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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Just to remind those who watch it, s4 of The Expanse is now streaming on Amazon. I’m currently halfway through it, should have it finished by tomorrow.
  2. I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the impact that Farage has had in this. He garnered loads of support with the Brexit Party and later decided not to run in Tory target or marginal seats so as to not split the vote, leaving all the gammons out there no choice but to vote Conservative. The man is totally repugnant and to cap it all off, I was watching him give an interview yesterday where he said something along the lines of “Boris’ deal is horrible, but at least we’ll be getting our Brexit” What sort of sociopathic attitude is that?
  3. I voted Tory this morning. On my way out, I also took a massive shit on a child’s school desk.
  4. Sports Story!! Obviously excited for SoR4 and Gleamlight looked interesting despite it seemingly being a Hollow Knight clone.
  5. Just watched the infamous s2e5 of Barry. Utterly absurd, and yet one of the finest episodes of TV I’ve ever seen.
  6. I know what you mean. A simple addition like the fire and ice medallions from the first game would have gone a long way halfway through the game.
  7. Got to say I’m really not enjoying this game as much I’d hoped. I know it’s a remake and all, but some of the puzzles are pretty poor, the swap quest especially, and considering it’s an integral part of progressing in the game, it’s pretty poor. I’ve spent most of my time just aimlessly wandering around with an item, with no clue as to where to take it. And if I’ve missed, or forgotten about a certain character that needs it, I’m doomed to just meander about, which was fine 25 years ago, but game design has progressed so much since then. Yes, I did have this game back in the day, but I’ve forgotten pretty much everything about it. What really tore it though was I’ve just spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to beat a mini-boss (the Stalfos in Catfish Maw) only to find that I need bombs which the room I’m in has no way to acquire and I’ve run out. So now I have to reset the game in order to yet again, aimlessly wander around to try and farm. It’s stuff like this that should’ve been addressed in a full remake. Nostalgia is not good enough in this case.
  8. Wow. I just wasn’t ready for the last few episodes of Halt and Catch Fire. Brilliant TV.
  9. Has anyone bought The Touryst? Getting decent reviews. I’m still on the fence over it, mainly cos I’ve got so much else to play but I’d be happy to hear people’s impressions.
  10. I had a Labour canvasser round too, again told him to save his breath as they had my vote. Why anyone would vote Conservative, god only knows. Boris’ tax cuts for people earning up to 80k would actually benefit me but I honestly don’t want it. Disgusting how billionaire media moguls and are pathetically slurring Corbyn, editing images to make it look like he was dancing up to the Cenotaph, using footage from 3 years ago to cover up how Boris fucked up his laying of the wreath and such, and yet, idiots buy these lies and are obsessed about how Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser when these claims can be discredited over and over again. Ask yourself, why are the media so scared of this man that they print out and out lies? Who are the people who own the media? Why are the super rich so obsessed with leaving the EU? Could it be to do with the fact that the EU are about to make it harder to hide money off shore and avoid paying as much tax? Voting Tory is like turkeys voting for Christmas. It’s madness.
  11. Has anybody watched the final season of The Man in the High Castle yet? Rufus Sewell is once again mesmerising as John Smith, and his arc is absolutely fascinating from start to finish. However a lot of the new characters introduced fall pretty flat. Coupled with the fact that they had to write out a main character in the opening scene, presumably because they could not get the actor to reprise his role means that this is not a strong a finish as it should have been. Still comes recommended though.
  12. No idea what it’s about, maybe a BotW style adventure? Looks pretty.
  13. I’ve also made a start on Halt and Catch Fire, I think I remember it being mentioned here once or twice. Struck me as being a Mad Men clone at first, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing as it’s well acted and the characters are great. But now I’m most of the way through s2, it’s sort of doing more of its own thing - the glimpse it gives of early online tech innovation is fascinating, but I still can’t shake the thought that the writers who came up with Joe had just finished a Don Draper marathon.
  14. Latest episode of Mr Robot was masterfully done. Tense, thrilling and with
  15. That just does the dark light for me. Tried tapping it and holding it down.
  16. Is there any way to call for “MAAARIOOO?” like you could in the other games though?
  17. The one thing I found annoying about this game was that it’s hard to aim your dark light with X but then I sussed out that if you hold down both L and R, you can aim freely with it. Don’t remember seeing that in the tutorial. Also, L aims the plunger and R does the light. Much easier this way!
  18. Wait...you can’t invert the Y-axis in this??
  19. Has anybody played Feudal Alloy? It’s on sale for 8 quid at the moment though there aren’t many reviews for it, the ones I’ve read said it’s ok but has small issues with map navigation and level variety...something that a Metroidvania needs to get right. But other than that, it’s a pretty solid little game considering it was made by a 2 person dev team. May take the plunge, something else to add to the backlog
  20. Fantastic opening montage in Mr Robot s4e2. And quite the twist at the end as well. Been reading that Sam Esmail has had this planned since the beginning. Just hope it plays out well.
  21. Saw this last night. Wasn’t bad, still had the style of Breaking Bad in the way it was shot and acted, but I felt a lot of the drama and tension were absent. I enjoyed the plot in general, but wasn’t keen on the climatic scene. It just felt a bit out of character. I would’ve been fine had this never been made, certainly not as enjoyable as the magnificent Better Call Saul, but a pretty good movie none the less.
  22. Watched Deadwood about ten years ago. Such a shame it got cancelled after three series. I’ve been holding off watching the long overdue movie which was released a couple of months ago as I’d mostly forgotten what had happened on the tv show, so I’ve been giving it a rewatch. Still one of the finest pieces of television ever made, and it’s even better the second time through. The characters, writing, setting, costumes are all done so well, and I’ve forgotten how funny it can be. The dialogue and extensive vocabularies of the characters is superb, I wish that people still talked that way.
  23. Wow. What an opener for Mr Robot s4. Tense, brilliantly written TV.
  24. Jesus. The boss at the end of Act II was ridiculous. A total bullet sponge who can kill you with one hit. Coupled with the fact that you can’t see anything at times with Kait’s visions. Truly terrible game design. Was enjoying the game till that point as well.
  25. SNES Pass sold out. Website never worked for me. Joke.
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