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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Last week's Boo shenanigans: IN!
  2. Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have changed to this more streamlined style if Nintendo had kept the scoreboards in MKTV like how it was in the Wii U version of MK8. But seeing as they removed it from Deluxe (no idea why ) it makes more sense to just jump straight to the next race and have a shorter vid. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.
  3. Konami Grabs Goemon.com Domain
  4. Played through this (and the original game) recently for the first time, absolutely loved it! SteamWorld Dig 2 is easily my favourite indie title on Switch at the moment. Will be keeping a close eye on future Image & Form titles from now on, that's for sure. My initial completion stats: And 100%: Did you ever get back to this, assuming it was patched? I didn't encounter the glitch during my playthrough, but that may have just been luck. One thing I'm glad they did fix was the original menu icon for the game (that I somehow ended up with when I first installed it, and had to re-download to update) it was horrific! Not the kind of thing I'd usually be bothered about, but it really was quite offensive: I definitely get why there can be quite a lot of fuss about Switch menu icons.
  5. Impressive stuff. Not my cup of tea (struggled to even get through the demo on PS4 ) but seems like it’s going to be yet another decent port for Switch.
  6. Yeah, I wasn’t really a fan of it either. And also glad to have got the game during a sale. The new art and music is lovely, but the game itself definitely needed some tweaking or additions in order to justify that price.
  7. Man, that was pretty much uncontrollable, especially on 200cc. The race on Cheese Land being particularly hilarious! Almost “smart” steering funny. Cheers guys. *EDIT* Just so this doesn’t get lost on the last page:
  8. Wii Music lives! I need this.
  9. Final day of the eShop sale today, anyone doing some last minute purchases? I ended up with... Kamiko SteamWorld Dig SteamWorld Dig 2 Mutant Mudds Collection Gotcha Racing 2nd That last one wasn't actually part of the sale, but I liked the vibe of it (reminded me a bit of the Pocket Circuit mini-game in Yakuza Zero ) so picked that up too. Got pretty addicted to it over the Easter weekend actually. While the game certainly won't win any awards for its presentation (it looks like a Flash version of Micro Machines ) I found the gameplay quite fun. Not without faults though, some very iffy collision detection going on, and the sound effect when cars do "collide" is simply atrocious! Sounds like someone chucking an entire bag of Devil Bangers. The music is pretty cool though, in a cheesy 80's way that is. The game has that OTT Japanese hype to it (which I love ) and some of the items you get from the gachapon machine have hilarious names. The English used in the manual is quite something too. Despite enjoying the game myself, I certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. Unless of course they're also able to see the funny side of the low budget feel, and more importantly, find the gameplay loop of racing/grinding for parts from the gachapon tolerable. Here's the trailer for anyone that might be interested though:
  10. I didn't notice any improvement to the text in performance mode, a huge increase of overall UI clarity when set to quality though! Another way to tell is with my Mii icon, it looks seriously messed up in performance mode (just as it did pre-update) but switch to quality and the resolution bump makes all the difference. Shame it's not possible to combine the crisp UI of quality mode, with the 60fps gameplay of performance mode. Anyway, finally having video capture support is probably the best thing about the update, tested it with one of my epic save replays: Reckon I'll mainly use this feature from the replay section rather than in-game actually, in order to make some use of quality mode. Definitely sticking with performance mode otherwise.
  11. Here are the highlights from last week, have streamlined it a bit more so the vid is slightly shorter but just as action packed! New logo too. Oh, and I be...
  12. Well, I enjoyed SteamWorld Dig so much that I ended up jumping straight into the sequel. Was going to play something else first, to mix things up a bit, but just couldn’t wait to get digging again! I’m now loving SteamWorld Dig 2 just as much as the first game, if not more. It’s improved in pretty much every area over the original and definitely a lot beefier. So yeah, @markderoos I definitely recommend checking it out.
  13. Fantastic stuff! Can’t wait to see the rest of the costumes from that list.
  14. IN! For tonight BTW. See you at 8:15pm.
  15. Yoshi Highlights: @Dcubed, that was one hell of a boomerang attack on GBA Mario Circuit. 3 hit combo!
  16. Add me to the list of cheapskates that picked up Kamiko in the sale. It’s a nice game, albeit very short (cleared it with all three characters in under 2 hours) but there’s one particular section that is just infuriating! And having to do it 3 times wasn’t fun. Other than that unfortunate gameplay mechanic though, Kamiko was pretty enjoyable. Anyway, having finished Kamiko I decided to grab another game that’s been sitting in my watch list for quite a while, SteamWorld Dig. Somehow I managed to miss this game on 3DS and every other platform it’s released on since, so it’s great to finally check it out on the Switch. Really enjoying what I’ve played of it so far too, so much so that I’m already considering the sequel and SteamWord Heist as well!
  17. Mobile. Seriously, I played it on iPad and it was great. Looked lovely and played perfectly without a stylus. I’d say play it on the device which has the biggest/best screen, so if those platforms are your only options I’d personally go with Switch.
  18. Hahaha! Oh man, that was insane. Cheers everyone, great stuff.
  19. Highlights from the Kirby theme:
  20. Muscle March. That game was hilarious. Really loved Tomena Sanner too. It's a shame the old threads we had for these games on here no longer exist. I'll tell you what's more of a shame though, the fact my Wii is dead. Yeah, it just doesn't want to power on for some reason. I still have my second Wii console (that I picked up second-hand for homebrew) which still works fine, but obviously all of my saves, VC and WiiWare stuff is now trapped on the other console. Anyone know if it's possible/easy to swap the system storage from one Wii to another? Already opened up my dead console once to get a disk out of it, so might try again, see if I can get my original Wii going on the other console somehow.
  21. Indeed. Pretty sure the tank thing can be controlled via the switch touch screen too though, and that they're just showing how it can also be done with additional controllers because the screen was being used for the hit display in that particular example.
  22. Just wondering, did this end up making much of a difference for you? Thinking I might look into it as well, Switch's wi-fi can be so flaky!
  23. It sounds really cool, kinda wish that bit was in the demo just so I could check it out. It’s like the ball counting game in 1 2 Switch all over again.
  24. Yeah, the focus on local multiplayer makes this game a pass for me. Will possibly get it sometime in the future though, if it drops in price enough. Anyway, nice review H-o-T. BTW, did you have your HD Rumble enabled when you reached this part?:
  25. Oh nice! I often see 2 regarded as the best in the series, so it’s great this’ll be making the jump overseas too. Now I just need them to make a Kiwami 3 (I started playing at Yakuza 4) and I’ll have played all of the mainline games.
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