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Everything posted by MindFreak

  1. Why have such a long break in a live stream? Just put on some trailers or something at least.
  2. A parent to another child in the day care had it (she's a nurse) a little while ago. So that's one I know of. Also, my wife's a medical doctor and another doctor at the place she worked had it and died from it (63 years old, way too early, but he had some old leukemia that rose to the surface again). Then a few other doctors and nurses at the place she worked had it but never got any real symptoms and my wife was never infected. So yeah, not many that I know of. Here in Denmark testing has been quite extensive for the past couple of months and they only found a few cases so it seems to have disappeared more or less as people have had attention to it so that's good. Now it's more likely to win in the national lottery than finding a person with an active CoVid-19 disease.
  3. I've been working from home from March 11th. Tomorrow I'll be back to our headquarters to work from there as I have to meet up with a new colleague to tell him about a subject that I know something about. I'm looking forward to going, it'll be nice to see my colleagues again and have some decent lunch. However, I'm enjoying working from home quite a lot. I have a decent setup and it's very flexible for me to work from home, can usually have dinner ready earlier in the afternoon and stuff.The everyday is so less stressful because of this so will definitely keep working from home some days every week.
  4. I'll probably pick up CrossCode but not right now as I'll l get to review Paper Mario once that's released and don't want to leave CrossCode behind for that.
  5. Probably due to the heavy amount of leaks from the past releases, Nintendo has decided to not hand out pre-release review codes to smaller vendors, even though their track record is great. That means that in the future, we won't see reviews from many sources before the game is out. This really sucks and it kind of kills smaller websites and communities a bit, while also limiting the consumers to get a broad idea of how good a game is before its release. I hope Nintendo turns around on this decision.
  6. There's an English dubbing. If you can live with the lip movement being weird, I think it's alright. We watch it in German as we are used to hearing German (we are taught German in primary school).
  7. Five episodes in and I'm having trouble understanding why they need 21 more episodes to tell this story. But I guess there'll be some twists and turns that make the story deeper. Up until now it's been fun guessing (our guess about the father was correct) and figuring out who's related to whom and how. It's still very exciting to watch.
  8. So this applies to all retailers. NintendoLife got a statement: As I understand it, you can still buy a physical box with a download code in it.
  9. What? Why can't I find any other source of that? So this means that in the future, you can only buy your Nintendo games digitally from Switch eShop? Or does this only concern ShopTo?
  10. Wife wasn't too tired today so got to see the first two episodes - and geez, relax on the thriller music, alright?! Also, do you guys (English-speaking) watch it in English? Was surprised that there was an English dubbing but quickly switched it to German. Other than that, really interesting plot it seems and some interesting characters. Looking forward to seeing the plot unfold.
  11. And done. 8:45 with a 70 % item collection. I missed some squids, about 6 of them, I guess, and then a lot of cards. Not something I feel the need to collect, used the cards very little during my playthrough. Overall, I enjoyed the game but it was a tad on the easy side and combat became a bit of a chore. I think the series needs to add a little more depth to the combat, perhaps some dodging ability would be nice.
  12. Oh, also: Michael Keaton may return as Batman in the upcoming The Flash-movie with Ezra Miller. Now that would be quite something! https://screenrant.com/flash-michael-keaton-same-batman-burton-movie-connection/ I'm guessing this is either as a Batman Returns-like Batman or as an alternate Batman as in some plot featuring the Multiverses and/or Flashpoint.
  13. Kingsman: The King's Man got a new trailer: Really well put together. The movie looks awesome. I only recently saw the first one but haven't seen the second, however, I enjoyed it rather much.
  14. I think I found the source of the pain in my achilles sene - it came from riding my cargo bike too hard as I was always sore in my ankle after riding my son to daycare / picking him up again. So I put more electricity in it and have avoided exercise that hit the ankles too much and that helps a lot. However, my left foot is killing me so I my need to go to someone that can help me here. I have some callus beneath my big toe (yikes, is it truly called that in English as well??) that really hurts - and it forms due to a relatively high arch (it's rather supinated). Don't know if I can fix that.
  15. Most flying types are dual types. So if you are sorting by their first type, you wouldn't get many flying types, I guess?
  16. I have spent about 8 hours on this and I do enjoy it. I don't think it's up there with Pirate's Curse but this is still a solid entry in the Shantae-series and a welcome one at that after the low point that was Half-Genie Hero. I think they did a good job on the transformations and dances this time around, with transformations being allocated to specific buttons instead of dances and dances being more overall changes to the world. This makes the game more fluid, though I don't really like the first dance - at least give us an indication that it can be used. The world is big but not too big and the warp rooms are placed adequately. I just wish I could mark rooms of interest for later. All in all, enjoying the game very much.
  17. Don't know if he's got nerfed later but back when the game was new I did it with King K Rool. But really, anyone with power and weight are probably easier to pull it off with.
  18. My wife is too tired to start Dark. So I haven't seen it either... but we both really want to.
  19. Frank Miller's Cursed is out on Netflix on July 17th. Now I know what to do on my wife's birthday.
  20. Just started this yesterday and played for half an hour or so. Looking forward to getting more into it.
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