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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. I’m a driver for Avanti (used to be Virgin) When this first started, I was taking maybe 5-10 people to London on an 11 car train, but these days there are probably 150-200 people on a typical busier service. Obviously there are fewer on some trains, depending on the time of day. There are plenty of measures going on such as much more frequent cleaning but like anywhere public, there will always be some kind of risk, you just have to decide how much the cure is worse than the disease. Which is pretty much my outlook on the whole thing. I live in Bolton so we were one of the towns impacted by the stricter restrictions but I’ve just been mitigating my risk myself. I’ve still had people round, mainly in the garden, when it’s not allowed, I fail to see how it is riskier than going to a pub or restaurant which I haven’t been doing. Only difference I can see is there isn’t a credit card machine in my garden. We’ve got to a point where we’re more afraid of the virus than anything else - our council won’t let the lollipop lady at my daughter’s school come back to work as they haven’t done a risk assessment yet. So they’ve decided that safety of children on the road is less important than a virus that supposedly doesn’t spread as easily outside. It’s madness.
  2. Was going to wait till after Christmas to pick an X up, but I’m thinking that it may be best to wait even longer, probably 2022 or so. Most games coming out will still be playable on my OG Xbox One, it’ll take a while for the One to no longer be supported and I’m not too fussed about the higher graphical fidelity/load times etc, otherwise I’d have bought a One X by now. Was thinking that by then, they may be a bit cheaper, any teething issues will be ironed out and the hard drive may be larger. Plus my Game Pass doesn’t expire till June 2022, thanks to the E3 thing they did last year, so maybe I’ll be able to get a deal with 12 months of Game Pass included as well, who knows?
  3. Instantly turned off by the word Rogue (sexy X-Men member excepted) so I’ll give this one a miss despite the great reviews and the fact that I’ve enjoyed their other titles like Bastion and Transistor I didn’t really like Dead Cells and Binding of Isaac, so I’m not getting burned again.
  4. I loved Sunshine, played it not so long ago on GameCube and it was still as fun to play then. Got all 120 shines too. Really hoping for a patch on the controls as they’re awful on this. I can live without the analogue triggers even though we all know it should’ve supported the Smash Bros GameCube controller. And I can just about get to grips with the lack of inverted aim even though it should’ve been an option. But it’s the face buttons that have me all in a twist. Muscle memory is making me press the A button to switch nozzles as it was on X on the Cube. Doesn’t feel natural at all yet. Controls should’ve been B to jump, Y to dive and A to switch nozzles. Still having a blast with 64 and Galaxy though. But I’ll hold on and hope that they listen to the numerous complaints and do something about it but I won’t hold my breath.
  5. Watched Bill and Ted Face the Music last night. I still stand by my opinion of it didn’t need to be made, but it was surprisingly quite a welcome addition to the series. The addition of Anthony Carrigan to the cast was a stroke of genius. He’s fantastic as NoHo Hank in Barry. 6/10
  6. Wonderful! Thanks so much @martinist...not sure what I’m most happy about, that you’ve found this for me or the fact that I didn’t imagine it
  7. My word, this is a strange request so no need to mention it...Bought Super Smash Bros Ultimate the other day, bear with me I am in the right thread...anyway, the music that’s in it reminded me of a weird video that was probably posted here maybe 10 or 15 years ago. The only thing I remember about it is it’s two guys having a pseudo sexual wrestling match with the Kirby (I think) theme from SSB:M. Don’t remember much about it other than it was piss funny and I’d like to send it to a mate purely for the WTF factor Yes, strange request again, but does anyone else remember this and/or have a link to it? I know I didn’t imagine it, at least I hope not anyway
  8. Thing is, Halo is launching on XBO as well, so there’s really no point in picking up a £400+ console just to have slightly nicer graphics and shorter loading times. I wasn’t going to buy a Series X for another couple of years anyway, didn’t Microsoft say that all new first party releases for at least the next two years would be playable on an OG Xbox One? Seems a mad strategy if you want people to pick up a shiny new box.
