What is it everyone think's I am suspicious of?? I KNOW what ReZ looks like. Mr-Paul took him to my house at some point, I wouldn't make the mistake of getting the wrong person? I didn't know ReZ has a housemate.
I did say I was blonde, but no-one said it was someone with a bandana... but yes that is me, I am blonde with a bandana. I don't vandalise, there has been no proven vandalism, I just go to fix my gadget when it breaks down, which is random I believe (I don't know how often, it isn't on a regular schedule) and it says people "suspect vandalism".
So I have been suspected from wrong conclusions..yet Danny, Jonnas, Tales haven't really been pressed... Heroic are you trying to get attention away from them?
I don't believe it is Mr-Paul because he does do what he say he does...
So Vote: Dannyboy just because you're a suspect trying to vote for me without having really proven it wasn't you.