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The Best Gaming Music Ever.

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Nice to see someone appreciated the effort, so thumbs up to you. It was more for myself if anything, I just played them all back, this time in surround sound. Man its good! I know I have a record of my personal memories stored on here for reference.


Cant say Ive played either Hoodlum or Shake Dimension. Probably because Hoodlum was apparently the down-turn of the Rayman franchise and I just think playing a Wario game on a console is wrong somehow (especially if its full price). But yeah your selections are pretty rad, I must find more sometime.


Nostalgia is definitely the best feeling in the world, amazing how deep it can hit. Well, that or relief.


OK going to add a couple.


Said I couldnt be bothered with Brawl but here was one of the best from that game: Ocarina of Time Medley:

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Paper Mario TTYD. Made up of a large amount of the suspect 2D Mario remixes but I think The Great Tree area had music the game could call its own I guess.

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Probably the hardest game to select the best music from - Metroid Prime. Everyone bangs on about the Phendrana Drifts but I think they forget about the more common overworld themes.

Firstly the main theme, probably not as good as the one in Echoes but hey:

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Then Tallon Overworld:

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Crashed Space Pirate Frigate

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And the Fallout music I mentioned previously. Heres what I think is probably the best [teaser] trailer ever:



and the theme:

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Epic stuff right there!


I didn't listen to the Metroid Prime music because I don't want to spoil my Christmas break experience: Metroid Prime Trilogy Marathon!!! (I've only finished Corruption once....) I just know I will be enjoying myself even though school has stacked shit high for me to plough....


Yeah, Paper Mario games are one of my favourites and not just because of the music. Them games be a journey on its own and who ever comes up with those stories is a friggin' genius!


And of course Brawl has so many brilliant remixes there's just no telling which one is best. Got about 200 Brawl tracks on my MP3:laughing:


Let me just post 2 songs. The first would be the original and the second a remix. This song helpt me relax on a daily basis....


That's beautiful, but musical gods can turn it into Buddha's own meditation music:D

(Kong in Concert in general has the best remixes of DKC if one were to ask me)


Next to Stickerbrush Symphony, this is my favourite piece from a DKC game.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Half-Life 2: Episode 2 - Vortal Combat


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Like my posting from VJ, this popped into my head somewhat unexpectedly as I've not played the game in a while. Most of the music in these games tends to be more obviously atmospheric and subtle than this but that's why it stands out more - plus the on screen action when it plays is the most intense part of the game so it's only fitting it gets a belter of a tune like this.




Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - The more that I try


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I don't think I've heard a single piece of music more than this for the last 3 weeks (regardless of source) and I never tire of hearing it either. All the battle themes I've heard from Tales of... games rock royally and this one is no exception.


It isn't too heavy either which reflects the games main character well - I think it really helps to capture the idea of the struggle between the battle with the monsters and the one with himself.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Mirror's Edge - The Shard (Puzzle)


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The main theme is good, and there a couple of decent remixes of it available too, but nothing in the game quite stood out like this track for me.


So serene as you wander around the huge complex trying to navigate your way to the top. It's the last level in the game, but fittingly they've saved the best music for it.


Absolutely beautiful.

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I don't think I've posted in here yet, so haven't shared my views. The music from Tiberian Sun is probably some of my favourite from any game I've ever played.



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Lone Trooper - my Favourite

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Dusk Hour

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Oh god, listening to this makes me want to crush some NOD skulls.

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*Sigh* This makes me soooo sad, how such great classic games like these...the modern ones suck balls so much compared to them.


The days when Final Fantasy used to be good...MAKES ME HATE KITASE AND NOMURA EVEN MORE!!!! :mad:


Oh and just for the heck of it and it's true amazing music for an opening, Super Robot Taisen: Alpha 3 has a kick ass intro song, glad I am playing it :D


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*Sigh* This makes me soooo sad, how such great classic games like these...the modern ones suck balls so much compared to them.


The days when Final Fantasy used to be good...MAKES ME HATE KITASE AND NOMURA EVEN MORE!!!! :mad:


You're crazy. :heh: I thought FF IV on DS was outstanding. The intro music and FMV sent chills up my spine and I found that I watched it more times than I probably should have.


Check out this Theme of Love song:


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You're crazy. :heh: I thought FF IV on DS was outstanding. The intro music and FMV sent chills up my spine and I found that I watched it more times than I probably should have.

Read my post carefully...


*Sigh* This makes me soooo sad, how such great classic games like these...the modern (aka FFVIII, FFX and in the future FFXIII) ones suck balls so much compared to them.


The days when Final Fantasy used to be good...MAKES ME HATE KITASE AND NOMURA EVEN MORE!!!! :mad:


I did a little edit, but I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove Final Fantasy IV so much so that it's the only one of the series I have completed on the SNES/GBA and NDS (Although I prefer the old sprites version, not complaining about FFIV remake, it's still fucking awesome xD )


Unlike the modern FF, this game truly had a lot of love put into it, it aged so well, in graphics, story, music and atmosphere, which I can't say with most modern FF games (It's really hard to play FFX now that's a game thats aged badly)


It was...dun dun dun dun...a mature game!!! kids to adults could play the game and love it, now with the modern ones...it's another story.

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Ah, ok, killer kirb. I thought you were implying that they ruined the classic FF IV with the DS remake. :heh: Can't blame me for second guessing you when it comes to FF games.


I am a retro lover especially with RPG's, I always love simple battle systems and random battles.


Hence why I still have Retro Game Challenge as one of my 5 greatest DS games I have ever played :heh:

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I was checking through some emails and the Youtube one was updating me with new content from Brentalfloss. I give you Final Fantasy Classic... With Lyrics:



Top effort. Love the "key change mofo" bit. :laughing:



There's also a hilarious Doctor Mario... With Lyrics that I'm only seeing now:






And from the related videos from Brenalfloss' FF video I clicked on this third one. Someone used Final Fantasy music for their wedding and it looks magical. :cry:


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On the 31st of this month I'll be going on a full out Persona marathon (Since in Persona 3 it's the end of the world on that day :D )


So at the moment I am trying to get into the music of the series, and it doesn't take long to like again :heh:


Persona PSP

Battle Music

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School days

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Dream Of Butterfly(Opening)

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Persona 2:Innocent Sin



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Battle Theme

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Maya's Theme

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Persona 2:Eternal Punishment


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I'll post more music next month from P3 and P4 :heh:

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Here are my contributions:


Tales of Eternia (PS1 & PSP)


Midboss 2

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Donkey Kong Country (SNES)


K.Rool Boss Battle

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Yoshi's Island (SNES)


Music sounds Gangsta lol

Big Boss (Not the guy from Metal Gear Solid!)

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Final Boss

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Mystic Quest (SNES)


Even if you don't like the game, that music is awesome!

Doom Castle

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Mother 3 (GBA)


Awesome music. Awesome Game!

Master Porky's Theme

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Lot of good music in Terranigma!

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