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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Pocket Dungeon actually looks pretty fun. Going to keep an eye out for that.
  2. Not going to watch it as I don't care for the game. Would rather have had a general Direct - if you are not getting Animal Crossing, there is not really much to look forward to this year. Luckily, I have Witcher 3 to keep myself entertained - and after that The Outer Worlds and whatever should come, so it doesn't bother me that much.
  3. I watched Sonic the Hedgehog last night. It was better than I expected, Jim Carrey and Sonic carried the movie though. As a video game based movie, I think it was quite good - I think they pretty much got Sonic right (yeah, he talked a lot and was like that hyperactive kid but it made sense in the movie given he had been alone for ten years), and there were some references to the games. I would have wanted some more of the music from the games hidden here and there, that would have been awesome. As a movie in itself, it wasn't good. The acting apart from Jim Carrey was rather poor and the plot had giant holes in it. But the humour was good (though it catered to the pre-teens a lot sometimes) and the overall feel of the movie was good enough for me. 6/10 - enjoyable for what it is and it's great to see Sonic "in real life".
  4. Online F2P FPS Warface from Crytek (Crysis-games) has been released without warning on the eShop.
  5. My wife got to pick the movie for yesterday and picked Marriage Story (I voted for Shazaam but lost). She ended up falling asleep after the first hour but I finished it. It was quite spectacular and in particular the fight scene was excellent. I have never seen anything that seemed so real in movies before. It was really good. Generally, the movie itself was fascinating and well-acted and -written. I only have one gripe with it: But an excellent movie all in all.
  6. Teaser for Season 4 is out: I must admit that I didn't recall why this teaser was so surprising until I read about the end of season 3.
  7. Of course 33 % is a fine but not a big discount. However, given that the games* are 2+ years old they should have reached at least 50 % off by now. I'm not saying the games are not good, not that they don't deserve to be sold at a decent price, and that gamers are spoiled by app and free games and thus want games dirt cheap now. I'm just saying that historically, sales on Nintendo's own games are disappointing compared to other publishers' sales. 33 % on Fire Emblem: Three Houses is nice and to be expected. *BotW, Odyssey, Super Mario Party, MK8DX, ...
  8. Yeah, no. Probably up to 33 % off on most titles and then one odd title with 75 % off - as @drahkonsuggested.
  9. Hmm? Many games support one save per user on the console. Hence you have to pick the user when starting the software. I feel that should have been easy enough for them to utilize on AC. What's up with the 6.2 GB for the physical version? Is that the save game that takes up so much space in itself?
  10. Saw on Reddit that it's been more than 156 days which was the previous record between two general Directs. So yeah, it's been a while.
  11. Looks like a decent action-movie. Not quite sure how I feel about all that magic suddenly but fine, it adds some interesting flow to the fighting, I guess.
  12. A demo for this has been released. Go download it now. And then buy the game.
  13. I guess they copy what was done with Mario Kart Tour - subscribers get hell of a lot more items while anyone else will have to buy or play for a long time to get what the subscribers get.
  14. Finished watching the second season of You yesterday. While it was a good show, it suffered from the same problems as season 1 - too slow, too long. It could easily have been cut two-three episodes and have been better off for it. Still, it is a good show. Don't know if I'll watch the third season, though. It has to be really good to capture me again.
  15. It's a spiritual successor to Wonder Boy from the 90s. Mainly The Dragon's Curse. But you don't need to have played that or them in order to enjoy this, it's completely stand alone. And it's a great game.
  16. Confirmed for Europe - game is a download code and it releases on March 20th instead.
  17. I find the battles fun and challenging, and after levelling up a few of my better Pokémon that were at about 1100-ish CP, I have managed to win a few battles. Not 4 in a row, though, which I need to get Scraggy... (fourth win reward) However, the cost of getting a good team is crazy. You need to find the right Pokémon, level them up (Candy + stardust) and then unlock a second charge move (and perhaps TM one of them) which is very expensive for the good Pokémon. That's basically a bit pay to win.
  18. There are news about the multiplayer-aspect in the game as well:
  19. The Battle Leagues have launched for many players now. Just tried it out, it works quite well actually. However, I lost all four battles I tried because I simply don't have any good Pokémon at just below 1500 CP. I wish they would enable downgrading a Pokémon's CP or just truncate it if it were above 1500 CP (and perhaps only 10 % above, ish). As it is now, I'll have to participate in the higher leagues but I couldn't do that when I tried. Edit: I had some lower-valued Pokémon that are much better that I should just level up. However, I also have a few Riolu that would be perfect - except that I have no idea what CP Lucario will end up with - most likely it will surpass 1500 and be unusable. This system needs a large rework!
  20. Hmm... You can't transfer Pokémon from Pokémon Bank to Home if you don't have the Premium subscription. However, Pokémon Bank will be free for a month after launch of Home. That's a really crazy decision. At least let the people with Bank be able to move to Home freely...
  21. Yeah. That's why I'm glad I just got Witcher 3. That's going to fill the void nicely.
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