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Are you happy with your life?

Guest Jordan

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To continue on my previous post, my life at the moment sucks.

Good stuff about my life:

I got a few mates at my new school. I rarely get to hang out with them, but when I do, it's great.


I love sports sessions at school, play tennis with my mates


Got a very caring family


Bad Stuff:

About 1/2 of my year hate me, I just tend to ignore them. I seem to repel girls. I tried when I first went to the school, but I just gave up after a while. Having to do bloody GCSEs. I feel depressed sometimes. I have basically no social life outside of school, except for a yearly gig I go to with a mate from my old school. I'm so damn shy, which really pisses me off. I haven't really got a really good friend who I can share my feelings with.


The thing that really fustrates me is that I was pretty open and sociable at my primary school and I was pretty popular.

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Have to say at the moment I'm leaning towrads the 'no'!


At the start of the year, towards the end of January I was really enjoying life, I loved my job and would rather be at work than not (got really bored on my days off), I had developed a really close friendship with this girl, since most of our other friends had gone off to uni (which was a bit annoying but I was used to them not being around), and had a few other good friends I would go out with.


Then on Feb 5th I had my car accident (rolled my car, hit a tree, lucky to just get away with a painful knee) and everything seemed to change...


I had a few days off work and when I went back I moved into the kitchen so was cooking food, doing prep work, etc. The problem with this was that one of the days I missed was my training and they didn't bother to rearange that, so I had no idea what I was doing! My boss then started being a complete bitch having a go at me when I made mistakes, in the end I got fed up with it and quit - haven't worked since Feb 28th!


The girl I mentioned earlier, that I had become really close friends with, well, I realised that she ment a lot more to me than I thought and that I was starting to think that we could be more than just friends. The fact that she stayed with me the whole time I was in hospital (untill about 3 am) made me think that something could happen between us, and speaking to one of my mates who had gone to uni, he also thought I had a good chance (he actually thought something had already happened). Well about 2 months ago now I told her how I felt, only to be told that "whilst she had never felt closer to me she still hadn't got over her ex (who is one of my mates who'se gone to uni) and so going out with someone else would be unfair on her and the other person" i.e. me (although to be honest I wouldn't care)! So that evening was another kick in the nuts!


Another downer (yeah there's more) is my uni mates and the hassle it causes when they come back. This should be a happy time, you haven't seen them for a while, you should have loads to take about you can go out a lot, have loads of fun, etc... well it isn't anything like this! It's a hassle to make them come out because they "don't have any money" and when they do wanna go out it has to be on their terms, and they just babble on about how much they wanna be back at uni making me think that they couldn't care less about me and would rather be back with their uni mates!


The last couple of weeks there have been a few free houses and so a couple of house parties and these have been quite fun (I can forget about how shit I feel when I get drunk)! The one at my house was the best mainly because most of my mates left at about midnight, leaving just me and the girl I like (most of this comes back round to her), we talked, listened to music, watched a film and it was really good, I felt really close to her, however the one at my mates house (the girls ex, the guy who now really pisses me off) wasn't so good! Although I got nicely drunk I was still getting really pissed off with that guy and so I basically just felt like shit!


That second house party was on Friday and since then things have got even worse. The day after I was supposed to go see Scary Movie 4 with the girl, but when I phoned up to sort out times she just said "oh do you want to go tomorrow instead" so we arrange everything for Sunday night, then Sunday afternoon I get a text message saying that she can't go to the cinema because she's decided to ride someones pony instead, now this annoyed me quite a lot, I mean shes already made plans and then just decides to do something else - doesn't even say sorry in the text! Then last night we were meant to be going out with some other friends but instead she decides to tidy her room and watch The O.C.! Basically I feel like now that the other guys have gone back to uni she doesn't really want to do anything with me and would rather just stay in and watch shitty tv (ok The O.C. is amazing but thats besides the point)! Hopefully I'm wrong about this especially, since my feelings for her are constantly getting stronger and I think about her almost constantly/miss her when we don't see each other! I'm now just gonna let her get in contact with me and go out when she wants, hopefully this will be soon, cause every day I don't see her is killing me, I'm also thinking about telling her how I feel again but am terrified that I'll get the same response or even worse she'll tell me that shes over her ex but doesn't want anything to happen between us (I'm still clinging to the hope that when she is over him something will develop).


So to sum it up, I have no job and am running out of money fast, I feel completely unnatached to my friends when they come back from uni, and the girl I like, my so called best friend, well I've never felt more distant from her than I do at this point!