  9. Really? I always thought it was a separate entity. Maybe the Prime monicker should’ve tipped me off. Haha. Could’ve signed up ages ago. Oh well.
  10. Anyone with an Amazon Prime account can now claim free Twitch Prime as of yesterday. I still play GTA Online so it’s worth it to get the $1m a month that they give you for playing but there are other freebies on there to claim, including free games. Wasn’t going to sign up for Twitch Prime but now it’s part of Amazon, it’s worth doing. No extra cost too.
  11. Braid: Anniversary Edition coming early next year.
  12. Long rumoured, been waiting years for this. But why electric bikes...?
  13. Bloody hell. Bought The Touryst on sale last week only to find it got released on Game Pass a few days later. Game Pass has to be simultaneously the best and worst thing about gaming
  14. Well, an update on this. I got fed up in the end and bought it digitally a couple of days after I posted this. I eventually got through to Currys on the phone to make sure they cancelled my order. The line was terrible, could barely understand what she was saying. She put me on hold and I got cut off. Piss take. Anyway, had an email from them a couple of days ago (the first one I’d received from them after the order confirmation) to say that my order had been lost in transit and they were sending a new one. The charge never went through on my card so I’ve received a physical copy of this for free. At least I hope so anyway, can’t see them charging my card now. It’s the least I deserve after all this fuck about. Still never ordering from them again.
  15. This made me chuckle.
  16. I feel exactly the same @Ganepark32. Also played it on Game Pass. Finished it today. I had a blast with it overall but I’m glad I didn’t pay £18 for it. The only gripe that I can add to your list is the annoyance of getting somewhere only to find you’re too powerful (an interesting mechanic to be sure) It was annoying to have to backtrack a few screens to dump some of your form in a pool.
  17. You’d have thought they’d have got rid of the pop up on their flagship game. It honestly looked current gen. Yes I know, Halo will be on Xbox One too but it didn’t look anything special.
  18. It does all make sense in the end. Without spoiling anything, it does get rather sci-fi towards the end.
  19. Well, my order for this from Currys has totally disappeared. I had a pending transaction on my online banking for a while which then disappeared. I’ve had no dispatch email from them, nor have they taken my money. I only ordered from them because I got it for £38 but I shan’t be doing it again. I’m not too fussed about getting the game on release date as I likely won’t play it for a few days. But wondering whether I’ll receive Schrodinger’s parcel is kinda annoying. No response from their customer service channels either. So now I’m left wondering, do I order this from elsewhere only to find they take the money out after I do, or do I just wait about?? Tl;dr - don’t order from Currys.
  20. After much cajoling from friends, finally started Peaky Blinders the other day. Just about managed to drag myself to start s2. My god, this is awful. It looks amazing and is pretty well acted, but the writing is utter dog shit and I don’t care about a single character. Don’t think I’ll be watching any more.
  21. Not expecting the brilliance of TTYD and I enjoyed Colour Splash so I’m still looking forward to this. Going in with realistic expectations so I won’t be disappointed I’m sure. The only thing I have reservations about is the wheel combat mechanic. Can imagine it being boring after the first 20 fights but as the difficulty ramps up, I imagine it could get a little frustrating. Going back to TTYD, this is selling for £150+ on eBay. Wow.
  22. Finished this last night. Loved it, but man, do I have a headache this morning. Seemed like the show runners had an idea of where this was going from the start which is always the best way, rather than having a season ordered and then trying to figure out what to do with it. If I mention that there is already a thread for this... ...will that create some kind of loop?
  23. Devolver’s what-would-have-been-E3 presentation begins in half an hour. Hoping to see the Katana Zero DLC and hopefully a release date for Fall Guys.
  24. Totally forgot about Rokhed. He was a big burly bloke with long haired, beard and tattoos then all of a sudden he started posting about his “sissy” side. Didn’t he change his name to sissy Gloria or something like that?
  25. The Naked Gun films pale in comparison to Police Squad. I recommend you try those first as they only made a handful of episodes. And as already mentioned, Flight of the Conchords is sublime. Another vote here for that.
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