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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Good work by Eddage for the signatures, and the now sorted banner at the top :p
  2. Huzzah to N-Europe *tips hat*
  3. Well the noob within me assumed you could look at documents via microsoft word etc. But really, the was just a facade for wanting such a cool phone. Iphone is expensive, and a blackberry is too boring.
  4. The thanks is for Haden, not for Bayern Bru's manager spouting pure tosh in his interview. Lucky, is a meagre one game win surrounded in a sea of losses. 4 games unbeaten against a team is not luck.
  5. American Godzilla film was awesome when I was a kid from what I can remember. Should really get around to seeing monsters.
  6. Fail fail fail fail fail fail fail. Ancelotti's claims that we still have hopes of winning the title are silly. I don't like managers constantly changing but clearly something is going wrong. All is forgiven Wilkins, come back!
  7. I've just seen that its a company connected with hair products and the 'The Cleveland Show' on e4 is sponsored by them! What a coincidence that I notice that on the advert all of a sudden.
  8. Good work ReZ! Now you can go back to buying useless and rubbish DS games :p Knew my good luck comment would help
  9. I just hope it gives them the kick up their ass to sort it out. I don't want them to close, I just want their disorganised nature and messy style to be addressed! I can empathize with the staff the trouble it must be to try and sort stuff out, but I have been put off of going in there just because I know it will be a nightmare attempting to locate what I'm looking for and that the prices will be too high. I also agree with GAME's prices. I hope they buck up their ideas soon!
  10. Yeah I've been persuaded to look at getting a Windows 7 phone because they look awesome and should actually come in handy at work (that's just an excuse). Samsung Omnia 7 looks most enticing.
  11. Fixed for ya buddy
  12. Getting through my 14 page essay, only to reach a point which I had wanted to use an quote from Tony Blair's book only to find I'd left myself a note saying "Get quotes later pages 378-379." So no I'm stuck in my tracks because I think it would fit really well and don't want to carry on until I've managed to get that book again. And yes, I know I should be reprimanded for using a quote from Tony Blair's book but...well I don't really have a defence :p
  13. Under the experience number, sometimes it says the assistant coach recommends more playing time. I tried to fire him like Ray Wilkins but the club were having none of it.
  14. To be fair, I lost to him twice this season. It's just that by beating him, he would still be on 19 points, which is 3 points away from being in my relegation spot. Although Bayern's and my goal difference will probably be an issue come end of the season!
  15. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Thats two seasons 4 wins against Bayern! In yo' face suckaaaaaaaa! Also I am dismayed at the lack of Elites in your awards this season Haden! FIXED. The top league is incredibly tight, 2nd place to the relegation is tighter than a shopper after today's VAT increase! If only Haden had beaten Dyson, then even first place and relegation is still possible for almost everyone!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. So you'd recommend over the HTC Desire?
  18. No offence and I love Dragonballz but I liked you more with your innocent Scoop patented glee stuff.
  19. Maybe its more of a grown up scene that I've just noticed emo's are turning into when they grow up. A few of the people I know and could see following the "hipsters" styles now used to be emos is what I'm trying to say. Not that hipsters is replacing emos as the new erm..whatever it is.
  20. :p:santa:
  21. What happened to you after the punching?
  22. Whats so special about it? I'm also looking at getting a new phone, was thinking of HTC Desire, but what would y'all recommend?
  23. So yeah it took me a while to get a couple of them, but some are pretty funny. The ones with fellow country leaders at the time are pretty funny. I agree with Dyson on the Arcade Fire t-shirt. Would definitely buy some of those fortehlulz. As for hipsters in my life? I know a few who are trying to attain hipster "status" but they claim there is always a higher stage of hipsterness to reach when really, as soon as you start dressing like that/ acting like a douche you've already levelled up and evolved into a hipster. I think its changing from emo to hipster as r_a said as well.
  24. Hatred for webcomics is now no longer a great title for this thread. Apart from CAD, everyone loves almost everything else!
  25. Worst thing so far was probably reading Mad Monkey's rather vulgar yet descriptive post above. Too much information is too much.
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