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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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I thought it was strange that it didn't have a thread here yet so I decided to make one.

Talk about the upcoming Gamecube hit "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess", where Link will have an epic adventure. He turns into a wolf, he rides his horse, solves classic Zelda puzzles in huge dungeons, and battles enormous bosses. Miyamoto said this will be the last Zelda game as we know it.

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We had one on the Cube europe forum, and it ran for 19 pages! Before the site got hacked and the thread was lost forever. :sad:


Although, let's see how far we can take this!


I am soooooooo dying to get my hands on this game. Today, the Revolution controller had made me realise something: We have not seen everything until we have heard from Nintendo! We can speculate all we want...but they hold the trumph cards.

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I want that game, I want that Game, It's the best game ever, if I'm lucky and it will come out before my computer class starts and I start learning how to make a website, I'm gonna make it all dedicated to that game, if it isn't I wait until it comes out, purchase my own domain and domainname and do the above. sorry of this was a little off-topic...


anyway I want that game, it's so realistic and there are some beatifull graphic, from what I've seen.

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As much as I love all this Rev news, hell all the next-gen news, it kind of saddens me. Zelda could be the greatest game ever made, but no one's gonna play it, because everyone will be playing the XBox 360 or looking forward to Rev and PS3.


It's kinda like the end of Lord of the Rings (and I mean the good book ending, not the crappy Hollywood film ending). You know alll the elves have left and you know soon they'll all be forgotten never to be seen again. I just feel it'll be left behind and forgotten.


Maybe I like this game a little to much.

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As much as I love all this Rev news, hell all the next-gen news, it kind of saddens me. Zelda could be the greatest game ever made, but no one's gonna play it, because everyone will be playing the XBox 360 or looking forward to Rev and PS3.


It's kinda like the end of Lord of the Rings (and I mean the good book ending, not the crappy Hollywood film ending). You know alll the elves have left and you know soon they'll all be forgotten never to be seen again. I just feel it'll be left behind and forgotten.


Maybe I like this game a little to much.

I don't think Nintendo will let their biggest game in years go by unnoticed. If not, they would be extremely stupid. Most Cube owners will buy it, and it might be bundled with the Revolution.
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I have heard nothing officially about ageing being in it, so I wouldn't hold your breath. However, if included, the aging system would probably be purely superficial, and would more than likely be something like, in the opening village scenario, Link is 16....but when the real adventure begins, he is 17 or something like that.


Can't wait for this game though; really looking forward to giving my GC a dust down to play; infact, I may well go play through the whole series (on nes,snes,ng4 and gb) over the coming months just to get into the mood.

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This is aparently Work In Progress (WIP) 3D model for Hyrule Castle in the upcoming Zelda Twilight Princess, not confirmed to be true though, nintendo hasn't spoken about it, and even if it's the real deal... it could and should be changed.


download it here:

--> http://rapidshare.de/files/5259287/hyrulecastle2005_walktest.avi.html

(click and select Free in the options, then wait 30 seconds for download)

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Excited as I am with Revolution and believe me I'm VERY excited. This is my top priority when it comes to games. I seriously can't wait for it, specially since Miyamoto and Aonuma have admited the mistakes they did in WW and that they're working to correct them. Now we know why this is the last Zelda of its kind. I don't want to create hype, but this might be the best game ever.

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I thought it was strange that it didn't have a thread here yet so I decided to make one.

Talk about the upcoming Gamecube hit "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess", where Link will have an epic adventure. He turns into a wolf, he rides his horse, solves classic Zelda puzzles in huge dungeons, and battles enormous bosses. Miyamoto said this will be the last Zelda game as we know it.


The last zelda game as we know it? as in the last ever or what! can someone clear this up for me please!

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He said it will be the last Zelda game ever in the form we know it.

To me, it sounds liek the genre is changing, so I predict Zelda on the REV will be a MMORPG


I doubt that. It will just use the Rev controller's things a lot; such as sword slashing, the fishing rod and more..


Unless of course the MMORPG was based on teh war from OOT

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