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^ But Sony's bank accounts are not that full these days, and Nintendo's ones are prospering a lot, specially with the DS craze. I won't even talk about Micro$oft.
Microsoft has no money. Microsoft is money.


A REZ sequel sounds very cool! Even if it's a PS3 game.

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And that's also were the best devs are.
Still, even if DS is whipping the floor with PSP...


Some devs just insist is favouring PSP despite speeches like "we love Nintendo :love:"




WTF? PSP gets 21 titles? if DS sold nearly as bad in compartion to PSP I can see Capcom pulling out the support and doing like... 1 game or so.


The way they support a market leading console is ridiculous, clearly favoring the runner up console... it doesn't make sense...


Also... Namco is (also) clearly favoring PSP support instead of DS, just remember all those Tales games and who's getting them.


With ToS they pulled the plug because the PS2 version sold as much as the GC one in japan, and they didn't want to split userbases... but they still do this.


What I fail to understand is if Sony actually pays them to not pull out their support or if their PR's are just stupid. (or both)

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Still, even if DS is whipping the floor with PSP...


Some devs just insist is favouring PSP despite speeches like "we love Nintendo :love:"




WTF? PSP gets 21 titles? if DS sold nearly as bad in compartion to PSP I can see Capcom pulling out the support and doing like... 1 game or so.


The way they support a market leading console is ridiculous, clearly favoring the runner up console... it doesn't make sense...


Also... Namco is (also) clearly favoring PSP support instead of DS, just remember all those Tales games and who's getting them.


With ToS they pulled the plug because the PS2 version sold as much as the GC one in japan, and they didn't want to split userbases... but they still do this.


What I fail to understand is if Sony actually pays them to not pull out their support or if their PR's are just stupid. (or both)

Maybe the competion on the DS is far greater than that on the PSP. PSP has potential but it doesn't show it, compared to all the mediocre games on the PSP, if a game with lots of hyper is released for the PSP will generate probably greater sales than the DS if you know what I mean. But I don't know :P


Maybe most of the PSP games are "classic collection" re-releases?

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Maybe most of the PSP games are "classic collection" re-releases?
Dunno, coming from capcom I also thought of that, but 20 reharshes? that's too much, even for capcom... and, even so, the DS, is the current milking cow machine... it's even cheaper to develop... Phoenix Wright is a low-cost game. still we aren't getting as many games.


I can't help to think that if PSP was actually a Nintendo platform they would be pulling their support already, not favouring it.

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Still, even if DS is whipping the floor with PSP...


Some devs just insist is favouring PSP despite speeches like "we love Nintendo :love:"




WTF? PSP gets 21 titles? if DS sold nearly as bad in compartion to PSP I can see Capcom pulling out the support and doing like... 1 game or so.


The way they support a market leading console is ridiculous, clearly favoring the runner up console... it doesn't make sense...


Also... Namco is (also) clearly favoring PSP support instead of DS, just remember all those Tales games and who's getting them.


With ToS they pulled the plug because the PS2 version sold as much as the GC one in japan, and they didn't want to split userbases... but they still do this.


What I fail to understand is if Sony actually pays them to not pull out their support or if their PR's are just stupid. (or both)


I do believe they receive money to make them, it's a win-win situation for Sony and Capcom. Not having a software department, Sony pays (with the hardware's profit) other competent software houses to make games for them, this way, Sony doesn't need to worry with software cost and Capcom has a sure income without worrys for the game's success (the game sales is a bonus), so they can experiment with them and try inovative ways of gameplay and graphics.


Much like Nintendo does with Flagship (Capcom's 2nd party for Nintendo games) and The Game Designers Studio (Square-enix's 2nd party for Nintendo games), except in a larger scale.


Microsoft just does whatever it want's.


Maybe the competion on the DS is far greater than that on the PSP. PSP has potential but it doesn't show it, compared to all the mediocre games on the PSP, if a game with lots of hyper is released for the PSP will generate probably greater sales than the DS if you know what I mean. But I don't know :P


Maybe most of the PSP games are "classic collection" re-releases?


