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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Are those buttons drawn on? They don’t look like physical buttons at all.
  2. @punio75 where have I seen your avatar before? Is it something off Paper Mario? Been driving me daft haha. Edit: just remembered, it’s a character from Boggly Woods from TTYD. Googled it and he’s called Punio haha Silly me.
  3. Is it possible to get the cafe or nightclub in this game? Seems a bit limited in that department so far. I’m assuming you can still upgrade Nook’s Cranny if you spend enough as well.
  4. Not really a spoiler in that it doesn’t give away a match result, but I’ll tag it anyway so it doesn’t spoil a moment in the Boneyard Match.
  5. Been spending a fair bit of time in the garden, really fortunate to have that luxury. Been listening to Pearl Jam’s new album, playing Animal Crossing, watching Better Call Saul and will soon make a start on the new seasons of Ozark and Westworld. Finally bought a new PS4 controller the other day as mine had a faulty D-pad so I may make a start on God of War soon. I bought it a while ago but soon realised it was unplayable without a working controller. Been chipping away at a few Game Pass games on Xbox, mainly Ori and the Will of the Wisps which is a superb game, but it’s buggy as fuck, unplayable at times. But this has been my week of annual leave so I’d likely be doing these things anyway. I go back to work on Sunday seeing as I’m seen as a key worker. I’m strangely looking forward to a change of scenery, though I’ll be careful to wipe down what I’m about to touch.
  6. My daughter is binge watching Puppy Dog Pals or some shit
  7. Cast Master is pretty easy if you cheat. If you miss one, quickly hit the home button and close the game before it auto saves. I only fucked up once, but did this and it worked for me.
  8. Still not managed to bag a tarantula. However, last night I finally succeeded only to find my pockets full and I was unable to swap anything as I was stood in the middle of the plaza and you can’t dump items there. Fuck my luck
  9. So, the police service, already cut to the bone by a decade of austerity, is now expected to enforce this? I’m guaranteeing that tomorrow night, there’ll be hordes of little shitbags whose parents just don’t give a shit to be flouting these rules en masse.
  10. Whenever I get slightly hopeful, and think that maybe people will pull together to get us out of this mess, I remember that just two years ago, the British public were freaking out over the fact that KFC had run out of chicken. Someone even called 999 over it.
  11. How do I post images from my phone on here? It used to be that you uploaded an image to photobucket or whatever and copied the link with [img ] things. Finding it harder and harder to find the direct link of images to post here, so can you just upload it outright? Only see an option for insert existing attachment. Cheers
  12. I’ve just played the demo too. The worry that Nemesis would ruin this game hasn’t been assuaged at all. I can imagine him just being an annoyance after a while, due to the fact he can jump in front of you and randomly grab you from a distance away. Had the same feeling playing Alien Isolation. Mr X was a fair opponent at least. Having said that, graphics are incredible and the non-Nemesis gameplay is top notch.
  13. Just set mine up. Called my island Pharloom after Silksong. Got the tent for Blathers but I don’t want to set it up so close and I don’t know how to access the rest of the island yet. Can’t seem to find the vaulting pole.
  14. Seeing a load of people on social media acting like self isolation is the fashionable thing to be doing. “Day 1 of isolation...” like they’re fishing for likes and sympathy. Oh do fuck off. This is the thing that’s annoying me about all this. People simply can’t be trusted to make sensible decisions for themselves. The panic buying has proven this. People are morons, they are shutting themselves away just because they have a bit of a cough, some are using it as an excuse to have time off work. These people who don’t really have anything worse than a cold are going to come out in two weeks time and just get infected for real. My daughter has a bit of a cough at the minute, but it’s nothing different than what she gets from time to time. So as a result, she’s not allowed at school as a precaution. I also had quite a bad cough myself last week which has cleared up, again, felt no different than any other time. Government advice is that I should shut myself away, but at the same time, I won’t be able to be tested because they’re only testing people who are seriously unwell or have visited high risk areas, according to the 111 service. Developing a test that can tell if you’ve already had the virus and making it widely available should be the absolute number one priority.
  15. https://www.wwe.com/shows/wrestlemania/article/wrestlemania-36-statement No surprise really. Didn’t cancel a show after a wrestler falls to his death so this should shock no one.
  16. More on Axiom Verge 2 and a release date for Streets of Rage 4 would be nice. Though I’m not sure if SoR is called as an indie.
  17. Saw some of the empty arena segments from Smackdown. Bizarre, just totally bizarre.
  18. But the virus is predicted to reach its peak in June/July. If games can’t be played by then, the season must be declared void and restarted as we were at the start of August. It wouldn’t be fair to award any titles/promotions/relegations as things stand, as the affected clubs could sue the hell out of the league. Teams relegated could have strung together a series of results. And what about teams who had games in hand? Finishing the season based on the position teams are in now is completely unfair. Sad as it may be for teams like Liverpool and Leeds. And no, this has nothing to do with me being a Bolton fan We are staying up!!!
  19. Not holding out much hope from steak and blowjob day tomorrow
  20. Covid 19-18 Liverpool
  21. Hearing rumours that the Cherry Blossom festival will be postponed as well.
  22. My guess is it’ll be some kind of NFC/Amiibo stuff. Little figures you buy and build which unlock something in a yet to be announced Lego Mario game.
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