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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Well its a bit of fun really, giving you a chance to still win. It's just a game. I just wanted to see if you could guess the group before we take over your puny little town. *laughs crazily to self*
  2. Worst thing...being scripted into to cover someone 4-8 at work! It may be money but it will be cold/boring and can't go and play football with my house-mates now in the mud. Money is money I guess so its not the worst thing in the world, just today. Well done Heroicjanitor, for returning the purse. Should have gotten rid of the fags and done the girl an extra favour!
  3. Best thing? Getting a 67 on a law essay. My best result so far considering I put in the least time. Sadly, it doesn't count as it is non-assessed! Bah humbug. I also had a Spanish exam and pretty sure I did well in that, and was told I got a First in my exam last week! So yeah best thing was going into uni today! I also caught up with a good friend for a drink, maybe that was even better. Not sure, so far I've had a good day and everything been pretty good!
  4. You're all still missing someone.
  5. Why can I not vote for myself? People have done it before :p I call it tactics whilst you call it cheating. Tomayto, tomaaato. Nintendohnut, just because I love you so much, I will tell you one thing. I'm this babe:
  6. Yeah you got me. I'm mafia. There is no way to defend against a -1 vote. FU ReZ. Vote: Ellmeister
  7. Ken-NE?
  8. I've only just seen them all within the last month or so and I think it is one of, if not the funniest sitcom I've seen.
  9. Yeah Ash, kudos on doing the right thing. I was the one who noticed my family's first hamster wasn't right. turns out a blood vessel had burst in the lower half of her body and she was paralysed from half her body down. Was horrible. Most hamsters we've had put down because they get so old there's no point in prolonging it with hopeful antibiotics as it may not work and you don't really want them in pain. Sorry Ash
  10. Vote: Dannyboy I agree you've been incredibly annoying this whole game. Nintendohnut if you want, my colours are blue and blue alone. Vote: Dannyboy I agree you've been incredibly annoying this whole game. Nintendohnut if you want, my colours are blue and blue alone.
  11. Yeah count me in cap'n!
  12. Wait. I think we need to point out that Tales is clearly restricted to posts of 10. Either he is lying about being Ninetales and is a dragon pokemon or like Mccoy says, Paj is lying trying to force a vote through. The mafia is nearing majority and your eagerness to vote paj makes me think you're mafia. Vote: Paj Mafia Ah
  13. Oh yes. Elites have done it again.
  14. I know I would have loved to be in that class when I was a kid. Doing fun things was a rarity. Hope it goes well Eenuh!
  15. So you are three people? None of which have appeared in the write up...yeah because that's not made up.
  16. Is Dazz Kronk? I doubt Yzma's potion was strong enough to kill him because her plans never work. So its either Maddog or Dazz, I think? Vote: ReZ Who are you. Love: Maddog
  17. Its honestly not me. I have an self protective power with a small drawback that I won't appear in the write up.
  18. Yeah I can roll with the theories against Marc, he's not been saying much since we found something that seems to go against him. Bit fishy. Vote: Marcmillian
  19. How are you lilac and yellow when you are Kingdra who is blue and I guess cream.. I'm very suspicious of you being Kingdra and good.
  20. When does the contract stipulate you will be paid?
  21. I think a few of the releases are a bit troublesome and unneeded though.
  22. I was thinking the same as Zell, he seems to have been protected or a power used against him which suggests it may not be mr-paul causing the clouds. But I also agree there is a lot of cloud related stuff and it has mostly seemed bad so its suspicious all the same so did anything happen to you last night mr-paul?
  23. Congrats to both of you! Sorry its late :p
  24. Apparently the judge is still waiting for actual evidence against him. Its so "mysterious" how the charges were dropped but now brought back to life. What a "surprise".
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