If that was true, you would see a similar effect in the GameCube and Wii.

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Still with the graphics it had in the teaser trailer it definately won't be coming to the Wii...


Do you think that Capcom will eventually remake it for the Wii? I know that they're making a seperate game for the Wii, but you know what Capcom are like, they're always remaking and rereleasing their games..

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I do believe they receive money to make them, it's a win-win situation for Sony and Capcom. Not having a software department, Sony pays (with the hardware's profit) other competent software houses to make games for them, this way, Sony doesn't need to worry with software cost and Capcom has a sure income without worrys for the game's success (the game sales is a bonus), so they can experiment with them and try inovative ways of gameplay and graphics.


Much like Nintendo does with Flagship (Capcom's 2nd party for Nintendo games) and The Game Designers Studio (Square-enix's 2nd party for Nintendo games), except in a larger scale.


Microsoft just does whatever it want's.


Wait what are you saying?? Sony' has plenty of internal (1st party) development studios, they make plenty of quality games too!!!


Still, even if DS is whipping the floor with PSP...


Some devs just insist is favouring PSP despite speeches like "we love Nintendo :love:"




WTF? PSP gets 21 titles? if DS sold nearly as bad in compartion to PSP I can see Capcom pulling out the support and doing like... 1 game or so.


The way they support a market leading console is ridiculous, clearly favoring the runner up console... it doesn't make sense...


Also... Namco is (also) clearly favoring PSP support instead of DS, just remember all those Tales games and who's getting them.


With ToS they pulled the plug because the PS2 version sold as much as the GC one in japan, and they didn't want to split userbases... but they still do this.


What I fail to understand is if Sony actually pays them to not pull out their support or if their PR's are just stupid. (or both)


yep i really hope this will make people rethink the BS reasons we received for a lack of a GC port


Maybe the competion on the DS is far greater than that on the PSP. PSP has potential but it doesn't show it, compared to all the mediocre games on the PSP, if a game with lots of hyper is released for the PSP will generate probably greater sales than the DS if you know what I mean. But I don't know :P


Maybe most of the PSP games are "classic collection" re-releases?


Competition?? competition is overated when it comes to video games. I mean 3rd parties compain about having to compete with nintendos games then go and develop for a platform with a much higher saturation of titles competing for mindshare.


So instead of "competeing" against just nintendo, they go and "compete" against all the other high profile 3rd parties and all the no name 3rd parties too.


But going back to my point the only thing companies really compete against is a players own tastes. Does the game appeal to the gamer? yes then hell put the money down for the title. No and hell pass by it. Even if a competitor puts a out a similar title of a similar quality its still going to be which one appeals to his tastes more. While yes on the surface that does appear as if your in competition, your not really because even if he pass over your title for now if it appeals hell eventually come back and pick up your title.


So in the end it comes down to the retail model being broken, a game has 2 weeks to sell, this is what gives the appearance of competition where there shouldnt be.


I mean i know ive gone off completely but its all related. These are issues which will also have an impact on hardware sales. I think nintendo has addressed tried to address this with their suggestion of keeping games prices static for longer. While thats an undesirable situation for us as gamers its definately a start towards altering consumer trends

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Not today's news, but... Crytec talks about Wii on Game's Informer:


GI: It’s assumed that if you do console development it’ll be on the most powerful systems – Xbox 360 and PS3. What do you think of Wii? Yerli: I love the Wii (laughs).


When I was at E3 and playtested it, I loved it. I thought about how we could do games for this platform and what kind of games they would be, and what kind of shooters we could do on it, and work it to our own needs here. Yes we’ve had some thoughts, but Crysis is not part of the plan at this stage, but that may change. We are a company that takes one step at a time, and once we achieve the goal that we want to achieve then we take the next step and see what the next platform we go with next. We did not decide if we’ll do PS3 at all. We have all of the development kits, and we have research going on. We have the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3, we work as researchers and test them, essentially. We have parts of these systems running because there is going to be console development in our company, but if it’s going to be Crysis or not is a step ahead of us. Because if we go to fast we sacrifice quality on PC, and I want to make sure it’s the best PC shooter we can do. With our company our goal is to make it the best shooter of all time. Once we achieve that, our achievement is we do our best and that’s it. Whether we do it our not is to be determined. Once we are there, then we’ll take the next step.


