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Showing most liked content on 08/11/18 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I think it's a good idea and I'm up for it when I can as well. Sounds like a good excuse/motivation to play some retro games that I may not have played yet.
  2. 4 points
    I know you lot are having many meaningful discussions. But I'm just letting you know I'd be up for any games I have access to. Sounds fun.
  3. 4 points
    Fortunately, I already have a template for Wii reviews: I waggled the controller. I didn't like it.
  4. 4 points
    Ok @S.C.G is imposing his ethical will so he is out!
  5. 4 points
    It's been less than 24 hours since finding about that shop and this has already happened. I honestly could have spent a fortune in there but had to show some restraint.
  6. 3 points
    Have you completed the game yet @Hero-of-Time? Seems like it would only take you around this long to 100% it. Edit: lol, damn it!
  7. 3 points
    Having a gaming bookclub is a good idea, especially for SNES and Mega Drive games. If we are to do this though, may I suggest that we start off with games which are on the SNES Mini for Super Nintendo titles and on the MegaDrive Classics for MD games? While I realise that most people may well have "access" to lots of these titles, not everyone will want to play the games unless they are either on original hardware or an official compilation. I don't wish to start anything over the ethics etc, I'm just trying to help get this thing off the ground as I think it's a good idea. So naturally, I think starting with titles which have had a recent re-release on an easily obtainable officially licensed device or compilation might be a good way to go.
  8. 3 points
    Yeah, that will always be a problem with you. How about you start playing the game in question two days before the month is over. Then we'll all be finished at the same time.
  9. 3 points
    I meant to reply to this but have had a few off days and it slipped my mind. It's not really IGN that have other issues with plagiarism per se, I think it's the wider industry as I've noticed a few people have, in light of these events, vocalised that they themselves have been plagiarized (some of it was in the replies to the initial tweet from IGN after this came about, some have appeared in comments sections around the web and Jim Sterling of the Jimquisition said as much in his recent video on the subject) but no names of outlets and what not have been given, though I think they should have named not to shame but to make a point that if plagiarism is happening then that it should be taken seriously and acted on. I think that's the big thing that's come out of it, that IGN have acted on and investigated the claims and taken a stance that it's not on. The whole incident may have soured relations with those who read or watch their gaming media (hell, you only really need to read comments on any of their stuff or around the net at the moment to see the effect of it, as hilariously over the top as most of the comments are) but I think what IGN have done is commendable and re-reviewing the game just reinforces that they do take their work seriously. That's not to say that Filip didn't, but his procedure for going about writing his review in this instance wasn't right. It's a difficult thing to police going forward for IGN or any site but I don't doubt this has had ramifications beyond simply IGN where some sites are looking at reinforcing their reviewing protocols to ensure this doesn't happen. Filip's statement didn't exactly instill a sense of genuine sincerity in me when reading it (I read it as opposed to watched it simply because of how slow my internet is at loading up videos on YouTube at the moment, not because I don't have to give him the clicks, though I do find it ridiculous he's monetized the video he's put out, I don't quite think that's right but that's YouTube and being a YouTuber for you). He's taken responsibility for the review but not admitted to the plagiarism, though he does in a roundabout way, but it doesn't come off as overly sorry. Rather, he paints it as an almost industry wide practice but as I said in my earlier post, you may look at what others say about a game when writing a review but that should never become the basis for your own take on a game. I don't doubt other reviewers round the net have done similar things, though obviously not as brazen, but I think he should have at least owned up properly on that front. And attacking someone else for pointing out that it isn't the first instance, I understand that it feels like a kick when you're down so you'll fiercely rebuff it but you have to own up when you've made the mistake so do it (and I day that as someone who's not a massive fan of Schreier and his particular review style). It's disgusting that his family has been targeted, that's crossing a line, but again, as I said earlier, the industry is a strange beast these days. There's a huge amount of animosity towards anything that goes against the norm or towards the slightest mistake and I find it disheartening especially when I've been playing games for over 20 years and been a reviewer as well. I was speaking to the missus about it and we both agree that it's ridiculous the state people get into for what is a hobby for most. The internet age has given people a perceived soapbox to vocalise opinions from without repercussion and I think it's wrong but it's unlikely to change any time soon. For all parties, I think they'd like to draw a line under this now but I do hope there are wider discussions happening about review procedures and ethics. Hearing that written reviews are no longer in vogue and that people prefer to simply tweet out thoughts is hugely disheartening and speaks to a different kind of journalism that falls into the soapbox mentality. There'll always be a place for the tried and tested and it's something I love sitting down and reading, even if I don't end up agreeing with the review in the end (more because I know what I like to play these days) but there needs to be some tightening up of how reviews are handled to ensure there is some integrity left.
