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Why do I keep getting this message:


"There seems to have been a slight problem with the database.

Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.


An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.


We apologise for any inconvenience"

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Why do I keep getting this message:


"There seems to have been a slight problem with the database.

Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.


An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.


We apologise for any inconvenience"


It's early days. The forum ONLY just launched, and the server is probably quite clogged with registrations. I'm told we've had around 87 members in 38 minutes. Don't be too surprised if things go bang in a little while. Teething problems that will be ironed out with age.


Stop worrying about it, I've gotten the same message numerous times. A simple refresh will amend the issue.

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Yeah the server is being banged around at the moment. We apparently had 110 users online at one point. I think Tim mentioned that we've had nearly 4000 connections and that was a while ago.


After a few days the rush will settle down and it'll be fine.

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Well, i wouldn't say that "we are allowed to swear", because you can definitely post without the need to swear. Although, i won't be banning anyone if they swear once or twice. If they just spam and use swear words far too much, then i will be on their case.


Personally tho, i don't think anyone has got anything to worry about on that front. The language is mostly clean, so far. :)

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You can use "reasonable" swear words, the kind your mother may not worry too much about. Just be polite, we all swear at times (despite what my ex-manager wished to believe) but no need to get swear happy.


The blue thing relates to Karma (read seperate Rules thread). The more karma poitns you get the more squares you get.

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thets how many people have put you as their "refferer" when they registers


Why are postcounts visible in the profile? i thaught you had turned them off?


Cheers. Jordan told me it was how many people had reported "bad posts" about you. I've been beating myself up about it for the last hour cos i thought i was unloved. :sad:


Um, as far as i know, it wasn't possible to remove the post counts. We've removed them off the forum pages, but you can still see the count in your profile. I think there wasn't a way around that.

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They should totally increase the profile picture size (dimensions) I posted a thread solely about this but I didn't want to start arguments. Needless to say someone should check it out and fix it (Because it's mathematically nonsensical).


Oooh and avatar text, where are you my sweet puppy?


(Hence my edited avatar).

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