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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. If I recall correctly, you are done with the boss fights so going back for the collectibles would make the game better for you, wouldn't it? The extra levels are challenging but fun.
  2. Luke Cage season 2 is coming June 22nd, and a trailer has been released I haven't watched the first season but heard that is was slow. This seems better although I think 13 episodes are too much. 5 or 8oght have been better. Who's the villain?
  3. Oh, from the FAQ on the website: Guess that clarifies the discussion here from earlier.
  4. I had hoped that cloud saving wasn't only for subscribers but oh well. It's cheap so will probably get the subscription just for that. I don't care for the NES-games at all, although online SMB3 could be fun.
  5. Finally found another Ditto today while walking with the baby stroller. So have moved on to the next level and just have to participate in 10 raids. That's bearable though I'd like to join the ones I have a chance winning.
  6. Woah, finally got to meet the boss in Enter the Gungeon. Had a really good run with nice items end some healing. Unfortunately, four hearts and two armors were not enough to match the Dragun but got it down to a little below half life left. Also fixed the elevator to go to the third level. Now I have to give him four pieces of junk? Damn.
  7. That's a good trailer. I enjoyed Ant-Man as a movie but didn't like the hero at all. Will probably watch this on Netflix like I did the first.
  8. Well.. I saw it yesterday and really enjoyed it - mostly the first 1.5 hours or so but the rest was still enjoyable. I have some observations, though. These points are just me nitpicking, I enjoyed it nonetheless. Now I want the second movie to come out asap - one year is a long time to wait for the second half of this movie!
  9. It's a bit weird that this starts this weekend in Europe but apparently starts next weekend in the US.
  10. Pokémon Switch and Smash Bros will definitely see to the first 10 million (if Pokémon is released in time).
  11. 17.79 million Switch consoles have been sold up to April 2018 and 68.97 millions pieces of software. The following games have sold more than 1,000,000 units:
  12. Well, I won't say he'll be missed. He was largely invisible to the public. Any picture of the Furukawa-guy? Also, Shibata steps down as president of Nintendo of Europe. No successor mentioned.
  13. Fixed the elevator as well and can now start at chamber 2. But that doesn't really help as I can usually clear chamber 1 without taking any damage and will thus get an extra heart. Switch says that I've been playing the game for more than 5 hours. Seems to fit the bill quite well. On another note, Light Fall is supposed to drop today but can't find it on nintendo.co.uk. Is the game out in Europe today or is it only in the US?
  14. Haha, yeah. Well. I hope he sleeps a little during the day!
  15. I've been considering SMRPG since it looks awesome. Glad to hear it plays well. May pick it up since I'm going on paternity leave from tomorrow afternoon (3 months) and will probably want to play some games when the kid's asleep.
  16. I finished Fe last week. I didn't really enjoy it as much as I hoped I would. While it was atmospheric and interesting, the gameplay just wasn't really that good. The environments were too uniform and didn't make you want to explore to find secrets and crystals, and the crystals themselves are largely obsolete. The controls were a bit off but it was only a problem when trying to jump from a tree to another tree. The game took me 4.5 hours to complete. All in all I'm glad that I didn't pay full price for it but got it for half the price they're asking. Other than that I'm playing Enter the Gungeon. I suck at it but finally had a good run and got to chamber 4 the other day. I'm starting to enjoy it more as well but I still wish there was an "easy" mode where there were perhaps half or 3/4th the bullets as normal. That would help a lot.
  17. I still need to watch Spider-man Homecoming and Thor Ragnarok as well as Black Panther. The first two I can watch from home but I probably won't be able to watch Black Panther before Avengers. Having a kid puts a serious stop to going to the cinema!
  18. Erm, yeah. Well. I hope that was just a bad trailer (because it was a bad trailer!) and not a reflection of the entire movie. Although I have my fears. Anyways, it's always been a Netflix-movie to me - i.e. one that I'll wait for being available on Netflix before watching.
  19. That is freaking awesome. Loved it. Such a well-crafted trailer!
  20. Sigh. Trying to find a Ditto. Found one the other day in a Ghastly but that was before the mission was active. So that's awesome.
  21. I think this is Nintendo pushing the release to August. May looks to be really busy with releases from both Nintendo and others but July and August are a lot less busy. An August release is my bet.
  22. Agreed, this is not something someone should decide. I was merely interested to know if I was being weird seeing an issue here or not. Regarding adoption. This is both very time consuming, regulated, and it requires so much more than making a child artificially. And furthermore, adoption is basically the same as donor sperm for the father and then I would rather that the child was a least genetically hers. We have never spoken about adoption and mind that this is only worst case - that all 6 trials go wrong. My answer to her the other day regarding donor sperm was something like "I don't like that at all - but can't we at least wait till it may become relevant to discuss it? I may have changed my view at that point in time." She wanted to make the deal right away which I couldn't. She was furious after that. In general, she worries a lot and overthinks a lot of stuff and wants to have a contingency plan right away whereas I in general would like to see how the first plan goes before deciding what to do next.
  23. Thanks for the input. Just for the record, adoption is not really an option. I just added something to my original post - whenever someone said that my son looks like me, I've been proud and happy. It's something that is valuable to me and would be totally lost if we got donor sperm.
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