  10. 3 points
    You just know this thread is gonna end up costing me a load of money when it inevitably leads me back to eBay.
  11. 3 points
    He managed to say this in an explanation video....which he monetized.
  12. 3 points
    How long until someone tracks down the video he copied to make this explanation video? Calling out Kotaku and Jason Schrier was pathetic. This entire thing is his own fault and he is just upset he got caught.
  13. 2 points
    Thought the same when I heard the overworld music today. But it's still nothing compared to:
  14. 2 points
    I love the DS version. The QoL stuff, like the map on the bottom screen and access to your equipment and inventory also on the bottom screen, is much appreciated. Although it does no favours to my gaming OCD as I now feel the need to completely fill in the map before moving on .
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    Time to dig in to the old gaming archives. I forgot how good the opening overworld music is. It reminds me of a tune from the original Final Fantasy.
  17. 2 points
    Agree with @Ganepark32, @Hero-of-Time, @Goron_3, @Fierce_LiNk, and @Sheikah here with regards to how Filip was stupid to do this in the first place (and evidently not for the first time), and that he should be named and shamed accordingly. Beyond that, I of course agree with @Ronnie that going after the man’s family and kicking him down, and especially threatening physical harm and imposing emotional abuse, is wrong — I think we can all agree on that. Also, the guy really doesn’t know how to apologise: a simple “this is my fault, I plagiarised this review”, etc., would have been more than enough. A few minutes of waffle and deflecting not only fails to convey a message well, if he’s trying to get us back on his side...he’s failing. Epically. For me, his “apology” here shares some similar shades with [EA CEO] Andrew Wilson’s “apology” at E3 about microtransactions in Battlefront II: minutes of build-up (Wilson was effectively saying: we’re going to change, but not confessing to wrongdoing, etc.) before a huge deflection (“...but we can all come together and help charity!”) and ultimately not truthfully apologising and accepting wrongdoing. I think Filip saying that “hey, you shouldn’t believe that Jason guy, because he’s wrong — but check out my video and make up your own mind on the matter!” is disgusting, and he’s trying to take advantage of the situation as much as anyone else. @Ronnie, I don’t think that Jason Schreier is going after Filip more than his job allows him to do so. Being a video games journalist for another large gaming journalism outlet, I genuinely think that informing us all — people that watch/read these reviews, the general public, and most importantly, Filip’s next employers — of any prior wrongdoing by Filip, which shares similarities with his most recent, is his fiduciary duty. If facts about Filip doing something, which we can all agree is wrong, fuels the mob, then I think he’s just got to ride it out — the blame is on him and his past self. Jason went as far back as he could to see if something like this had happened before, and, rather unsurprisingly, it’s not the first time that Filip has done this. Would we rather learn this from a neutral video games journalist shortly after the time of Filip’s most recent mess-up, or from some random guy on 4Chan or ResetEra in the coming weeks or months? But to come back around to the threatening behaviour by many on the Internet: whilst it is agreeably out of place and unacceptable, surely, if you’re putting both your name and face out there — in this day and age, when the mob mentality runs amok every single time that something can be pinned on a particular someone! — you would be aware, to some degree, that any poor choices you make when carrying out your work could come back to effect not only you, but those around you? Just a thought; I’m not at all saying that this behaviour is justifiable, but at the same time, I don’t think that we can let him pull a victim card when this is very clearly what would happen if he got caught, just given the extreme opinions and the do-or-die, short term benefit attitude adopted by many these days.
  18. 2 points
    I say we start with the Wii purely because Happenstance loves it so much.
