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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. So yeah, I didn't read that long post, but I expect it can be summed up by "Don't be a dick", and I avoid making posts that cause the need for such a thread (I'd like to think anyway). I don't come often on the Nintendo boards anymore, this has nothing to do with the atmosphere, and all with me not having money for new Nintendo consoles, so I just spend my money on cheap indie games on Steam for the most part. But I'm still a Nintendo fan, so I still check all the news and the E3 threads and what not, and I do find myself more and more facepalming at posts, even from veteran members. I expect them to know better. Some of these discussions are really tiring, but as I , I just ignore them and hit the back button. If you can't react to someone's opinion in a normal matter, please do the same .
  2. Yeah, this is obviously not going to happen tonight. I'll see if I can still fix and salvage my mess tomorrow.
  3. Yeah, I wish the films were like that.
  4. I don't think it is. I mean I have only played Dead Space 1 (and the Wii game), but while Metroid Prime was much slower than the 2D games, it still faster and more action packed than deadspace. Samus is a lot more mobile. Maybe this is completely different in Dead Space 2 or 3, I dunno, but Samus from the start has more firepower and mobility, while for the guy in Dead Space, your first enemy encounter already is a challenge. Maybe set in the Metroid universe, and some other protagonist, perhaps.
  5. Sorry guys, turn 3 will start now Comment Sorry, got a bit on too late, and only just now noticed majority has been reached. I'll end the turn. End of turn 2 Final vote count Tales [5]: Jonnas / EEVILMURRAY / DuD / Cube / The Peeps Not voting [3]: Tales / Rummy / JimBob There are 8 active players. Absolute majority is 5. Majority has been reached. Casualty list Tales - mafia - lynched Cube - town - killed Start of turn 3 There are 7 active players. Absolute majority is 4. Deadline is 17-06-2015 00:00 CET (16-06-2015 23:00 UK) [countdown=06/17/2015 12:00 AM;Deadline has passed: turn 3 has started]Count down:[/countdown]
  6. Comment Sorry, got a bit on too late, and only just now noticed majority has been reached. I'll end the turn. End of turn 2 Final vote count Tales [5]: Jonnas / EEVILMURRAY / DuD / Cube / The Peeps Not voting [3]: Tales / Rummy / JimBob There are 8 active players. Absolute majority is 5. Majority has been reached. Casualty list Tales - mafia Start of turn 3 There are 7 active players. Absolute majority is 4. Deadline is 16-06-2015 00:00 CET (15-06-2015 23:00 UK) [countdown=06/16/2015 12:00 AM;Deadline has passed: turn 3 has started]Count down:[/countdown]
  7. Based on: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2180271/ I have not seen the original (I think it's on Netflix). Supposedly, it's very good. I have no immediate interest in it, but when I do, I'll start watching the original.
  8. End of turn 1 Final vote count No lynch [1]: Jimbob Not voting [7]: Jonnas / Cube / The Peeps / Tales / Rummy / DuD / EEVILMURRAY There are 8 active players. Absolute majority is 5. Majority has not been reached. Town refrained from lynching anyone Start of turn 2 There are 8 active players. Absolute majority is 5. Deadline is 15-06-2015 00:00 CET (14-06-2015 23:00 UK) [countdown=06/15/2015 12:00 AM;Deadline has passed: turn 3 has started]Count down:[/countdown]
  9. Have fun with Tales from the Borderlands! edit: Episode 3 will probably.. 2 weeks maybe? Soon in any case, ratings have already been assigned, and Telltale's community manager (or whatever) already played it, it seems.
  10. Don't think I will buy a lot, but I may look into X-com: enemy within. I got that itch again after the sequel announcement. Tales from the Borderlands may interest my brother. Darkest Dungeon sounds interesting, but I'm not up for it now. Perhaps, it's time, I finally got one of the GTA's haha. Then again, I'm not likely to play it soon, and I even have Just Cause 2 sitting unplayed in my library. Nah, never mind. Of the rest, the Metro Redux bundle interests me the most.
  11. The story itself doesn't get me really excited. I'm slightly interested, but not excited. But I like Jake Gyllenhaal, and supposedly, this is one of the few real 3D films, so I'll probably catch this one. Crap I missed this. This is in the cinema I volunteer in..
