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Compliment someone on the forums thread

Atomic Boo

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Also: Kudos go to Platty, Fierce_LiNk and The3rdChildren for kicking my ass when I'm being a moron, and otherwise being all round swell guys. (Ok...what the hell is that wierd voice in my head, you know, the one thats telling me to type all this...it's not funny anymore...)


Other notible mentions go to:


Triforce Keeper for being so damn awesome.


Mokong, for being the only person who I haven't lost spectacularly to on Mario Kart


Dabookerman for being a funny old chap


Zell for being a kickass Maiden and Bad Religion fan




Goron 3, well, for being a kickass guy...


I cannae do it captn!! *knocks self out*

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Well I'm going to go compliment Meik and The3rdchildren as their posts always crack me up.

The powerful triforce of RE that is Fierce_Link, Platty and Ashley as they do a good job of keeping everything running.

Zombie_Fan who as far as I can tell likes zombies and The Cramps, which is good enough for me.

And finally Sprout for his great comics, which sadly seem to have ground to a halt.


But then you are all ace in your own unique ways. Such a forum orgy.

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Firstly I'd like to thank all those old-school C-E members. If you're not sure who I'm talking about, you're not one of them.


Secondly, I'd like to thank myself, because it's really funny and incredibly witty when people do that. (No, really!)

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I'd like to compliment Flaight for the creation of the "Post Your Meaningless Post Of The Day" thread, brilliant thread.


Eevilmurray for his liking of Ghostbusters and Geoffrey.


Stocka for being such a cool lad despite being an Arsenal fan. I will miss him!


CVD, Moria, JonSt and the disappeared Hank_Scorpio for being Scottish.


Any Jeff Buckley fan on the forum.


Lastly I tip my hat to every Aston Villa fan to have graced this forum. (the_villa, Shpickles, Jav, and anyone else who never posted yet supports them).


-EDIT- Also to all the fans of the Boosh that is Mighty.

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I just feel that the legend that is Laikmosh deserves a mention. Whatever happened to him?


Maybe he hacked into one too many msn accounts and is now locked up in some french prison :idea:


Too many people to be remembered here...


The clan members for some nice games we have had.


The bard for bringing little colour to this place.


And yeah the people who have helped me in my tech issues and such. And of course the old C-E users.


And then there's all the rest of you :)

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No one mentioned me:indeed: :indeed::confused::(


Mine goes to Stocka- Fellow gooner and a massive contributions to the Forum by far the coolest mod.

DCK- For thinking in the same ways I do!:heh:and always having something good to say.

The Bard- For giving me an enemy!:heh:

System_Error- Entertaning posts and Interesting debates discussions.

Fierce Link- 2nd best Mod:heh:

Diemetrix-Joint best mod with Stocka. Oozes cool all the time and is extremely wise too.

Hellfire- For making me realise that no matter how dumb you are theres always someone stupider than you!:heh: (joking)


If I didn't mention you I either forgot to or don't give a shit about you.

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Myself: You have no friends on here, but you still wanna post. Thats bravery for ya!


EDIT: I could say this about many others on here, but hey, its not the insult thread. (Awaits one)


I didnt do anything wrong

oh tri-force keeper - i like you too, good hunters matches and your avatar too!

triforcemario - youre cool too, for the same reasons ;)

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