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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. He's already attempted that role and bombed, perhaps he's trying to expand his IMDb repertoire to find his acting niche? I'm not surprised they're trying to shoehorn another pop act into this, after the Katy Perry stuff (which confused me as that Electric song was semi teased, then came out about a year [or more?!] and the video was tacky CGI shit) and then Post Malone bouncing around whilst Pokémon try to pretend he's not there. But that video from yesterday... very painful to watch.
  2. The gameplay can be about whatever it wants - it doesn't detract from that it's an vastly (albeit nice looking) empty environment, mostly devoid of civilisation, only three temples to get the Master Sword (they shoehorned that one they couldn't be bothered to put in Wind Waker to make four*) with uninspiring bosses - and a fuckton of copy and pasted shrines. There are a few standouts shrines granted, but to be honest I can't think of anything that really stood out on the whole that I can tell peeps about. I fully intend to replay it at some point, and will do more at ground level, as a lot of distance was covered by climbing to the highest point in the direction I was travelling and then gliding onwards** to whichever bit I want to explore. Throughout the whole game, I only stole one horse from a bokoglobin, and that was what they gave me for the (final) Ganon battle, and I after completing the game I cannot see why I would bother attempting to get a different mount, or why I would've wasted time trying to "catch 'em all" - except they're all horses/deer - and it would have somehow improved my final boss experience. *I know it's a shitty joke. Suck it. ** I feel very confident I didn't miss much in the way of plot as a result, optional stuff - maybe, but my overall experience shouldn't force me to look elsewhere because the core experience is so lacking.
  3. I also can wade in here too. Side note: It all went downhill after Gold/Silver ¬_¬
  4. Shhhh don't jinx it. Not a bad lil presentation, they need to work on the script and timing for this... "narration" > Text says Girafarig is evolving > Evolution animation happens > Woman "oh, could Girafarig be evolving?!" Jesus...
  5. I know I've had this for decades, but it's never been an issue, the main issue has been going for about a month now. I'm going to see how it goes with some ice packs and knee sleeves before I think about attempting GP action.
  6. Fingers crossed! because the whole look makes me cringe so much, I cannae explain it.
  7. Nope, the ones they make you wear
  8. I hope they have decided to get rid of the stupid hats. Or at least not have them from the off.
  9. Quick squats have always felt like a problem because of this, but it's usually a twinge that goes with as you say, slowing the reps. The weird thing is, is that it wasn't anything that-extreme that (I think was the cause) for setting it off. It mainly happened during one of the classes where we were doing a ski-lunge, touching the non-crossing knee, and raising our hands up before coming down as you alternate the lunge. Or it was a sideways step up, where one foot was always on the step, bring both up, and the other goes off. This was also with our arms straight up throughout. Maybe my knees just don't like it when my arms are outstretched... Well done on dem burpees. Fuck me doing them though, especially that quick, the come down on the jump, I don't think I've told you about my dicky knees, lemme begin...
  10. That "new" face is looking very Hoskins-esque, a fitting tribute. Also fingers crossed for a Captain Toad spin off
  11. I hope it's a feature length paintball episode.
  12. For some reason, after going to the gym for about 2 years now, my osgood-schlatter in my left knee has decided to flare up, making it painful to walk and lie with my leg flat. This was in August so haven't been to the gym in a month. I've bought an ice pack which doesn't seem to have reduced the swelling. I've bought a knee sleeve and some straps which seem to do some good, and I'll be going to the gym tonight with my legs strapped to see how they handle it. absolute pisstake...
  13. There is a special edition, but it's with stickers, some prints and a steelbook* *aka bullshit
  14. I was gonna wait to see if this came in a sale, but I won some monies at the bingo, so treated myself Scenery is fucking massive
  15. If they weren't going to give me a remake of Graces f, then I would Symphonia/Abyss. But don't call something a remaster if it's just a port. I'm half tempted not to bother, but I know I probably will.
  16. Cartman got me hating the Patriots. Fuck Beel Beelichek. The Superbowl is probably the one game I miss the most of, as when it's on BBC they have no ads to cut to, so just the same three people talking shit for who knows how long. For the season you have NFL RedZone on Sky Sports Mix (the only sports channel I have) on Sundays, which jumps between each game playing in the early/late window. Zero ads, if a game gets boring they jump to another one. It's amazing.
  17. Our team have finally been moved over to a different building at Trust HQ "to make room for other new starters", which appears to have been a vendetta against our department since we switched divisions - we were originally in ambulatory division, then moved over to surgical division, not entirely sure on the reason why - but since then the managers of the building seem to have done their best to segregate us from the main group, put up one of those blue wall things around our desks, told other members of staff not to invite us to their Christmas work do*, split us up so 4 were downstairs, 4 in 2 offices upstairs which had no air conditioning (this was about a month ago...), but the statement always was was that they needed the room for X because it was so full. I spent the next month taking photos of the office and sending them to my seniors over how "full" the office was so they could use it as ammo (spaces for about 30 people excluding us, max was about 12 on any one day) Sadly it did not stop it, so the new offices we're in aren't bad, 2 rooms of 4 desks next door to one another, but not the same with an open plan office with all your other peeps in it, so we don't see our fellow secretaries anymore. The main drawback for me is the time it takes to get there. What used to be a 15 minute bike ride is now a 45-60 minute jamboree. *which backfired spectacularly on them as they booked a date, which they then pushed it back a month without telling us a couple of weeks beforehand, which I discovered when attempting to pay the rest of a balance. They cited COVID fears as the reason. They then attempted to push it back another month (because more than half attendees had expressed more COVID concerns - everyone we asked said they hadn't voiced anything), which some of us said we'd rather keep the current date, so it was put to a vote, those that said they weren't bothered either way and would go whenever were automatically considered to have voted for the later date (as that was the date the seniors were pushing for). So I got proactive, got the majority of the "cool kids" to commit to the earlier date, was asked to handle the booking for it, and had a great time.
  18. The wife is down there in her Professor capacity on the TCG teaching area (I think?), the amount of swag they get for their time is staggering.
  19. Was it ever established in season 1 whether - it was the kid communicating via the Christmas lights whilst in the upside down, or whether it was explained how he managed to do it when he was huddled singing The Clash? This one thing not being explained has ruined my desire to watch season 2
  20. It was on Netflix when I watched it a few years back.
  21. Apart from it saying "Witness the beginning of Rebellion", that trailer gave me nothing. Zero interest at this point.
  22. I both love it and hate it when you get great sax portions. Because they sound awesome, but then remind me of how far I've got to go
  23. It's worth it for a fiver. There have been a few months where I've not watched much, but for those binge seshes, the removal of ads is amazing.
  24. Fuck! Missed out again. Which part of "Notify me" button clicking did they not get? Recieved no message at all. Wankers. If anyone sees it again, please harass me via the Facebook
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