Sorry for writing so much, I hope at least one of you guys reads this!

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I'm not a fan of depression. I can't see why to get yourself down in life, when life itself is the greatest thing ever (note - I am not religious or spiritual for that matter). I'm finishing my A Levels, providing I get the expected grades I'm going to Uni next year. Got my holiday arranged for the summer. Holidays with mates kick ass!


The only downers in my life are I owe my parents £267, no girlfriend and no job. But I don't let it get me down, my parents know I will pay them back when I find a job. And all the jobs I get rejected from I build myself up by knowing I'm better than a shitty newsagent and B&Q etc. And for a girlfriend, patience is the key.


I forgot, if I go to uni I will be the first in my family to have ever gone, which I think is a big thing. So thats pretty sweet.


Conclusion - I'm happy with my life.

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i have £1700 debt...but the realisation of that is £1000 of it i owe to my folks and they say i can pay them back once i get a steady job :)..and the rest is on my credit card and isnt much interest and thats steadly going down each month since i dont smoke and only drink now and again :)


o the debt is from enjoying life (download festival, car insurance, petrol, treating the mrs, gifts for myself) weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *pointless*

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Haha, I meant in your lifetime, not all at the same time :heh:


I rarely crush, and the few I've had have been unrequited. Ah well, I made friends with them all anyway. Shut a window (or is it shut a door?) and all that.


Dude! We've all wanted to jump in bed with 50 hot lesbians lickin' it up.


Not exactly what I meant.

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That is the gayest (for lack of a better word) thing ever. I'm 100% sure that the girl I like at the moment used to like me, I'm so annoyed. :mad:


It happened to me twice. Its so retarded especially as one of them then went out with one of my mates just before she found out I liked her. Shit happens more than once.

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Nope, not too great for me right now. Parents finally getting divorced after 2 years of my mum taking off/coming back for a couple of months/taking off again etc, etc. Hit me hard, the fact that it more or less finalises things. In poor health myself, Nana in hospital, list goes on. At least I got my games to rely on, when I want to forget it all for a while. Life must go on.

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ahem... im bored bored bored at work... but ,im done working in about 6 weeks.. then it's out looking for a new job... but before that im going to lock my self in with lots of beer and red wine and loud music and great great games.. havent had that much time to play anything lately because i leave for work early and come home pretty late.. im going to play the skin off my hands

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.....mmmm.... pretty boring have to say. school fine, lots of mates, job is annoying but it pays. parents stay out of my way, which is really good. i would like to socialise with more people of out side of my school but than again im a bit anti social. and would not mind having a girlfriend.

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I'd say a silver award for reading twighlight's post.


One silver Twilight Award and my re-edited and re-posted gold award for anyone else who's read my post :grin: and if you have read both then cut and paste both, print out and give yourself a pat on the back / thumbs up : peace: or an equal metaphorical form of celebration. :yay:::shrug:





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Excellent, group therapy session. All you people that said no, I think you need a big hug from the other forum members, especially SCG and Twilight_Link as they seem to have a lot on their plates.


As for me, I would say that at this particular moment, no, as I'm fairly bored and hungry. However, as of tomorrow I'll probably say yes. There are parties upcoming, girls and an iron that I'm hopefully heating up to strike in the summer when it's hot. I'm getting mildly better at both cooking and guitar and I've planned to go to FIB in Spain in the summer, the only cloud on the horizon are next months exams which I'm hoping to solve with a week of nothing but revision.

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Sex doesn't HAVE to be with a women. Ay Haden.

... Shit! I thought we were going to reveal our little 'secret' together in heat magazine!


Er oh the thread! Life is good but not perfect. Need to study more but love life at uni. Have a really nice girl whos a friend but no girlfriend, crap there goes that heat story! And need to spend time contemplating my thoughts on religion. Oblivion rocks though! As does the Sopronos!

Over and out guys!

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Right now i hate my life coz i've got my A level French Oral exam on may 12th

and i only know the first paragraph of my speech (F*** i should of made a shorter speech) then on may 25 i've got another French exam and an ICT exam. So right now im pretty much hating life.

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I shouldn't really be passing judgement, but if you dont do the work what's the point in going back to school?


I don't do the work in certain lessons. In others I work like a bitch! Mostly the ones where I know I'll get an A*-C GCSE grade. And that's quite a decent amount. (5)

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