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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yeah... not a fan of this idea at all. I mean it sounded bad straight away, but finding out that it also involves a time limit made it even worse! I've not played Resi 7 yet, but even if it was getting properly ported to Switch, I'd be far more likely to just get the PS4 version. Will be a shame if this cloud malarkey ends up being the only option for those that don't own other systems though.
  2. Some of my clips from last night (including the super spectacularly silly Spiny Shell of stupidity! ):
  3. So I somehow chucked a Spiny Shell through the actual road on Dragon Driftway! This seemed to severely mess with its ability to function correctly, as it teleported behind me, then proceeded to completely ignore 1st place (probably @Glen-i ) and just fly around the track aimlessly. Just when you think you’ve seen it all... Mario Kart can always surprise. But hey, that’s why we love it so much, right?
  4. Of course the main thing they should’ve added is online play. I might’ve actually been tempted to pick this up again in that case.
  5. Wowzers! Unexpected indeed. Reckon this’ll be a great fit on Switch though, as is pretty much everything. Bring on the rest of the Wii ports!
  6. Hehehe! Most of the time, yeah. I really do love the outfits in this game.
  7. Ah, I was thinking of digital prices. But yeah, seeing as it's a budget retail release that's a good sign. Probably looking at £39.99 on Switch eShop then. Still not really sure if this is for me though, would be good if there was a demo.
  8. until
    Get a look at Nintendo Switch games for 2018, including the recently announced Super Smash Bros. game.
  9. Still no pricing details for this in Europe then? Going to be interesting if it's £49.99 on Switch but £34.99 on 3DS.
  10. New hint art: Wonder if there will be any additional reward for finding all of these... probably not. I've been doing it anyway and grabbing a pic each time:
  11. Had an epic moment on this yesterday which I unfortunately missed the vid capture of, and ended up with a screenshot instead: Wish it was possible to customise the capture button so that a single press does video, rather than a long press. The pic still captures the moment pretty well though I guess. The combination of taking out the entire enemy team while our team simultaneously took the lead was awesome. While I continue to really enjoy the online multiplayer in this, I'm not so keen on the single player aspect. I finished all the stages and final boss ages ago, but never collected all of the scrolls and stuff. Tried to get back into it recently to do that, but just can't seem to stick with it, I always end up playing online. So yeah, not sure now if the Octo Expansion would be a good buy for me really as it's so heavily focused on single player content.
  12. I stuck that game on my watch list back when it came out but have recently noticed that it can no longer be purchased, you also get a 404 error when trying to access the game on Nintendo's webpage. Doesn't seem to be any info out there as to why it has been removed from the eShop though, anyone here know?
  13. Decided to check out the 3DS version again (man, am I rusty! ) also re-downloaded the Japanese demo of this to my Switch. Playing as the incredibly weak prowler on that and then going back to my level 50 beast of a cat on 3DS is quite amusing. Have to say though, it’s got me even more tempted to get this and transfer my save file over. I assume there’s much stronger palico gear available in the Switch game, meaning I could potentially make my cat even more OP than it is currently, and that’s something I’d definitely love to see.
  14. *raises hand* Although this is going to have to mix things up quite a bit in order to get me interested in Pokémon again. I skipped on the most recent games after barely being able to make it through the demo...
  15. Going to be very interesting to see how long that enjoyment lasts for. All I can say is I hope it does and good luck... *Smash TV voice* “You’ll need it!”
  16. Haven't you got like every special edition 3DS in existence though? In which case you could just open up one of those and swap the battery. I think the main thing that messed up the battery on my XL was running it off the mains for very long periods of time, although it's probably had way more than 500 charges too, which is apparently the amount where performance starts to drop.
  17. There was also voice chat on MH Tri, via the infamous Wii Speak mic. I'm now remembering how bad it was on that but also on MH3U, where if anyone happened to have their Gamepad plugged in to charge there would be a really noticeable and annoying buzzing sound the entire time. And didn't you have to manually enable the mic each time you joined a game too? I seem to recall there being many occasions where people wouldn't be responding only to later realise that the mic was still muted. I was very glad to have voice chat back when I started out playing MH, as I learnt a lot about the mechanics and stuff from chatting with other players (especially N-E Hunting legends @Hero-of-Time and @Mokong ). But yeah, once you get into the flow of the game it definitely becomes less necessary, although it's obviously good to at least have the option. Typing on the 3DS versions was always a bit of a nightmare due to the tiny keyboard and the fact you could only write about 4 words at a time. Best thing about text communication in those games is the customised quick chat, and I always got a good laugh out of seeing silly messages pop up when hunting with @Glen-i & Co. Anyway, I watched that Gaijin Hunter vid yesterday and it definitely got me slightly more interested in picking up the game, having said that, there's almost certainly going to be much fresher Switch experiences around by the time this gets released (not to mention Yakuza Kiwami 2 on PS4) so it's still pretty likely that I'll be giving it a miss... at least at launch. Either way, I'm already looking forward to seeing the potential video clips from N-E hunting sessions. That was always the main thing I missed when playing MH on 3DS, not being able to record/save all of the epic and hilarious moments. But with the Switch capture button (it is enabled for this game, right? ) there should be many funny clips being posted in the future.
  18. Would be good if it was a budget release, but with the way things have been going on Switch so far that doesn’t seem too likely. Was the Japanese version cheaper?
  19. I might actually subscribe to Netflix if it was like that. As many times as you want to be wrong?
  20. It feels like it is, yeah. The extra smoothness is certainly very nice, but as you say, for this type of gameplay it doesn’t really make a big difference. Hopefully the price will be the same across all versions at least, as this business of Switch owners having to pay more than every other platform definitely needs to stop.
  21. Hadn’t thought about that actually, although I reckon I’d still rather try to get a brand new battery than risk potentially getting another dud from a busted system.
  22. So it seems like the battery on my 3DS XL has finally had it, the thing won’t stay on for more than a few seconds unless it’s plugged into the mains now. And what with Nintendo looking to continue support of the 3DS for a while yet, I suppose I should look into sorting out a replacement battery for it. So yeah, just wondering if anyone has experience of doing this and could perhaps recommend a good alternative to the standard battery. I’ve read many horror stories about unofficial ones exploding and stuff, so would quite like to avoid that outcome if possible. I suppose the other option is to just system transfer back to my original 3DS, as the battery on that still seems to work fine. But yeah, if anyone could point me in the direction of a decent replacement XL battery, that would be cool.
  23. Anyone else massively disappointed with what Sega did to the...
  24. Had a go on the demo for PixelJunk Monsters 2. Had already tried it on PS4, but was amazed by how close the Switch version is to that in terms of presentation! The resolution seems a bit lower and the frame rate has taken a massive hit, but otherwise it looks the same. Impressive stuff. Beautiful looking game too. Seems like some of the visual techniques from The Tomorrow Children might have been employed here, not to mention the turret design and the way they emerge from the ground. Man, I miss that game.
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