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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. They´ve done more or less the same with the Wire (although supposedly without any crew in the picture).
  2. Stephen Colbert interviews Smaug Original link: http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/509747/smaug
  3. Release your inner pyromaniac by releasing fireballs from the palm of your hand:
  4. I´ll be posting this whole discussion on Reddit just to teach Jayseven a lesson.
  5. HLJ royally screwed me over, they lost me as a customer. I pre-ordered Lucina and Nendoroid Mario directly from Goodsmile this time.
  6. I´m going to keep this short, but I thought it was fantastic. Well, episode one was fantastic anyway. Bought the game immediately, unlike Game of Thrones, because unlike Game of Thrones, I´m not that bothered about spoilers (I haven´t played Borderlands 2 (yet)). Gameplay is exactly the same as Walking Dead. You click on things, you choose your dialogue, and there´s the occasional QTE. To be honest, if season 2 of The Walking Dead disappointed you, I´m not sure if this is for you. It is longer than the average S2 Walking Dead episode (I think I spent 3 hours playing it), but I don´t know if they will keep that up for the next episodes. I don´t think there will be incredibly deviating storybranches (but again, this is only ep 1). Dialogue changes minor things so far. The difference between this and Walking Dead is (for me anyway), in The Walking Dead I just stuck with the one canon playthrough. I played my way, and wasn't that interested in other variations. This game however, is absolutely hilarious. I´ll definitely go play this again to see the other responses. The dialogue is great, and the expressions are great. Story looks to be great. And that´s why you play a Telltale game anyway.
  7. Yeah, I think I´m slightly regretting it. I know the game´s cool, I played the beta earlier this year. Player rate isn´t really a problem yet, I can find games in the mode I play most (Variety pack). But I can´t really keep up with the current players, plus I expected there to be more weapons and mods in the full game, since some CoD veterans worked on it. Oh and the player rate does seem to be a problem on the DLC maps..
  8. http://www.wired.com/2014/12/amiibo-discontinued/
  9. And yet another Steam sale, this time the Game awards are the occasion. This is I think the cheapest high profile game, at € 25,-.
  10. This is a stock photo, but I bought some slices of my new addiction, truffle cheese:
  11. I´m slightly allergic to Reddit, so I prefer people post stuff here than simply point to that mess of text and links.
  12. January.
  13. Aww, I barely got to use my power. I was looking forward to it.. Vote mods are cool!
  14. Hello ladies!
  15. Yeah, I finally started this series some months ago, but I only watched the first 7 or 8 episodes, before I stopped watching. I thought it was great, but I just barely watch television / use my Netflix subscription. Few weeks ago I hoped to correct that, so I´m catching up. Currently I´m at the start of season 4. Funny anecdote (well, funny for you, sad for me): Before I decided to start watching again, I was just browsing the internet, looking at some interviews on Conan O´Brien´s site. I always check out the cute girls, one of them was Krysten Ritter. I didn´t know who she was at that point, again, she just looked cute. then in the interview, they reveal
  16. That trailer did nothing for me. I wonder how many of the rumours end up being true though.. At least one of them was confirmed just now.
  17. Origin is having a sale of its own by the way.. I might finally pick up Titanfall (€ 10,- for base game or € 20,- for game + season pass) for my multiplayer needs. @%1;, still playing this? Anyone else?
  18. From what I´ve heard your site is pretty popular? Maybe you can get away with asking for review copies in the future?
  19. Steam autumn sales have started. Definitely some games on sale I´m interested in. Maybe I´ll pick up some new multiplayer titles, it´s been a while since I´ve had some good multiplayer sessions.
  20. ..And currently it´s € 20,-. I assume it´s worth that?
  21. Engadget is doing a livestream on Twitch (well, I´m sure there are / will be others): http://www.twitch.tv/engadget
  22. Small pic but looking good: Reveals some other hair options. Slated for June, not up for pre-order yet.
  23. Haha, like I said, it was a long time ago, and it´s probably more fair if the money goes to, you know, the person who actually bought the ticket? :p But you know what, next time someone gives me a winning lottery ticket with a 20 euro prize, I´ll give it to you if you personally come over here to receive it .
  24. Well, in that case it wasn't a gamble, but I dunno, I want to earn it I guess.
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