  12. Why not ask him? Vote count No lynch [1]: Jimbob Not voting [7]: Jonnas / Cube / The Peeps / Tales / Rummy / DuD / EEVILMURRAY There are 8 active players. Absolute majority is 5. Majority has not been reached. Deadline is 12-06-2015 00:00 CET (11-06-2015 23:00 UK) [countdown=06/12/2015 12:00 AM;Deadline has passed: turn 2 has started]Count down:[/countdown]
  13. Super Riot Mafia or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb Shamelessly stealing subtitles! Who's going to stop me? Welcome to the second riot mafia! Hope you have fun! Rules Gameflow There are no day and night cycles! Turns last 72 hours (although this is open to debate). Deadlines are generally at 00:00 CET / 23:00 UK, unless stated otherwise. This depends on my other plans that day, although I'll generally keep the deadlines where they are, but delay the actual write-ups if necessary. If a majority has been reached for a lynch, the next turn will start the next day. Votes The usual way. You can vote one person to be lynched during the dayphase. This calls for an absolute majority, which means a number of votes equal to at least 50 % of all active players, rounded down, plus one. Roles There are no pre-determined roles. Your role PM will only specify your alignment, either town or mafia. Win conditions The usual, town needs to eliminate all mafia members, mafia needs to match or outnumber town. Abilities Each turn, you may perform one active ability. In addition, you may enable one passive ability during the game, which you can change once per turn. Active abilities An active ability is an action you perform. During the turn, you may send me a PM with the ability you wish to perform. You have a high amount of freedom of what you can choose, although there are limits. Generally speaking, an active ability consists of: target + effect (+ optional conditions). Below are some restrictions. No more than one ability of its kind performed by anyone each turn An active ability cannot be performed twice by anyone within the same turn. This also applies to abilities which are not exactly the same, but very similar. What is deemed "very similar" will be up to me. In general, the effect will the deciding factor in comparing abilities. Abilities are handed out on a first come, first served basis. So for example, there will be no mass investigations by town, or mass killings by mafia. One target A target is generally required for an active ability, but you may not have more than one, unless you can convince me otherwise, in case its necessary for the ability to perform (a target switcher would be a tradional example). Targets will generally be other players, but this may not always be the case. One effect You can't have more than one main effect. I may make exceptions for tradional mafia roles, though I think I want to phase this out. A jailkeeper would be an example, which has both a protect and roleblock effect. Although it can only have one main effect, some lesser side effects may be allowed. I have also decided not to allow any alignment altering effects. Passive abilities Passive abilites, as opposed to active abilities, are always active, and wait for an event to trigger to enable some effect. Passive abilities are therefore generally defined as trigger + effect (+ optional conditions). Simple examples of triggers would be when you're targeted or when you die. Passive abilites share the same restrictions as active abilities. No two players can't have the same, or similar passive abilities. The effect will be the deciding factor. It can only have one main effect. If your passive ability has a target, it can only have one. Ability timings Once accepted, your active abilities will take effect immediately, and if concerning a continuous effect, going forward until the end of the turn. Effects won't be applied retroactively. What if my ability gets rejected? Often I will reject abilites in this game where you can do anything! I may or may not elaborate on the specific reason for rejection, but know in advance there are 3 possible reasons: - The ability, or one which is very similar, has already been claimed by someone else. The most common reason. - I may think it's overpowered. - You're asking too much of me. Your request may not be practical, and I'm lazy. Some tips: I like to be technical, so be specific, but simultaneously keep it simple. Feedback Info will be on a need-to-know basis. You don't get feedback unless necessary. This means you'll get feedback when you use an investigation ability, or when your abilities or someone else's cause status changes. Otherwise you won't get any. Your host, Sméagol! May as well come out with it.. I have an NPC status. I may or may not have an active and/or passive ability of my own! I do not count towards win conditions, nor do I have any my own. Well, ok, I have one: I win when at the end everyone had a good time! /cringe Miscellaneous A lot of the usual rules don't apply. - You may edit your posts. - You may post when dead. - You may PM eachother (but please add me as a recipient!) - You may quote PMs. - You may even post when you're not in the game! Unlike the previous game though, you can't post during the night. Improvisation and balance This game requires a lot of improvisation. I have rules, but there will always be exceptions. I decide things on a case-by-case basis, and may not always do things consistently. This is something you'll have to accept. This also means I may not decide things the same way as in the previous game. I may allow things I have rejected in the previous game, and vice versa. In fact, I have not decided if I'm going to be more strict, or more liberal this game. Let's find out, how exciting! With improvisation being such a big factor in this game, the most important rule of them all is: Rules are subject to change
