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N-Europe Hall of Fame.


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Heres mine. All for being friendly at all times, able to give their opinions without being nasty or gives informative news all the time! Great people for a 'forum' don't you think?


















Theres more, but i can't write them all out. :)


Thanks for the people who mentioned me. I like to think i'm not a nasty or opinionated person. 'cool' is nice, so thanks!

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Viper has been a legend for a such a long time and deserves a mention for the Aliens thread (I'm pretty sure he did it)


It was indeed me. Thanks for the recgonition I didn't think anyone remembered that far back. I apologise for never finishing it mind (which Fierce Link constantly reminds me) but in the end it got so damn complex. Perhaps i'll resurrect it one day as we have more active members these days to take part.

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The days of dom's disturbing pics is all forgotten.


Dom... if you got a memorable mention for that, this entire thread would be about 2 years out of line... I mean really, if you've been here since n64-Europe, there's only about 3 names on the whole list that deserve to be there :heh:

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TakeoMiyazaki for being a sound guy.

EEVILMURRAY for his quotes.

Jordan for being a sound mod.

Dabookerman is the kind of guy I'd like to meet...

Mokong X-C for his vlogs ('spose that could apply for Domstercool) and being a nice guy.


(Most of these are based on my general opinions on people)


Stocka, being the uber-mod and a footie lover.

The3rdChildren for some good threads.

Athriller, I haven't got a bad word against him.

Meik has made some good threads too, Battlecards, anyone.


(I am just listing users here I like who have a chance of being in the Hall)


(And I don't expect any recognition, 'cos I'm the guy who's just 'there'.)

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TakeoMiyazaki for being a sound guy.

EEVILMURRAY for his quotes.

Jordan for being a sound mod.

Dabookerman is the kind of guy I'd like to meet...

Mokong X-C for his vlogs ('spose that could apply for Domstercool) and being a nice guy.


(Most of these are based on my general opinions on people)


Stocka, being the uber-mod and a footie lover.

The3rdChildren for some good threads.

Athriller, I haven't got a bad word against him.

Meik has made some good threads too, Battlecards, anyone.


(I am just listing users here I like who have a chance of being in the Hall)


(And I don't expect any recognition, 'cos I'm the guy who's just 'there'.)



You should get in for your buckley love tbh :grin:

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Locky - For his excellent bargain hunting abilities


When I said that in the appreciation thread i got a riddling lecture from JonSt about gender confusion.


The days of dom's disturbing pics is all forgotten.


Yeah and everyone has... forgotten... about when... I did... that really... amazing...


Ah fuck you all.


Since when was a cool guy?!!!!


Coo you rock.

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I love being here, everyone is cool. like my fridge.

If you ever met me in real life, not my cybernetic form...then you would know how stupid i am. crazidly stupid.

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