GI: Crytek is known to have made stunningly beautiful games, and while you can sort of experience them on lesser hardware, if you have the quad-SLI setup, and three gigs of RAM and a super fast processor it’s going to look incredible. With looking at what the Wii has under the hood, does that discourage you as a developer?


Yerli: No, not at all, because I think we can make great visuals by different means. Look at the PS2. Some PS2 games still look fabulous. And there are games that are just stylized perfectly. You can achieve anything with every hardware. I think it’s a matter of artistic direction, how you use the limitations. That ultimately is the experience you want to give. The experiences in Crysis drives the art direction. The experience of the frozen environments, the experience of interactivity, then we decide how we want it to come across visually. What do we need to do, how far do we need to go? With the Nintendo Wii the approach will be similar. We have this great controller, we have the limited power of the console, How we can make a confined space or large outdoor level, whatever, how can we make the best out of the controller that’s giving the experience that we want to give? Completely fluid interactivity – how can we do that? I think it would be a completely different approach, and it deserves to be as well. So, if it our decision to make Crysis for Wii, if and I don’t want to be quoted saying we’ll do it. But if – if we would do it, it would have to be a completely optimal version, but it would be great. (laughs)

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Wow, Yerli praises the Wii :shock:

So far their main aim is to excel other PC FPS in graphics and physics.

And after comments that the consoles are too weak already I never thought they actually had a good opinion about the Wii.

Hopefully they really decide to make something for Wii as I think Crytec would absolutely push the Wii from controller to graphics (in an FPS that is).

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So nothing to do with the hardware, but wasnt really sure where else to post this;


Was bored at work and looked for "Wii" and found quite a few third party games were on there to pre-order. So I pre-ordered Sonic, Monkey Ball and CoD3.

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Some interesting Wii tidbits have surfaced from the second issue of UK magazine NGamer (previously NGC) on the Wii-mote, sensor bar and saving games. Thanks to GoNintendo for the tip.


  • Sensor bar is “50% smaller, little bigger than a couple of pencils glued together.”
  • Wii-mote’s 6kb of internal memory “personalises your remote - potentially storing things like sensitivity, y-axis settings for FPSs, and even scores and saves.”
  • Wii-mote runs on two AA batteries, offering around 60 hours of gameplay. That amount’s reduced to half (around 30 hours) if using the sensor bar though.
  • [Talking about SD cards] “these tiny cards can be used to store game saves and virtual console games, but Digital Right Management features mean you can’t play your (virtual) games on someone else’s Wii.”

I would guess that the sensor bar is going to be included with the console (and not sold seperatley; because it's essential), so does that mean despite the console being incredibly compact, the boxes might have to be quite abit bigger!


The Wii's memory allowing you to customise your Wii-mote settings is a cool feature, but what about when you use your controller on another Wii?

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The mentioning of the DRM and the context it's used in suggests that you won't have an online profile for Wii, rather your console itself will have one. This sucks a bit if you can't take VC games to friends houses and sign in to your profile and play them but I guess they want to try to stop piracy.

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The mentioning of the DRM and the context it's used in suggests that you won't have an online profile for Wii, rather your console itself will have one. This sucks a bit if you can't take VC games to friends houses and sign in to your profile and play them but I guess they want to try to stop piracy.


Lets be hounest... if you where realy desperate to play your VC games round a mates house... you may aswell take your Wii aswell... as its so small!

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We have finally recived what we are being told we should consider the final devkit for the initial first batch of titles.


I am under strict NDA so I cannot say much more.


One thing though. power required for speaker, rumble and wifi.

Have you seen the wii control without its wire?

what must go in order to balance teh equation?

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