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Any chance I can have enough space to write "Autobot" in the gender field?


Thats not your gender though. Max char input is 6, so work within the limits :P


BTW, is there anything to stop groups of friends just leaving loads of positive karma for their friends to get these "rep points"?


Yeah I bought that up here: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44


If you feel members are abusing this system, so if you suddenly notice someone has 200 more reputation points than the day before say, please forward your concern to an admin. They can check who gave whom reputation and if they feel that it is being abused the points will be taken away and any needed disciplinary approaches will be taken.


A member's reputation points can be changed by an admin, so it is fixable.


Upped the threads per page to 30.

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Thats not your gender though. Max char input is 6, so work within the limits :P


Yeah I bought that up here: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44




A member's reputation points can be changed by an admin, so it is fixable.


Upped the threads per page to 30.


Ah right. I propose you up the char input for people who happen to be Trans-gender then (not for me).


But it's okay, I'll work with 6 characters, just give me a couple of days.


And yeah I see what you're saying with the Rep thing. Sounds good.

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There's this weird thing where I go into a board and read all the threads with new posts in, so all boldness is gone. Then I go to the Forum index via the link at the top left and the board will then indicate that there are new posts on the board I've just been in (rules let's say), I go back into rules and there aren't actually any new posts, no bolded up threads.

It's really annoying me.

Edit: like this




or this



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Why don't you just turn reputation points off? It's cool and I like it, but at the same time I think it could lead to the same problem post counts had.


If its used correctly though it will be a good thing. A big post count didnt necessarily mean you were a good poster. A big rep number though should mean you are a useful and valued poster.


Mr_Oldwin it could be because the new/no new image is cached or something. Ill check into it though, although its stumping me a bit.

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Questions re: The ignore function.


If I add someone to my ignore list does that simply mean posts by them won't show up for me?


Will I still be able to see a thread created by them but only lacking their posts?


Will they know I have ignored them?


Question re: Buddy list


What difference does adding a user to my buddy list make?

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I got that first post thing to show up in Opera. I remember it being mentioned that it didnt work. Anyway, you have to place the cursor at the bottom of the row for it to work, it doesnt seem to like it anywhere else. Has to be around where the red box is on here -



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Questions re: The ignore function.


If I add someone to my ignore list does that simply mean posts by them won't show up for me?


Will I still be able to see a thread created by them but only lacking their posts?


Will they know I have ignored them?


Question re: Buddy list


What difference does adding a user to my buddy list make?


I just added someone to my ignore list to check. Basically, you can see them create a thread, but you cannot view their posts.

I'm not sure if they will know if you have ignored them. At a guess, they probably will not know.


Adding someone to your buddy list doesn't do that much. However, if you open your buddy list, it will indicate if your buddies are online or not. Quite useful. You also have an option to PM them.

This is very useful for us staff members because we can easily see if an admin, mod or staff is online or not quickly.

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So is there a way to see which lovely people have given you karma?


I can see in my profile some have, but I wanna know who!


Click on your User CP and it should show you a list of threads "Latest Reputation Received " you got karma in and what message folks left with it. (If they left a message).


Edit: Haha, now who's too slow? :awesome:

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Okay, who just did what? :D


I can now magically see the people's names in my profile!


Edit: Cheers FL By the way, I just tried to karma you, but it said I have to spread "more reputation around" before I karma you again? Meh :wtf: Oh well, ta again :bow:

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Tphi it may not have worked before because I changed the option for registered users and mods but not site staff, my bad! And im even a staff member, silly me.


Anyway yes you have to "spread the love" to others, its a preventative measure to stop friends karmatising each other. Think you have to do it to 15 or 20 people, can't remember what I set it as.


Moria I honestly don't know if it'll reappear. Maybe in retrospect we should have waited a week and then turned on the Karma feature but ah well. Post some more (no spam :P) and then karma people is my best advice.

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