  19. 2 points
    A few points here: The video being 'emotional' doesn't detract from the content of the video The video is 100% classic deflection. He never admits to copying the content of the OG review; instead he claims it was 'unintentional'. If he just admitted 'Hey, I really fucked up. I stole and plagiarised. I shouldn't have done this. I'll learn from it and won't do it again', the reaction would be different. It's obvious that he's only annoyed he got caught. "I know gamers/the internet/society in general loves to overreact about everything, but come on." I'm not over reacting. Perhaps you're equating me to some other random posters you've seen online but I have nothing to do with them. I'm not part of the lynch mob mentality that you're describing, I'm just my view on this forum. Honestly, his whole 'apology' is just classic deflection and it's laughable that in this day and age people could fall for it. There's no real apology or acknowledgement of his actions in there; it's just him rambling on, jumping from point A to point Z instead of just saying 'I stole his review'. Do he and his family deserve personal attacks and threats? No, but keep in mind that comes from 1% of the entire community. Equating the actions of a few to represent tens of millions is pointless and unfortunately creates even more of this 'us' and 'them' attitude with continues to divide modern society. Edit. Just seen the reaction from the guy who he stole his FIFA 18 review from. Says it all really.
  20. 2 points
    I'm going to get a thread up and running as soon as I've had launch. This will probably be a thread to collect ideas on how to figure out which games to play and then how to proceed. I reckon once we've decided on a game it's best to create a thread for that and let the discussion commence.
  21. 2 points
    We should try and give it a go then (when I say we, I mean all of you as I'll be banned). Figure out who is interested and the best way to sort out which games to play. For the SNES and Mega Drive I expect most people have "access" to everything these days.
  22. 2 points
    Love that idea. I think darksnowman tried something like that ages ago when Pokemon Trading Card Game came out on the VC. Problem was I finished the game before most got around to starting it.
  23. 2 points
    I won't comment on that, let's just agree that we both have better taste in games than @nekunando
  24. 2 points
    Funnily, gris just makes me think about wine then that probably says more about me than anything. Anyway, don't know if anyone picked it up but I've been playing Flipping Death (on the PS4 but this is the indie thread so thought it would be ok to talk briefly about it here) and I must say that I'm not really enjoying it. I haven't played Stick it to the Man, or whatever it was called, but this one just isn't grabbing me. It seems as though Zoink are very good at an art style but they can't quite deliver on the gameplay front as Fe ended up being a similar experience for me, nice visuals but lacking in any strong gameplay hooks. The puzzles are very straight forward and the main hook the game is resting on really doesn't bring about any really interesting ideas, or at least it hasn't so far and I'd say I'm over half way through. I'd have loved some puzzles that really mixed the living and dead world switching properly beyond luring an object into a specific area from nearby and having a ghostly hand pick it up and chuck it into the living world. The optional challenges are far more interesting but they're at times so obtuse that I've ended up leaving them, though that may also be because it as a game feels a bit flat. And being flat extends to the humour, which they were hoping would be a big selling point but outside of the opening of the game, there's been no genuinely funny moments and it all feels very forced. I'm disappointed by it. That's not to say other's might enjoy it but it's ultimately not been for me so far. I gave it a to at least and I'll end up finishing it but it's not something I'd be quick to recommend, kind of like Fe as well. On the topic of Mulaka, as it's on sale, I didn't find it to be a particularly great game. It gets across the cultural and history side of things well enough but everything else in there is a bit poor, controls and gameplay especially. May be worth it on sale but I certainly didn't enjoy it at full price.
  25. 2 points
    Few more I thought of: Captain America and the Avengers Robocop Vs Terminator Spider-Man (90s animated series game)
  26. 2 points
    A couple I really enjoyed that haven't been mentioned: Super Bomberman 2 & 3 Goof Troop Both really great for 2 player co-op.
  27. 2 points
    Here are a few others that haven't been mentioned yet. Terrinigma Secret of Evermore Mickey's Magical Quest Turtles in Time Donkey Kong Country Trilogy Aladdin Lion King UN Squadron Demon's Crest Illusion of Time
  28. 2 points
    Some of these I may confuse with their Mega Drive counterparts as I'm much more familiar with them. I know some were actually quite different. Super Mario World Super Metroid Chrono Trigger Secret of Mana Super Mario RPG Harvest Moon Adventure of Batman & Robin Sunset Riders Street Racer Uniracers Zombies Ate My Neighbours Mega Man X Super Punch Out Contra III Mortal Kombat II Super Castlevania IV Final Fantasy III (6) Street Fighter 2 A Link to the Past I ended up using this list to remind myself of a lot of them http://retro-sanctuary.com/Top-100-SNES-Games-Page-1.html There are some obvious ones I've left out as well like Donkey Kong or Mario Kart but I didn't include them as they never really clicked with me personally.
