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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Been harping on about this game to anyone who will listen. It’s an absolutely fantastic platformer, developed by a team of 2. And now it’s on sale for £1.09, so you have absolutely no excuse. Thank me later.
  2. Already seen this has been mentioned in the Indie World Showcase thread, but it’s a good time to bump this thread.
  3. Is it really as bad as they say on the base consoles? May have to wait for more to be patched before I play it on my OG Xbox One. This did make me giggle though.
  4. Yeah, just found it on YouTube. Mind. Blown.
  5. Can’t see any mention of this game on here but I’m not surprised it has flown under everyone’s radar. I think it’s a reboot of the old games for the ZX Spectrum which I enjoyed growing up Horace is a fantastic platformer with a great gravity based mechanic that should appeal to anyone growing up watching 80s and 90s British TV and a fan of retro games especially, but is a must for any platforming fan’s collection. Think it was only made by a team of 2 and launched on Steam last year I think, but has recently come out for Switch. I bought it at launch but have only recently started playing it. About four hours in so far and I’m having a blast with it. Only £11 as well.
  6. Being one of the Christmas movies that I watch pretty much every year (yeah, I’m aware how crap it is )but how have I only just found out that Jingle All The Way has a post-credits scene?
  7. Not exactly GTA 6 but... Looking forward to this as I do still play GTA Online from time to time. Nice to have a new area to explore.
  8. Got them to work now I think. I’m useless at computer stuff haha
  9. Hopefully these images will work. Redecorated the converted garage we have in our house. Bought a new Samsung 43 inch TV and some Star Wars framed pictures as well from here. Bought a Last Jedi one as well as Ep4-6. https://www.lawandmoore.co.uk/product/star-wars-4-6-movie-posters/ It’s my little room for gaming which I’m really chuffed with. Just need to add some stuff to go in the glass cabinets. Edit. Ah good. Got them to work. Also bought a new recliner which I lost to my daughter within a day
  10. Followed this account on Twitter for the past couple of years. https://twitter.com/giantpoppywatch?s=21 Some absolute belters on here. Poppy pizzas, poppies on trainers, vans, cooling towers, poppy Christmas trees. I saw poppy drinks flasks in Sainsbury’s earlier today In the past 5 years or so, the whole poppy thing has turned from a poignant and dignified symbol of remembrance to a bit of a commercialised farce and hardly anyone challenges it for fear of being labelled disrespectful. I actually think the recent culture of overblowing everything is hugely disrespectful - I saw an advert for a whiskey with “undertones of smoke and earthiness as a nod to the battlefields” Disgusting. Having Cookie Monster wear a poppy on live TV, politicians wearing laughably sized ones on their lapel, people being triggered by the fact someone isn’t wearing a poppy. It’s become a bit of a contest over who can remember the hardest and I’m quite sick of it to be honest.
  11. Ghostbusters Remastered is currently £7.49 on eShop. Normally £30.
  12. Bah. Maybe I’ll buy the headset and buy an expensive-ish laptop in a few months if VR grips me enough
  13. I don’t have a PC though, should have mentioned that haha. Only a Mac. Was thinking of getting a cheap-ish laptop for gaming but not sure I can justify buying one.
  14. Shame that you can’t play Half Life Alyx on the Quest 2, otherwise I’d be sold. Maybe I’ll wait for the next one?
  15. Has anyone played this in two player mode? No idea how to get both geese into the pub.
  16. The 2200 closing of pubs is insane. All it does is move a lot of people out on to the streets/public transport/off licences at the same time. If they insist on keeping them open (probably to appease leading virologist, Tim Martin) then really they should be allowed to open 24 hours. At least then you’re staggering the times that people spill out onto the streets.
  17. This comic from Viz a couple of months ago had me howling with laughter. Can’t find it in its entirety but the general gist is that Dominic Cummings is operating this mechanical arse that shits on people from a great height from Barnard Castle, and Boris solves the mystery by hastily drawing the word “Opti-shun” on the castle door and deducing that Cummings was merely providing brown coloured eye drops to the public, declaring him a public hero.
  18. Any adherence to lockdown rules ended when they failed to sack Cummings.
  19. Cheers for the tips guys, I’ll try them out next time I play. All this so I can beat a 5 year old. Hope you’re happy with yourselves
  20. You’ve pretty much described my main problems right there Sometimes I go flying off the stage, I know you can do two jumps and an upwards attack to get back on, but it’s sometimes like I’ve already done one or both of the jumps, probably accidentally as I can’t seem to jump any more. It also doesn’t feel natural to jump with the Y button, like that should be an attack button. I’m assuming the controls can be remapped, just not sure what would work best.
  21. I played a bit of Melee a while ago. Spent a while learning all the moves and stuff then got my arse handed to me by someone who just button mashed so I decided this was not a game for me. Always find I’m wrestling with the controls, like I can never do the thing I want to do consistently. Then I find myself just falling off the edge as I struggle to keep up with what’s going on. Oh I am proud. But also disgusted with myself
  22. This is quite embarrassing to admit, but my 5 year old daughter (soon to be 6 if that makes it any better) regularly kicks my arse on this game. I just have no idea what is going on haha. I need some tuition like in that early episode of The Simpsons where Bart beats Homer at the boxing game
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