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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. I booked my booster for next week. But then I caught Covid Went to a gig on Tuesday, so it’s likely I got it from there but my mate, who was standing next to me the whole time, is fine. Symptoms have been fairly mild - felt like I’d been run over though yesterday. It’s given me a cold and a chesty cough. Taste and smell have been fine. My PCR test didn’t tell me what variant I have, but if this is Omicron, it’s really not been that bad for me. I just seem to want to sleep all the time.
  2. Aaaand done…maybe one or two tweaks needed, perhaps some shading at the very top, but I’ll sort those next time I’m in with him. Really pleased with how it came out as I wasn’t sure exactly how it was all going to come together. I don’t even want to think about how many hours it took 😣😆
  3. Resident Evil 4 is amazing in VR. It’s like playing it for the first time again. There are the odd annoyances - the boss battle on the Lake for one, but it’s absolutely superb.
  4. Thank you. He’s really talented with a crazy long waiting list. I’ve actually booked myself in for my other arm but that won’t be till mid 2023!
  5. Getting there now. Hopefully just one or two more sessions now. Getting a bit fed up of nappy rash cream and inky bedsheets 😣😂
  6. Managed to get my hands on all the upgrades so I’m at 100% now. Some of the Shinespark ones were ridiculous, especially this one… Another one gave me a lot of trouble as well, but I forgot to record it. It involved doing lots of wall jumps while in boost mode. Major elation when I finally got it Had a go on the final boss and still got my arse handed to me. Will try again later when I’ve got more time.
  7. I spent the evening chatting to this woman and a child that I live with. They seem nice.
  8. I can’t be the only one to have seen Squid Game can I? Thought it was decent, but the interesting premise fell apart during the last few episodes and it was like I’d seen it all before. Acting was superb apart from the
  9. So…this is all going terribly well, isn’t it? Massive HGV driver shortage caused by Brexit, admittedly exacerbated by Covid, and yet the media still don’t admit what is to blame and hold this god awful government to account. And now we are issuing “temporary visas” to fix the problem that we created for ourselves in the first place, which will not work as, if you were an EU driver, would you want to come to a place where you are not welcome, and face crap conditions and red tape for your efforts? And Tory MPs are claiming that we are now able to issue as many visas as we like as we have “taken back control” What utter bollocks. What EU law states that a country could not issue as many visas as it needs? Brexit was never about taking back control - it was always about avoiding impending EU legislation regarding tax so that the billionaires could hide their schemes away from the scrutiny of the EU, Rees Mogg is a prime example. We have been well and truly fucked over by the idiocy of the British public and it will only get worse. And the amazing thing is, the Tories are still well ahead in the opinion polls. It beggars belief.
  10. The amiibo set is £26.99 isn’t it? I can only assume that the prices have been mixed up. I have a pending transaction for £26.99 on my bank so we’ll just see what happens. My gut is they’ll cancel it and send me a refund.
  11. Yeah, I managed to snag a copy at £27 too so we’ll just see if they honour it. Somehow don’t think they will though.
  12. Slightly off topic but I stopped playing Horizon because of this. Am currently umming and ahhing over whether to buy Ghost of Tsushima as I hear that has the same style of icon following.
  13. Not quite getting the massive hype for this. Sure, the first one was a solid game, the traversal was absolutely sublime and the main missions were decent for the most part. However, the stealth based combat was really basic compared to the Arkham games, it just seemed really easy to pick off the enemies as they were incapable of looking slightly upwards (yes, I know Batman had it too but at least the enemies got more sophisticated in the way they tracked you down) Miles Morales was even even worse as you could turn invisible. But my main problem with the game was the open world setting. It was boring as hell and other than tracking down icons on a map (which is such a dated way to build an open world game) there wasn’t a great deal to entice you to explore but I guess that’s the fault of the city of New York itself, it’s just a bunch of tall buildings with a park in the middle…but where else can you set a Spider-Man game? 🤷🏽‍♂️ Yes, I’ll probably get a lot of heat for saying that. I’m not saying it was bad, it was a solid game - 7/10 for me but I just hope they can do more with the map and stealth combat this time.
