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Gamecube a Letdown?


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O.k, I no im gonna get abused for this thread, but do anyone else here think the Cube has a been a big letdown? compared to the N64? N64 had so many good games, Mario Kart, Zelda OOT and Majoras Mask, Lylat Wars, Donkey Kong, 007, The could go on, but on the Cube, we aint has half as many good games, and also games like Star fox Assualt have been a letdown?, hope the Revoltion brings alot more good games to the Table.

Ofcourse not, this console has brought me hours of fun with Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros. (especially great) animal crossing, wind waker (and the bonus disc that came with it) and Sonic adventure 2 battle.

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The cube has definitely not been a let down for me. It's treated me to some classic games moments, and has even opened my eyes to new styles and ideas. If it wasn't for the gamecube, i doubt i would have gone back and played my snes, nes or other retro consoles, nintendo or not.


I've loved the games, and the multiplayer moments have been off the scale. :)

Well said Fierce', I totally agree!

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The Cube is absolutely NO letdown, on the contrary. The Cube has brought me countless playhours with games like:


Baten Kaitos

Eternal Darkness

Evolution Worlds

F-Zero GX

Gotcha Force

Mario Kart DD

Megaman Network Transmission

Megaman X Command Mission

Metroid Prime 1 & 2

Mystic Heroes

Resident Evil Remake, Zero & 4

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Sonic Heroes

& Zelda WW


I do agree that Starfox Assault was a bit of a letdown (too much run-around) although it offers some fun. But the three titles that I´ve found to be THE greatest among all others, which offers the ONE key-thing that makes a video game great, Playbility is: SSBM, Gotcha Force & Mystic Heroes.

WHHAAAATT!!!!?? You say? Gotcha Force & Mystic Heroes?? You say?

But honestly, these three titles DO have the most important thing a game can have: Playbility. For I have experienced countless (note:COUNTLESS) hours with these three games. Because, let´s face it, if a game does not have any playbility, and becomes boring after first or second playthrough, it isn´t much even if it has killer graphics, monster sound & has been hyped through media and such. At least that´s my opinion.

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i dont think its been a letdown, infact its the console i have bought the most games for (maybe cos i have job and that = money) but i loved it, so many good games but you are right the N64 was an awesome experience of multiplayer fun. I dont think ill ever have that again with another console especially now everything seems to be heading to online play which im not a massive fan of.

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I also don't believe the Gamecube has been a let down. In the latter days of the N64 I was getting disheartened with Nintendo and went down the Playstation route.


This naturally lead to the PS2 , although I did get a Cube on launch , which was followed by an XBox. After concentrating on my PS2 and XBox I was getting very dissatisfied with the gaming industry and was left wanting in the gameplay department (gaming seemed to become a chore and was no longer fun). It was then I returned to my Cube and got some of the titles I had missed while the Cube was packed away , and there it was , all the gaming I needed. So many good games (already previously mentioned by others) , and all at once gaming seemed fun again.


I am not slagging the XBox or PS2 , because I know others appreciate them , it's just that they are not for me. Instead I now have two Cubes (one upstairs , one down) , just in case one of them every breaks down on me.


So in all , the Cube was certainly not a failure for me , it got me back to gaming and also started a certain degree of Nintendo fanboyism.

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I think Stocka summed it up perfectly.


In terms of success, yes. In terms of games, No.


Also MidnightSun just confirmed what i already thought.


N64 produced more "classic" games, but Gamecube has a better selection


Both machines have their strengths and weaknesses but like I said in my earlier post the Cube, in my eyes, is anything but a failure.

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When I had an N64 there were usually only two or three games a year I wanted to buy for it, but it's been loads more for the GameCube. My GC games collection must be about five times as big as my N64 one, so no way has it been a let down for me. Sure, the best games on the N64 aren't as good as the best GameCube games, but that doesn't make the GameCube's wide selection of A-grade games a letdown.