  14. About what? Let me clear any confusion.
  15. This is probably going to be last notification before the game starts. The game starts tomorrow at midnight. 09-06-2015 00:00 CET / 08-06-2015 23:00 UK. [countdown=06/09/2015 12:00 AM;The Super Riot Mafia has begun!]Count down:[/countdown] Here are the rules (subject to change):
  16. Ok, my plans are highly flexible, and I doubt I'm still going out tonight.. This is what's going to happen: 1] Role PM's will be sent after this post, but the game will not start yet. 2] Mafia players will get a headstart, in that they can ask me anything on the mafia board, and come up with potentially synergising abilities, but don't worry, they will be able to send in ability request at the same time everyone else does. 3] Depending on how much time the mafia needs to prepare, the game will start tonight at midnight, or tomorrow at midnight (CET, so 11 PM for you UK folk). I will default to the latter.
  17. No (otherwise I'd not be playing it). The game roughly covers season 4.
  18. Kickstarter is up. Definitely going to pledge.
  19. This, combined with the fact that I'll be out for most of the day on Sunday, leads me to the current plan: Role PMs will be send out in the night of Saturday to Sunday. Mafia will have a day's headstart on Sunday. Game will begin in the night of Sunday to Monday. I'm not sure what my plans for Saturday are, I'll probably stay at home, or I may do another film marathon. But in any case, with the current plan, you have until Saturday midnight to sign up.
  20. I've played quite a few Telltale games now, and I already accepted Telltale's version of choice and consequence since The walking dead. The problem with TWAU is, that unlike the other recent games, existing characters play a big role, and their fates are ultimately set. Knowing the storylines of these characters from the comics is not a good thing. The other games don't have this problem, or to much lesser extent, since they mostly deal with original characters. Anyway, I explained above that wasn't the only problem. All in all, I simply enjoyed TWAU much less than the other Telltale games I've played.
  21. And after 4 episodes, I can say the release schedule has been pretty good so far. They probably have HBO on their case, demanding timely releases.. Game of Thrones started later than Tales from the Borderlands, but they released 4 episodes for this game, while we're still waiting for episode 3 of Tales from the Borderlands. Anyway, I love it. All the grim shit you can expect from Game of thrones. The weakpoints are every interactivity with existing characters. - I obviously love all the actors from the TV show, as a fan of the show, but actor != voice actor. Peter Dinklage already proved this, though he's better in this game. - The writers don't know how to write for them. They're not their characters. Theire dialogue often sounds forced. - The existing characters are canon.. So you can't really do anything with them. If it were up to many players from this game, Ramsey Snow would end up dead in episode 5, but that's obviously not going to happen. Luckily the roles of the existing characters are still limited, and the original characters are all great.
  22. But it seemed to matter even less in TWAU. Never got the option to give the frog some money. Apparently, you have a very limited window to do so, but apparently it doesn't mater anyway.
  23. This game has been great. The writing and the voice acting are just amazing. If I wasn't such a Game of thrones fan, I think I'd say this is the better game, but I enjoy both equally, That said, the tones of both games are worlds apart obviously.. I must say though, this is the only Telltale game that I've started a 2nd playthough. Not because this game is an exception to other Telltale games where choices actually matter (and provide branching storylines), because that isn't the case. It's about the same. But some lines are just so hilarious, and sometimes multiple options lead to different hilarious responses, so I really wanted to check them out. For example, I completely missed "Greaseface" in my canon playthrough, as my Rhys was pretty polite.. So I just needed to start a 2nd playthough with a cockier Rhys. Choices:
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