a nice boost to reflect their great performances this season. I still play this game a lot. Like most days against housemates so huzzah for the update!
  21. I've got Edd next. His squad is pretty good, but apart from his keeper I think mine SHOULD be better. Which will make it ever more shameful when I lose
  22. Could you post up the before image? Just for comparison sake?
  23. I thought they'd just laugh at you J7, in fact traumatising you! It is true. I hate everyone.
  24. It isn't that he hasn't scored, it is that he hasn't been doing that great at anything! For £50million he is expected to be up to Chelsea standards if not setting them! Jeebus. He'll come good eventually, I hope.
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