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Aaaaaaah, I'm melting...etc.

The Bard

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Holy crap, for 30 degrees it's way too hot out here in Manchester, of course that could be because of Britain's distinct lack of an ozone layer, but you never know.


How has it been where you are?


Was so tired this noon that I went to sleep only to wake up in a pool of my own sweat 50 minutes later....


Also, on a side note: 1-0 Woot!!!!!111!!!one.

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Manchester eh? what part?


As for the weather, I'm freaking loving it. Just thing how shit winter is and then love the summer!


Well...Heaton Norris in Stockport, I'm not sure whether that's classified as being in Manchester...?


Also, yeah, the weather can be nice, I love the spring months, It's not too hot it's not too cold, but it's always sunny...but today's just been unbearable...I suppose it'd be great if I was walking around in a banana hammock...


Edit: Haha, yeah, the match was great! Becksy scoring in 3 minutes and I was like, this ones in the bag, but Sven decided to be a jackass and take Owen out, wtf was that about? Crouch was a bit of a joke aswell tbh...

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Last week was pretty hot here too, 35+ ºC, It convinced my parents to give me a air-conditioner for my room. I couldn't even sleep at 4 am with 30º.


Today is a nice breze with 22º.


The weather is getting really weird, last year we saw a peak in summer temperatures with 40+ºC and a peak in winter temperatures with, -0º it even snowed :bouncy: , I never saw snow before. :D

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Definiton of "Hot":



Having or giving off heat; capable of burning.

Being at a high temperature.

Being at or exhibiting a temperature that is higher than normal or desirable: a hot forehead.

Causing a burning sensation, as in the mouth; spicy: hot peppers; a hot curry.


Charged or energized with electricity: a hot wire.

Radioactive, especially to a dangerous degree.


Marked by intensity of emotion; ardent or fiery: a hot temper.

Having or displaying great enthusiasm; eager: hot for travel.


Informal. Arousing intense interest, excitement, or controversy: a hot new book; a hot topic.

Informal. Marked by excited activity or energy: a hot week on the stock market.

Violent; raging: a hot battle.

Slang. Sexually excited or exciting.


Recently stolen: a hot car.

Wanted by the police: a hot suspect.

Close to a successful solution or conclusion: hot on the trail.


Most recent; new or fresh: a hot news item; the hot fashions for fall.

Currently very popular or successful: one of the hottest young talents around.

Requiring immediate action or attention: a hot opportunity.

Slang. Very good or impressive. Often used in the negative: I'm not so hot at math.

Slang. Funny or absurd: told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.


Performing with great skill and daring: a hot drummer.

Having or characterized by repeated successes: a player who is on a hot streak.

Fast and responsive: a hot sports car.

Unusually lucky: hot at craps.

Music. Of, relating to, or being an emotionally charged style of performance marked by strong rhythms and improvisation: hot jazz.

Bold and bright.

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I'm sat in Oxford, its seriously hot (due to the insane amount of pollution). If i go outside i burn in around 30mins, unless caked in sticky white gloop. Its forcing me to stay inside and revise.



Have you ever tried P20 or P25? Its a sports sun oil. Gives water proof protection for the whole day. Apply it in the morning a half hour before you go out and if you feel the nees once again later on. Works amazingly!

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Have you ever tried P20 or P25? Its a sports sun oil. Gives water proof protection for the whole day. Apply it in the morning a half hour before you go out and if you feel the nees once again later on. Works amazingly!


Except it let's the cancer-causing rays through.


But it does stop the burning amazingly well. But, cancer - teh gay.

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I'm just thankful that I don't suffer from hay fever. Practically everyone I know has it, as well as the whole area I live in....when out in the garden, I could hear random people from the street sneeze like hell as well.


30 degrees here in London, Ealing. Way too hot for my liking. I don't even wanna go out...plus I don't even have the right clothes for this kind of weather!!!

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Ha, it's funny how I'm bitching aboot the weather now, expecially when in winter I couldn't wait for summer to come. Still, the weather's gone out of control, it was snowing here in mid April


Also, does anyone know when Brazil's first match is? I don't have one of those timetable thingies...

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But, cancer - teh gay.


......dont i know......:hmm:




Actually depending on the SPF of the sunscreen you use all of them let in a certain amount of the cancer causing UV rays. With SPF 20 and above you are looking at blocking out over 95% of them. You can never be 100% safe.

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