  29. 2 points
    I have no sympathy for the guy losing a job he never should have had in the first place but like Ronnie said the lynch mob mentality the gaming community defaults to the second anything negative arises is pretty inexcusable. Though I do agree with Goron that he is a fucking prick and I reserve the right to call him one if I choose to but threats to his person and his family are obviously not on. There's just something about him that I've never liked though - he has a smug, self-satisfied air to him whilst somehow always portraying that he's completely out of his depth, when he got the gig on NVC I assumed that he was a Nintendo fan who had worked at IGN for a while already but @Hero of Time pointed out when the Dead Cells review was removed that he had just been a moderately successful YouTuber in the months prior to the Switch launch who lucked into a job at IGN when Jose left. IGN should shoulder some of the blame for employing someone who so clearly wasn't cut out for writing reviews when there are plenty of people who write eloquently about games without being paid for it who would likely jump at the chance to work for a company like IGN.
  30. 2 points
    This doesn’t make much sense, but just to prove that we can make such a comparison. £50 for NES Classic, which comes with a controller (RRP of £7.99), so £42 for the console and the 30 games that come with it. Let’s argue that the cost of the console itself is negligible to price the games up a bit: £42/30 games = £1.40/game. So, at £1.40/game, 20 games would cost £28 — at face value, that’s a £10 saving being made by having Online, which seems like a good deal. Sure, different games would cost different prices in a virtual marketplace, but I chose to use the NES Classic here as a source for Nintendo’s valuation of these games because they chose the games to be included themselves. But let’s compare it now to PS+. PlayStation Plus costs £50/year, and you get up to 24 games per year. Let’s say we choose PS4 titles as are two games per month, because they cost the most. £50/24 games is just over £2/game. NES games are nearing on thirty decades old, and you’re getting games from a couple of years ago and some change for just 60p more per game with PS+ when compared to Online. Just taking PS+’s 2017 offering into account, off the top of my head, both Metal Gear Solid V and Just Cause 3 were available last year as part of their catalogue of free games for PS+ members — they currently have an RRP of £25 on the PlayStation Store...each. Meaning that if we’re going to average everything out, you’re saving ~£23 on the current RRP of those two games alone (I would assume that they cost even more at the time that they were available to PS+ members). The other 22 games that you chose last year would have needed to save you a further £4 for you to have effectively broken even with your annual subscription outlay. Meaning that, in all likelihood, you were practically in the position that PlayStation were effectively paying you in video games to just sign-up for their service. Its not a perfect world, so yes, you are still paying £50/year to our corporate overlords for an imperfect service in the form of some inconsistent servers, and there are plenty of other issues which could be argued about, but I think you catch my drift: PS+, just as an example, is currently of much greater (edit:) objective value to a customer than Nintendo Switch Online is being described as having. Nintendo could have just had a Virtual Console subscription, perhaps even with different tiers, and offer everyone the typical online interactivity (just copy PlayStation and Xbox on this one, because it’s clear that they know what they’re doing) for free, and have still made a huuuuuuuge profit. Not only that, but they would have completely avoid the unarguable divide that their handling of, and plans for, Switch Online have brought about, which I think is much more important than whatever content they decide to include in an online subscription service.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Haha. Not yet. Just taken out the second boss.
  34. 1 point
    Yes, apparently it works in the Japanese version so it should be fine here. Worth noting that for some silly reason, not all of the gear gotten from DLC quests can be used with this. Also worth noting that it's an unlockable feature, you have to get to G-Rank first and then do some other stuff I'm not entirely sure of.
  35. 1 point
    Super Mario Kart, F-Zero, Pilotwings, Star Fox... But yeah, I think most people are very familiar with those. So my biggest recommendation would have to be The Legend of the Mystical Ninja! One of my personal favourites on the SNES, and a truly great game that more people should definitely play. The Japan exclusive sequels is also great, not to mention the N64 game, but that’s for another thread. Pop’n TwinBee is another nice game, a super colourful and fun shump, also from Konami. You basically can’t go wrong with anything from Konami on SNES, they were pretty much at the top of their game during that time. Just remembered Tiny Toon Adventures now I recall having a laugh with that game too. Godamn I miss the good old Konami...