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I agree with Goonface...The Rev NEEDS MGS!! It's so good. GC got the remake...but that was it :wtf:

The main 3rd party other than EA for Nintendo was Capcom. Let's hope Konami and other companies get more on board this time.


As i said before, I don't think it was a let down and has been my best gaming experience since the MegaDrive (I went Megadrive>PlayStation>Gamecube) though I think those memories of Sega's Gem are partly due to them simply being cherished memories :happy:


I also think that a big part of getting the most out of your Cube is having mates to play with, with quite a few multiplayer games. (Though the 1P ones give you greatness too, such as MP1+2, LOZ:WW etc)

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Because, let´s face it, if a game does not have any playbility, and becomes boring after first or second playthrough, it isn´t much even if it has killer graphics, monster sound & has been hyped through media and such. At least that´s my opinion.


(Warning, half OT)


Well, then let me very much disagree with you :)

If you mean that a game is only great if you can (re)play it loads loads that is.

I think Eternal Darkness was magical playing through the first time(granted, I've played it through 3 times, but still, it was the first time that was magical) and that experience was much more "fun" then playing almost any multiplayer game.

I rather have magical games that are short, then halfdecent ones that are long and have replayability.

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(Warning, half OT)


Well, then let me very much disagree with you :)

If you mean that a game is only great if you can (re)play it loads loads that is.

I think Eternal Darkness was magical playing through the first time(granted, I've played it through 3 times, but still, it was the first time that was magical) and that experience was much more "fun" then playing almost any multiplayer game.

I rather have magical games that are short, then halfdecent ones that are long and have replayability.


Well, we are all different I guess. But hey, that´s what makes us special right? :grin:

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Guest Ford Prefect

if eternal darkness was the only game for the cube ever, it still wouldnt be a let down for me. its a good system with good games. if you want let down, look at something else........

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The gamecube has by no way been a let down for me, It has been one of my favorite consoles, I loved wind waker, I thought it was amazing, I also loved sunshine although it wasnt quite as good as mario 64, i thought double dash was exellent, donkeykonga was really great party game, and super monkey ball, viewtiful joe and wario ware were great new franchice! I love my cube, Its one of my favorite consoles ever! along with my n64.

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In some ways, it was a bit of a let down. But were only saying that now when not many games are being released on it. I bet if this was asked right after the wind waker or any other great title was released, we'd have laughed at the thought. So in many other ways, it was actually great! :)

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I wasnt dissapointed with the gamecube, it was a good system.

The downsides:

After a while, most developers lost interest, so big games on other systems didnt make it to gamecube.

Lack of advertising campaigns! Sure, ive seen a few, but thats all. Nintendo could of saved there asses from being worst selling console by giving it a little bit of encouragement. Same for the DS..

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With the gamecube i was expecting nintendo to go into online gaming and also for them to offer more western style games, i.e fps and racers.


In that sense the gamecube has been a huge letdown for me and also with regard to market share this generation has not been good for nintendo. They are now definitely third place, so i really don't think the gamecube can be labelled a success even if nintendo made money from it.


Positive point; much less time between games than in the n64 days. though not as many good, regular releases as the xbox, at least recently.


The gamecube has also been a haven for "quirky" titles, i'm thinking of games like donkey konga, pikmin, warioware,viewtifull joe, and some others. Which is something nintendo have provided well for.


Getting resi 4 exclusive for such long a period was a big coup for nintendo and i'm impressed. its also a great game, just a shame they couldn't keep the franchise exclusive.


The "standard" nintendo games have been a mixed bag, mario sunshine did not live up to mario 64 at all, far too short. F-zero i think diddn't break enough new ground as diddn't mario kart.


The Wind Waker i think was about as good as majora's mask, not as good as OOT but a good solid zelda game with a nice graphical style, but badly rushed at the end.


Metroid wasn't really my sort of game but i think it was a very good game. an example of a game that wasn't rushed! (or at least did not suffer)


Nintendo need FAR, FAR beter third party support next gen, or at least not get inferior versions of games, but their support has been generally better than the n64 and i think on the whole things have improved for nintendo fans.

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