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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. What's your job? Do you know Baroness Hale? I'm off to a talk by her in a week I think where she talks about her year in the Supreme Court. I'm getting there with my own research now :p You're too late. Although still struggling for some sources! Rather annoying.
  2. Well at least we stopped Copenhagen's undefeated Champions League home record! Saw first half before internet (to watch sky on) completely fooked up. Torres missed a few good chances. When will that boy score?
  3. I said I was blonde... I just wasn't sure (and still not entirely) that I'm the one in the write up. I do have to go out to places every so often to fix my gadget when it breaks down, but I haven't had to "break in" nor "vandalise" anything. I'm ashamed to say I was at the Peeps' place, I had to be to repair my thing! I don't trust Tales tbh Vote: Tales
  4. Where did I lie?
  5. So you aren't going to defend allegations you were at Rez's house Tales?
  6. What is it everyone think's I am suspicious of?? I KNOW what ReZ looks like. Mr-Paul took him to my house at some point, I wouldn't make the mistake of getting the wrong person? I didn't know ReZ has a housemate. I did say I was blonde, but no-one said it was someone with a bandana... but yes that is me, I am blonde with a bandana. I don't vandalise, there has been no proven vandalism, I just go to fix my gadget when it breaks down, which is random I believe (I don't know how often, it isn't on a regular schedule) and it says people "suspect vandalism". So I have been suspected from wrong conclusions..yet Danny, Jonnas, Tales haven't really been pressed... Heroic are you trying to get attention away from them? I don't believe it is Mr-Paul because he does do what he say he does... So Vote: Dannyboy just because you're a suspect trying to vote for me without having really proven it wasn't you.
  7. A nice clean victory against Dyson keeps the relegation pack off of me for another match!
  8. Well yeah, I know who ReZ is so why would that make me a suspect? I wouldn't make that mistake. Maybe you "suspects" should tell us why you were at the house.
  9. As much as some of us may have hoped
  10. How do we know Dazz is a SFU member? No-one has had any information after their deaths I thought?
  11. Oh god not Domjcg >_>
  12. More "paper" stealing. Once again making Rummy look suspicious with similar circumstances. This game is too confusing!
  13. Wow, ReZ that is bad. There are SOME limits you know?
  14. the Prisoner's Counsel Act 1836 and it's contribution...GO

  15. done my research yet?

  16. Seeing as we have held a few games now, could we post some sort of blacklist/ acknowledgement of who the inactives are?
  17. QC guy posted this, thought you might like to see it. O_o So random.
  18. Oh dear, what has happened to us?!
  19. Went law ball last night. Got to wear a suit and look all professional and dapper. We kept asking for more wine on our table and it kept on coming, both the red and the white were horrible. The hangover is also telling me this was the case. We ended up going to the bar and I bought an Amstel and paid about a fiver for it. I don't even like Amstel but it tasted great after that disgusting wine after-taste in my mouth. It all got me very drunk and the after party was great, until the "older" law student (some 35+ guy) downed a pint and then was sick and tried to walk home after but fell forwards head first, head hurt ambulance called. Party endedddddddddd. You would have thought he could take his drink/ be more mature about it all.
  20. Sooooo... is Diageo going to make it night or are we still debating things?
  21. I have a housemate, but I think they are just flavour?
  22. My Nexus S is great but I'm still waiting on bloody Vodafone to transfer my bloody number! It's been like half a week!
  23. Look at his signature! His shadowy appearance is an obvious clue! :p It would be the ultimate cover-up. Out of interest why are you two together? IS it actually a partnership?
  24. Love hurts, I'm here for you
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