  14. Did you purposely wait till a Friday to post that or is it just a happy coincidence? 🙃
  15. A Matter of Life and Death is wonderful. Some superb songs on there - I’d say the last four songs on that album are up there with anything they’ve ever done. Book of Souls would be better if it were just the first half (up to and including the title track) plus Empire of the Clouds at the end. The other songs like Death or Glory and Man of Sorrow are pretty much filler. I remember getting Seventh Son on vinyl when it came out. I was about 10 and listened to it pretty much every day so that’s probably my favourite Maiden album of all time. Closely followed by Powerslave and Piece of Mind. Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a masterpiece.
  16. Managed to get a few listens in to the album yesterday. Great stuff but lacking an absolute epic in the vein of When the Wild Wind Blows or Benjamin Breeg. Yes, there are some long songs on there, but nothing on that level. Though maybe it just needs a few more listens. Really enjoyed Death of the Celts even though it’s pretty much The Clansman II. Not keen on The Time Machine or Lost in a Lost World though. Of the six post reunion albums, I’d probably rank this 4th. AMOLAD top, then FF, BNW, Senjutsu, Book of Souls, Dance of Death.
  17. Lifeblood Heart on my elbow today. Doesn’t feel great there that’s for sure Coming together now, got some larger images going on my upper arm in the coming months. One of Grimm, the other of Absolute Radiance and the Hollow Knight.
  18. My daughter’s class had a Covid case last week so they’re now isolating. So they won’t be going back to school until the new term in September. Yet, had it happened on Monday instead, they wouldn’t have had to isolate
  19. Bought an iPad about a year ago and it came with a year free subscription of Apple TV. Realised the other day my trial was coming to an end and I’d watched absolutely nothing on it so decided to cancel. Before I did though, I made sure to blitz through the Long Way Up documentary with Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman. I was a big fan of Long Way Round and Long Way Down that they did in the mid 00s so this was always going to be good. Really enjoyed it, though considering what happened with the pandemic a few months after their trip concluded, I doubt we’ll see any more from them. I didn’t realise that the little girl they met in Mongolia in the first series would end up getting adopted by McGregor. Really touching moment when he was talking about the first trip and how it was so hard, they considered skipping Mongolia and going through Russia instead. If they’d done that, he would have never met her.
  20. Wonder how long this game will be? Seeing as most 2D Metroids can be finished to 100% in 10-15 hours and even less if you’re any good. Do you think this will be the same or do you reckon it’ll provide more of an expansive 25-30 hour adventure. Hoping for the latter, but expecting the former.
  21. Pic doesn’t work for me
  22. Bit more done today. Mantis Lords finished and made a start on the top of my forearm. I was unsure about having so much pink on Hornet, but I think once it’s blended in to the rest, it’ll be fine, just wanted the off splash of brighter colours here and there. And I’ve picked out a background for it which should fit nicely.
  23. Totally agree, but that’s exactly it. Labour under Corbyn were unelectable because that’s how they were portrayed. He loved terrorists and didn’t wear a tie on Remembrance Sunday. The one who brushes his hair with a balloon actually placed the wreath upside down and the media later showed footage of him from the previous year to hide the fact that he fucked up. Diane Abbott couldn’t count and the gammons lapped it up. Same with Brexit, because foreigners innit? The media moguls were terrified of Corbyn getting in as he would’ve clamped down on the amount of tax avoidance they get away with. It’s sad that the media can pretty much choose who will be in charge. Everyone says imagine if Corbyn was in charge during this, but I really wish he was. Not that he would have necessarily done any better, but at least he would’ve been held to account for any missteps. Matt Hancock could take a massive shit on a dying Covid patient’s chest and still get away with it because...look over there...a boat of brown immigrants.
  24. The only thing this government have done well during this pandemic is the vaccine rollout. Dithering over locking down initially, the PPE shambles along with the care home fiasco, plus many other failures. And now any gains that they have made with the vaccines have been squandered by the delay in putting India on the red list, most likely to try to secure a trade deal with them due to the other shambles that is Brexit, which is something that the media don’t even bother to touch upon. Was fun to see Gove squirm this morning when quizzed about the delay in putting India on the red list, even though other countries on the list had a lower infection rate at the time. And he still believes that they made the right decision through his deluded, bare faced lies. Though what do you expect from the same fish lipped bellend who somehow managed to swerve the isolation rules when he was pinged by the Covid-19 app? He was allowed to take part in a trial to take a test every day instead of isolating, even though that trial was only available to people who had been contacted by Track and Trace, not the app. And the really disheartening thing is that if there were a general election tomorrow, these charlatans would still get in by a landslide as there are no credible alternatives.
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