  36. 1 point
    It was posted while I was posting. It was more general than aimed at you specifically (i.e. I didn't think you specifically would demand it just to suit your preferences). I appreciate that you were just asking about the possibility rather than demanding it. As I said, I'll look into if users would be able to select a 'mini' version of the feature when I get some time but I believe from looking into it into the past the right-side stuff is forum wide and not customisable by the user.
  37. 1 point
    I was always told thats how to get the best acoustics for the Chrono Trigger music
  38. 1 point
    Finished Final Space just now. Thanks again @Hero-of-Time. Great show with a spectacular finale.
  39. 1 point
    You don't need to change things up. This is your idea (well, @Happenstance's which you stole :p) I was merely making a suggestion. I could make my own variance too (let's all steal his idea!) and do something like mobile games or that. *ponders* Anyway, I fear I've distracted from things sorry.
  40. 1 point
    Agree with all of that. Will keep that in mind. I didn't grow up with MegaDrive, though, so I actually have no idea regarding its games. I will need a little help with that.
  41. 1 point
    Seriously though I do agree with at least trying to start with the games that more people will have access to legally. I just meant that all the games are available elsewhere so easily that it shouldn't be too much of an issue in the long run to keep it going.
  42. 1 point
    Did Jason steal your toys as a child or something? You've got some kind of weird hate for the guy. You must hate most types of journalism if you have a problem with them digging up people's past when a scandal hits. It's their job and what they are paid to do.
  43. 1 point
    I have zero sympathy for him. He claims it was unintentional yet the FIFA example shows that there was a pattern forming. He's only truly sorry because he has been caught in the act and, quite rightfully so, will never work in the industry again. I'm disgusted that he has tried to drag Jason through the mud with this. He's a journalist (one of the better ones left in the industry ) who was only doing his job in presenting his findings. It's what a journalist does in these cases, whatever kind of industry they are in. The fact that he was willing to do some investigative journalism and dig a little deeper into the situation shows that he better than most when it comes to doing his job.
  44. 1 point
    Oh my gosh I just got cat quest too! It's supurrrisingly fun! Dean just got Monster Hunter worlds and that kinda kicked us in the mood for some hunts. Sadly I'm working tomorrow and Sunday evening. So I won't be home till like midnight-ish. Would love to get some hunts in with you guys soon though! Gotta get some bling armour ready for ultimate @RedShell @S.C.G
  45. 1 point
    They both provide games with their service on a monthly basis. Nintendo is giving us ROMS of games that were released before I was born. Furthermore, if the online gameplay is utterly horrible as it was for Smash on WiiU, this will be infuriating. If you are charging me as your competition does, at least I should expect the same quality of service.
  46. 1 point
    Sky News have just posted the top 10 most popular streamed shows in the UK in Q1. It came from this report Media Report Friends topping the list is impressive seeing as it only went on Netflix at the start of the year. Friends, Scrubs and Brooklyn Nine Nine (NINE NINE!) are the shows I watch on a constant basis, so I done my part.
  47. 1 point
    Indeed. Most are speculating this is due to Pokemon. I won't be happy if it's just a case by case basis. The thing should be system wide with no exceptions.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    I've seen all sorts of reasons for it. You could argue that each of the original Spyro games would take up more room on a disk given then are Mario 64 style platformers as opposed to Crash's more linear levels which presumably would take up less space. But at the same time I hear that Activision has been really strict with the deadline in order to ensure that the game can launch in the same month as the 20th anniversary of the Spyro franchise and that Toys for Bob ran out of time to fix glitches that prevent you from accessing the second and third games, so that this is a post release patch. Then again, this is Activision we are talking about, a company that is almost EA levels of trying to milk the consumer as much as possible, and in some ways even worse. It seems like this is their attempt to prevent people from selling this game second hand and to force anyone who wants to buy the game to buy it new. This is the problem with anything that involves large amounts of money, at some point it becomes all about how to make the most money possible out of a single product and you get people who are involved in an industry not because they like what they are producing, but only because there is so much money involved in said industry. Sadly the games industry went down that path a long time ago and game publishers (mostly American ones) are soley focused on the profit.
  50. 1 point
    I don't give a crap about the newer Pokémon. First Gen is all that matters Coincidentally, I fell asleep a couple of seconds after my post.