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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. No. I'm waiting for it to be as I find it very much too expensive compared to other platforms. I'd be fine with £20-£25.
  2. Alright, trying to make a long story short here. My wife and I had a son last year, he was sick when born and had to undergo surgery thrice - the last surgery fixed him by removing most of his colon. Since then, he has naturally had a higher output rate than other babies and will always have to go to the toilet more often than most people but will other than that be fine. Now, the sickness was a genetic disease given by me, and there is a 50 % chance of doing it again. I don't have the disease actively but the genes for it are there. My father and one of my sisters have it, actively. Therefore we will have to go through a process when we want kid number 2 in order to select a cell that with 90 % certainty does not have the gene and put it into my wife to grow a child. Fine. We have three free trials and can afford to pay for 3 more if this is not successful. If those other 3 trials do not result in a baby, my wife wants to have a child with healthy semen, i.e. not from me - of course in a clinic and all that. This is where I'm split. Because I'm not sure that I want more kids if they are not mine and I'm afraid that I will not feel like the father if we get a child that way. I told her the last thing and she told me to see a therapist... She wants more kids, and that's final - but this way, I will not get more kids, if you understand - I will have to take care of another man's kid. So... Question is, am I being weird about it, or is this a general man-thing that I just have to get over?
  3. Despite what everyone say I will take the new job. It's a good choice for my career, they have agreed to match my current salary so won't be going down, and I really like the place. People I've talked to about it that know the place have said that they didn't really work overtime and thus missing out on overtime pay is not much of a deal. Sometimes they even offer it anyway if there is a critical deadline. Also, the place I'm working now is a dead end. I'm the only software engineer left under the age of 40, maybe even 45, and people are leaving. So yeah, will start at the new place September 1st. Now the question is if I quit my job now, before going on 3 months paternity leave or wait till I'm halfway through it. Either way I will have one month after the leave to "clean up" and transfer my knowledge because I don't have the time to do so before my leave, I think.
  4. I didn't.. I mean.. you don't.. but.. Okay, sure.
  5. Yeah, that's a good trailer. Did nothing to dampen my excitement for this movie. Nothing at all.
  6. Saw that this week as well. I also enjoyed it but haven't read the book. I found that some parts where just either too easy fgoing and felt like they skipped something to forward the story faster. Nothing that breaks the movie as it was entertaining on its own. I would give it a small 7/10 because of that. Also, spotting references was half the experience. Really well done.
  7. From the description to the video: So it'll probably be delayed on Switch. Shame.
  8. Almost tempted to try it just for that HD Rumble.
  9. 14 Candy as you also get 2 for transferring it. Finally saw and caught a Sandshrew - now I have 40 Candy for it. That's awesome. Double Candy also helps me get Bellossom and Machamp after so long. Now I need to find some Doduos so I can get a Dodrio and an Aerodactyl, and my Kanto Dex will be complete (bar legendaries). That's awesome.
  10. Etrian Odyssey X announced for Japan on August 2nd.
  11. The pixel art is gone for me now. But I wish we could toggle it on and off from now on. Now that the 3D models are back, though, the icons have become smaller than they were before. I hope they fix that.
  12. Started watching A Series of Unfortunate Events season 2 yesterday. Seems to go even more weird and black but I like it. NPH does a great job, and the story got a bit more interesting all of a sudden. It's a good show and I'm glad that they confirmed a season 3 right away - and that's it apparently. Snicket at least said that we were about one third into the story right at the beginning of season 2.
  13. No, it has to be done while that mission is active. It's step 6 or 7.
  14. Geez, that's evil. I have never evolved a Magikarp and have about 350 Candy for it so I'm not far off, thankfully.
  15. Yeah, I really like this research thing. It's a good idea and it's done well, it seems. I'm in a rural area these days so haven't got the chance to really try doing the missions, though. They may get worse later.
  16. Confirmed for Europe, published by Rising Star Games. Out in the summer.
  17. It's not bad. Not at all. Just not quite as good as where I am now - and that's probably top of the top. I'm unlikely to ever find anything that good. I have the next interview (just a short one according to them to clear out formalities) on April 12th, will have to have an answer at that time. My wife is mostly concerned about the working hours but they guarantee that they work normal hours most of the time and are flexible.
  18. Snake Pass is an interesting game that's for sure. I got bored with it pretty quickly because it isn't relaxing or overly interesting to play. The controls make this game hard to master and may give you a headache because you need to concentrate a lot when trying to do something and I don't like games where the controls are the main difficulty, which is what I felt like when I played it. So no, I wouldn't recommend it but if you are still curious about it, then go for it. It's an interesting game.
  19. I've tried having too little to do. It was terrible. I just sat there, waiting for the time to have passed 7 hours and 24 minutes every day so that I could leave without using up my time bank. It was so demotivating that I started doing much else during work hours and didn't care for my job at all. Of course, it didn't help that I had a son and wife at home that I wanted to go home to but still... On another note. Just finished talking with someone I know who worked at the place I'm perhaps switching to. The decrease in salary is not so much and the company actually divides a part of it's earnings to the employees which is exactly the money I will miss by switching. Also, it is perhaps a stretch to assume that someone will pay me what I'm currently getting when taking up a position where I need some training in order to give something back to the company. Then I will get less vacation days, 5 days less a year. That's a bummer but I can take up to 3 days off without pay if I really need it, and they are flexible enough that I could perhaps say that I won't be coming in for two days and then work overtime for a small period afterwards. Furthermore, I am told from the one who worked there that they are actually very good at not working too much overtime, so no overtime pay is not that much of a problem. It's a nice thing, though, and I think that it is one thing that the employers should really consider because of the signals it sends. I don't want to work extra if I get nothing back from doing so - except that I perhaps get my work done a day or two before. Of course I'm all for working overtime when it's necessary. I just think it's a shame that employees are not directly rewarded for doing so. Last, the increase in commute. I can bike a couple of times a week - that's 15 km each way opposed to the 8 I have now so it'll take a bit longer than now doing so, but I can also just take my car for the days that I really need to make it home faster than biking (if the traffic is not too bad at least). I'm still undecided but this talk made me realise that it's probably not so bad as it may sound on paper.
  20. It would be a nice way to hatch ingame eggs.
  21. I hated Steamworld Dig. Found it incredibly boring to play. Haven't touched Dig 2 for that reason. Heist, on the other hand, is pure fun. It's like Worms, just less crazy overall, which is fine. The gameplay is awesome. Can really recommend that.
  22. That's a really good way to distribute Mew if that's truly the case.
  23. I'm really surprised this wasn't part of the Spring Sale. It totally should have been.
  24. No, there is no physical edition on Switch - unfortunately.
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