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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. 4 days to go! Everyone's looking forward to Tingle's new game, right?
  2. Cheers for the games everyone. That Splat Zones battle on Sturgeon Shipyard was incredible!
  3. I don’t mind spectating if you wanna do a match with 4.
  4. Hit by a Spiny Shell in 4th place!! That right there pretty much sums up tonight for me. Worst luck I've had in MK8 for a loooooong time.
  5. Sign me up for some post-MKLeague Splatoon.
  6. 5 days to go!
  7. Up for pre-order on the eShop. £49.99?! Oh Capcom...
  8. It's beautiful! Switch version please!
  9. 6 days to go!
  10. Just 1week to go for what could potentially be one of Nintendo's best E3 showings in quite some time. With a focus entirely on Switch for 2018, including of course the much anticipated Super Smash Bros., it should be a spectacular, exciting and hype inducing show!! or... you know, a ginormous disappointment with no F-Zero... again. Anyway, I'm sure you won't want to miss it, not to mention enjoy all the reactions of fellow N-E members once the direct is live. Tuesday 12th June 17:00 (BST) 18:00 (CEST) https://e3.nintendo.com/ https://www.youtube.com/user/Nintendo https://www.twitch.tv/nintendo So yeah, let's get this hype train moving... All aboard! BTW, should any further rumours/leaks materialise before the direct airs, please use the following thread to discuss them:
  11. The eShop has been updated slightly, just minor changes to the layout by the looks of things though. There’s also a new option in account settings, for automatic renewal. No doubt for when the online subscription kicks in. *EDIT* You can now click on the publisher name and be taken to a page with all of their content. I noticed on the page for Flyhigh Works that Fairune Collection is missing, as is Ninja Striker (which I can still only access via my watch list) and that continues to be unavailable for purchase. Fairune Collection actually received an update yesterday (no idea what for) but now it too seems to have been removed from the eShop. Both Fairune Collection and Ninja Stiker are currently available on the US and Japanese eShops though, so whatever is going on with these titles is clearly only in Europe. Weird.
  12. @Ashley @Shorty Is there anyway to create countdowns now, or was the feature scrapped? Was always handy around E3 time.
  13. I don’t think there is unfortunately. I’m also noticing problems with mine, where the input will be constantly drifting to one side, even though the stick is in its neutral position. Pretty annoying.
  14. Classic! You just described many of my weekends back in the day too, ah the memories... Remember when people would gather around the machine to watch fights? I used to draw some pretty big crowds in my arcade. Always made playing that much more exciting due to the added pressure of knowing everyone was watching your game. Man, I really miss the arcade scene, but am also thankful that I got to experience it during the peak. Great times. Awesome write-up, H-o-T. Cheers.
  15. I'm so sorry Pikachu... Please forgive me... Eww. And man, that was so not worth it. Still can't beat the damn stage.
  16. OK, what's with this malarkey where people can Zone shot directly from their serve!? Have seen it multiple times already and it's very annoying. Anyone else encounter this? Anyway, final stats: @Emerald Emblem, ending on 64 matches virtual high five! Despite a few issues I am still very much looking forward to the full game, and of course some N-E match-ups.
  17. Yeah, have been doing that since getting hold of the share stones. Will be interesting to see how long it takes me to beat the game without any purchases, or if I even manage to do it. Did you make any of the legendary Pokémon BTW? Oh- and what about shiny Pokémon, how many of those did you end up with?
  18. Nice. I take it you picked up some of the paid content then? I’m still stuck at area 9. Got a team of 3 psychic types going on, but even so they just can’t beat the latest stage in that set.
  19. Interesting. Wasn’t aware of any Switch games being downsampled from 1080p in handheld mode before, and am pretty surprised that’s what seems to be case with this particular game. I wonder if they will attempt to change it via a patch. Not that I have any intention of revisiting the game on Switch anyway. I also wonder if Mario Tennis Aces is also being downsampled in handheld mode, as I did notice that it looks especially crisp on the Switch’s screen, more so than anything else I’ve played on the system so far at least.
  20. Yeah, having played a bit more I have to say that Chain Chomp is completely and utterly broken. Had pretty much exactly the same experience as you just now, where my opponent (playing as Chain Chomp) was able to return 99% of my shots! I think his character model is simply too big resulting in him having a stupid amount of reach. Another character that could do with a substantial nerf is Spike, who’s return speed is just insane! It’s like every single one is a special shot! Hopefully a big part of this online test will be sorting out the balance of the game, otherwise I fear for the longevity of the online mode going forward. Anyway, here be my records from the demo: Do they get transferred to the retail version?
  21. Nope. I probably would've if it weren't for the pricing BS you mentioned (plus the fact I think it's somewhat overpriced to begin with). As it stands though I'm happy to wait for it to go on sale.
  22. And the shiny Pokémon just keep coming! In addition to my shiny Diglett and Nidoran ♂, today I got a shiny Onix and Rhyhorn! Currently at the boss of area 8. Recommended power is 12,900 though! *EDIT* Area 8 complete! That was another tough battle. Was pretty underpowered, so had to make good tactical use of the scatter button.
  23. IN! How dare you! Who’s the other legend that chose Mario then? At least you all had good taste when it came to vehicle choice, I was worried we’d end up with a bike but not only did we get a kart, it’s also the best kart in the game. Well done everyone. Everyone but Glen-i that is.
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