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Everything posted by Dog-amoto

  1. Downloaded this on Game Pass. It’s really good, doesn’t hold your hand at all and has a great sense of discovery. Can get a bit frustrating at times though, as it’s not clear which bits of lore you’ve already translated, and a some of the places you explore need to be done so precisely that one slight mid step can mean your run is totally ruined and you need to repeat everything. One example is crossing some wooden bridges that collapse, if you miss a jump or a boost, you’re sent tumbling into a black hole and spawn on the other side of the solar system. Granted, there’s a way to warp back on a nearby space station, but it’s time consuming and since most objectives are time sensitive, it’s probably better to restart.
  2. So the Tech Test is this weekend. I’m not bad at Gears online but I was really struggling to get kills in this. It doesn’t help that I didn’t spawn with a shotgun either. I really hope that’s not going to be the case in the full game. I think your loadout is different depending on what character you pick, but that’s really poor in my opinion.
  3. II picked up South Park Fractured But Whole with all the DLC for £20. I’ve got it on Xbox but strangely not played it much even though I loved Stick of Truth. It’ll be one to play when I’m at work.
  4. Yeah I’ve not really been following it either, but am I right in the fact that there is no rumble at all in this? That’ll make finding certain moons in Mario Odyssey pretty difficult. Also, my memory is pretty fuzzy but aren’t there certain shrines in BotW that require you to turn the controller all the way around for those motion puzzles? Not to mention you can’t really play Mario Party due to lack of a tabletop mode. Seems a bit too stripped down for me. If they included an option to dock it with a TV and use a pro controller, then it may be worth it but it’s a no buy from me.
  5. I think that
  6. Yeah I feel pretty much the same way. June is getting away with so much now it borders on the totally ridiculous.
  7. Dark Season 1 was incredible. I may need a bit of a recap before I make a start on the new one though.
  8. Just a reminder (though doubt anyone needs it) s3 is out now. Watched the first episode, can’t wait to watch more
  9. Nobody else still reading this? @londragon how about you?
  10. I got it on Game Pass for Xbox. Good game, but not really worth that price, happy that I didn’t buy it. And the gameplay segments could be a bit hit and miss.
  11. Update from Team Cherry. Yay! http://teamcherry.com.au/e3wrap/ No release date yet though. Boo!
  12. Toy Story 4 was enjoyable. Still thought it was a bit of an unnecessary sequel as Toy Story 3 ended perfectly, but happy to say that my initial reservations were way off the mark and it gets a glowing recommendation. Both me and my 4 year old were in hysterics at some of the jokes. I also read something on Twitter that said the doll, Gabby Gabby had more character development in two hours than the entire cast did in s8 of Game of Thrones
  13. I swapped the slo-mo, dodge and kick buttons so this game now flows a bit better for me. Found it a bit tricky to activate slo-mo and dodge at the same time, kept deactivating focus accidentally and then getting shot to shit as a result.
  14. Just a reminder that this is out today. No reviews yet but positive impressions on Twitter.
  15. Just a heads up for anyone interested. I had about 10 months left on my Xbox Gold, I bought two 12 month prepaid codes online and redeemed them on the store, adding an extra month for each by turning on auto renew. So now my subscription ends in June 2022. I’ve also taken advantage of the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate deal for £1. What I’ve only just found out is when you subscribe, it converts any remaining Xbox Gold months into Game Pass Ultimate months. So I’ve paid £1 for three years of Game Pass. Plus the £100 quid for two years Xbox Gold of course which I would’ve paid for year on year anyway, I’ve just paid it up front. So stuff like Gears 5, I won’t have to buy, saving me even more. It’s really an incredible deal. I won’t pay anything at all now until June 2022.
  16. Bumped so thread title can be edited. Just watching the Treehouse now, has it been confirmed that the island is the only location or is there a proper town too?
  17. Oh...and no SNES games announcement as well
  18. Developed by Bandai Namco
  19. Most of the stuff shown in this is stuff I’ve got no interest in, all that crazy, Japanese RPG or fighting stuff does nothing for me at all. Same for Smash and Pokemon As for the rest, Luigi’s Mansion looks incredible, Animal Crossing looked ok but didn’t blow me away and the sequel to BotW was a nice announcement, however it looks like it’s just going to reuse the same map so I was honestly expecting it to be an expansion rather than a full blown sequel. If it doesn’t have a new world to explore, it’ll lose that sense of discovery. Not a great Direct for me personally, but I don’t think they aim them at people like me.
  20. Read that there’s 15% off if you preorder. Still may wait for the reviews even though this game looks absolutely fantastic.
  21. As much as I’m looking forward to Animal Crossing, I really hope they only dedicate a few minutes to it and they show a dedicated Direct a month or so before release. I honestly can’t see them NOT having an AC Direct in the future so hopefully they’ll save most of the info till then.
  22. Never used the watch list before, but if I put a game on there and it later goes on sale, will I receive some kind of notification?
  23. Finished Katana Zero earlier. Honestly didn’t think I had it in me. Especially that last boss. That was a bit tricky. “To be continued” eh? Hoping for a sequel or DLC soon. Does anybody know what that area is after you beat the game? There’s just a locked door and pressing the button doesn’t do anything.
  24. Wow. You weren’t kidding. Absolutely superb.
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