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Showing most liked content on 09/11/17 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    The final chest was only right by the bloody start of World 4. Jesus All done though
  2. 4 points
    I bet there's 37 minutes of the wool shop. #stillbitter
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    cant see why a taxi wouldn't transport you and a cat secured in a carrier...... I had fun with all 3 of mine in my car this week. Clementine managed to get out and decided it would be a good idea to sit on my dashboard in front of my view of the road... lol this was her on the way back:
  5. 3 points
    Guess what? @Map, @MilaGi and me just got everyone a nightfall clan reward. Also we nabbed the Rat King exotic sidearms.
  6. 3 points
    Some photos from my recent trip to Barcelona, which is an utterly beautiful city, full of great people and endless stunning vistas (all of which I couldn't possibly have captured): Found a stray cat: Which we found out had a stray kitten sibling: And then the stray mother came out to keep an eye on things: The best view in the city, although the photo doesn't begin to do it justice. The angle of the seats, combined with how much of the city you can see is just breathtaking. I could have sat here all day: Of course I found a retro VW:
  7. 3 points
    DisN-Eyland. Oh my god, guyyyyys.
  8. 2 points
    Official soundtrack is getting a release, in Japan of course, in October. Includes 5 CDs, a booklet, stickers, 5 postcards and a Fire Emblem 0 TCG promo card. https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B0756T8FFB/
  9. 2 points
    Hmm. I'm getting worried. If the previous videos are any indication, they're going to show me even more stuff I want..
  10. 2 points
    I'm trying to get us all a holiday to Disneyland.
  11. 1 point
    So, due to a bunch of virtual tokens I won in FE Heroes, I got to download a game from the Nintendo rewards program a few months back. That game was... My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess It's an emotional and engaging journey -IGN.com And boy, did this game surprise me. What I expected to be a simple Zelda-themed Picross game, the sort of thing you'd play as a time-waster, turned out to be so much more. For those unaware, Picross is a regular paper-based puzzle, the sort you find in crossword or sudoku books, and the like. You're given a square filled with tiles (say, 10x10), you're told how many tiles you're supposed to fill per file or column, but not exactly where. You work your way from the clues until you fill the whole thing, and the solution usually involves a basic pixelated picture, like a shoe. As you'd expect, this game features several such puzzles which reveal Twilight Princess-themed pictures, and that's really all they had to do. Or so I thought. The tutorial is given by Midna, which I thought was just a neat touch, but as I reveal more and more pictures, MIdna starts commenting on them, making references to TP's plot. It soon becomes clear that these comments aren't just fluff, they paint a specific Midna from a specific point in time: when she was attacked by Zant. In fact, she reads a lot like she's having a fever dream, which would explain all the pictures: she's trying to piece her memories together! This also explains why some pictures look off, such as Zant, who looks more terrifying than his actual appearance, as it's her own mental image of him. Her commentary gets more and more introspective (though she never loses her snarky wit, thankfully), with a surprisingly emotional ending, which I will not spoil here. I did not expect writing this good nor such a fresh take on the genre. And when the credits roll, who do I see as head writer? Hideo Kojima himself. That's right, I couldn't believe it at first either, but this is totally his style. In retrospect, even the tutorial showed his subtle touch, what with taking so long to explain rules I already knew about, just like Twilight Princess did (Clever!). I don't know when or why he did it (this was likely a side project he whipped out in a day or something), but it provided us with the best-written Zelda game since Link's Awakening. Great! Dig it! Dig it! -Marin, Link's Awakening That's not to say the rest of the game is shoddy, or anything. The pictures you unlock feature some beautiful spritework from Simon S. Andersen (of Owlboy fame), and due to the nature of the game, the harder the puzzle is, the more detailed the result. 'Tis proper, each painting a frame. By the way, those last puzzles might sound like hard work, but Dave Wise's soundtrack in the background (love his take on Hyrule Castle) makes it enjoyable throughout, especially considering the game runs at a smooth 60 FPS, so you'll never get bored. Nintendo truly outdid themselves with this title. I never expected what is essentially a freebie for fans to have this much care and polish thrown into it. It shows that NIntendo really does care about thei- OK, FINE! None of the above is true. It really is just a simple Zelda-themed Picross game, the sort of thing you'd play as a time-waster. This game features several puzzles which reveal Twilight Princess-themed pictures, and that's really all they had to do. And all it is. It was fun, though.
  12. 1 point
    Just bought this and downloading it now
  13. 1 point
    Will probably be online at around 9pm. Edit: Which is 8pm for you guys, if I have my timezones right.
  14. 1 point
    Hells yeah I am! I think the recommended is 240 so 267 should be fine!
  15. 1 point
    The Anime is getting localised into English! (Actually didn't think they'd bother!) Episode 1 is above
  16. 1 point
    And this one is a very long vid as well. Longer than some of their E3 Digital Events even... This one's gonna be big!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    11pm? Yes! I'll actually be able to watch it.
  19. 1 point
    Maybe there's a nice meaty OS update to talk about.
  20. 1 point
    The rumours were true! Late night showing for us.
  21. 1 point
    Anybody up for the Nightfall tonight? I'm Power Level 267, I hope that's enough.
  22. 1 point
    I've played that one a few times but i've never been with a team that knows how to trigger the Heroic part of it. I've tried to do it myself but the rest of the team end the mission too quickly by killing Taken.
  23. 1 point
    I'm LL266 now on my Warlock, need to power level a hunter or Titan at some point Heroic Public events are amazing when you can get people who know how to trigger them, I've managed all except the taken public event which for some reason I've never even found.... Some of the exotic bounties are a real pain in the arse! the one where you need to get multiple kills with the Drang (its the Golden Gun from the same titled James Bond film) 10 times and kill 10 high level fallen with the Drang (ONLY ON NESSUS) is absolutely awful, because every time I was killing a high level troop some other player thinking they were helping stole the damn kill! FML! took me the best part of 2 hours wandering round waiting for events or High Levels to wander the area And it seems theres more to the quest too! Nearly done the Mida Multi tool quest too, but the Mini is fabulous! shreds enemies! Got quite a few exotics now, The Graviton pulse rifle (main story quest one), The Sunshot (Hand Cannon) which like the Pulse rifle causes enemies to explode on death, The Prospector (Grenade Launcher) full auto mode melts bosses, Sunburner's Oath (its a cabal slug launcher disguised as a scout rifle), The Crota esq exotic helmet you get in the main questline, The Skull helmet for void walker and Traverse Steps boots. I have to say though I loved how exotics dropped at lower levels so you didn't have to struggle with crap greens or blues until 20! Barely had time for strikes with the challenges and public events! let alone the nightfall
  24. 1 point
    Dive in with the clan, it's a lot more fun. Me, @DriftKaiser, @MilaGi Had a winning streak earlier and unlocked the Crucible weekly clan engram for everyone, enjoy! Pick it up from Hawthorne.
  25. 1 point
    We should start a Patreon to get NE to Disneyland.
  26. 1 point
    Nope. The sellers had all Nintendo consoles in one of their rooms though. Maybe I should have haha However, they accepted anyway Let's hope everything goes well
  27. 1 point
    I think the story originated from Gaf. I spoke about this game to @Aneres11 earlier in the year but that was when it was only on the PS4/One. I'm sure he will be pleased to see it coming to the Switch.