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Wii Adverts

Gaijin von Snikbah

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It would be wise if they got the adverts on prime time on ITV, on Coronation Street and I'm a Celebrity. The number of viewers of them is ridiculously high.


Yeah, but ads are therefore ridiculously expensive! I think the shows they're picking to advertise around are the best for the people who they're trying to appeal to.

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ITV is actually losing a lot of money at the moment, the advertising market is weak and to stay alive they have to have those stupid quiz shows running all night.

Literally those quiz shows where idiots phone up and give stupid answers are keeping the lights on at ITV.


Perhaps they should have learnt that people want to watch a film at that kind of night.. or at least something vaguely stimulating. Not 'ITV night screen'


Anyway.. advertising on Corrie shouldn't cost much, but I think Nintendo would have more luck hitting the same people on the 10am-6pm Channel 4 slots.

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Guest Stefkov

Just before he left earlier to get my sister, my dad said the Wii advert where it shows the nunchuk aswella nd shows a bit of zelda was played. Im not sure what channel, but i know it was at about 3.

Good to see my dad knew what the game was aswell.

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The Zelda advert starts with the Wii logo and the loading thing circling it, and it starts off with the music that plays when you solve a puzzle and a door opens (diddle doo doo dee dee dee dee doo!). Then in both I've seen theres a bit that show the guy using the Wiimote and Nunchuk to fight the Darknut for a while, then it shows the menu screen and TP logo.


The second ad shows horseback fighting, archery, and the large boar attacking the village.

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That's the one! :D


Of course, its much better when you see it on the telly.


Thats the one I saw when I was at the gym today (yesterday).....I saw it twice mainly because I heard that Zelda jingle which got my attention in the first place. :D

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Thats the one I saw when I was at the gym today (yesterday).....I saw it twice mainly because I heard that Zelda jingle which got my attention in the first place. :D


I was talking to Conor on MSN, and when we heard the jingle we were both typing "OMG!"


It just captures your attention straight away. You know what it is from the first few seconds. Great plot. :)

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Saw a Wii:Sports one, on ITV during 'I'm A Celeb....'.


Thats the way to do it Nintendo!


Theres no doubt in my mind that Nintendo has already out-done their Gamecube advertisment in a matter of days. It's literally everywhere, so everyone is informed and EVERYONE can enjoy the wii together happily!

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