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Whats Your Favourite Disney?


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I have been recently playing Kingdom Hearts on the GBA which got me into a Disney mood, so while I have been playing I have had various Disney dvds playing in the background.


My question is which is your favourite Disney film/cartoon? No matter what age you are or gender everyone surely has a favourite.


For me it is the Lion King. It has comedy, emotion, story and some awesome tunes in the film itself. One of the last scenes as he climbs Pride Rock and the music its is pure epicness.


Your Turn.

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If it's ANY Disney film then it has to be Pirates of the Caribbean, very funny film, Johnny Depp is superb in it and of course Keira Knightly aint looking too bad ;)


But if you were thinking more along the cartoon side (classic Disney) then I would have to agreee with you on the Lion King front, saw it when it first came out whilst I was on holiday in America (before it came out over here I believe) and loved every second of it, quality!

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Aladdin FTW, followed by Toy Story 1+2 Lion King, and Shrek 1+2


Pirates Is Good, Looknig forward to Pirates 2, preview made it look good


Can't wait For KH 2, Never wanted to finish the 1st one it was jsut that damn good.

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Aladdin, hands down. Then maybe Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Emperors New Groove.. its hard to pick, even Pocahontas is good!


How about worst Disney film? I personally dont warm to Jungle Book much, nor films like Hercules or Hunchback of Notre Dam... they just dont do it for me.

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I liked Lion King the most, I remember it being a great fuss over here over it, so it kinda stuck...


The disney film I really hated is "alice in wonderland" that's so claustrofobic I hate that film even today, probably because I saw it as a kid and I found it horrible.

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I'd have to say Toy Story (well I would wouldn't I?) but it is a top notch film, got the four disc boxset of TS1&2 for Christmas, good stuff.


Apparently as a child Aladdin was my favourite, can't remember ever watching it. Can remember playing the game though.

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The Lion King without a shadow of a doubt. And not only that but its in my top 5 favourite films ever overall. Very emotional an unique. The music is class. Heck the music is some of the most beautifull music there is. Circle of Life, I just can't wait to be King, He Lives in You, We Are One(LK2), Be prepared....they're all great.


The 2nd(Simba's Pride) is good also but not as great.


Has anyone seen the Lion King theatre production in london? I saw it last July, technically fantastic but it just didn't have the magic of the film.


And I think The Emperor's New Groove is SO overrated. Has to be my least enjoyed Disney film I've watched.

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My favourite is probably Bambi followed closely by Aladdin. Reason I chose Bambi is purely because of that scene where Bambi's mother is shot in the medow.


Originally that scene was too graphic and thought provoking that it shocked audiences back in the 40's.


Also love Toy Story to bits........but the sequal isn't as good, but still brilliant.

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I really enjoyed Robin Hood, Toy Story, the Lion king and Aristocats, but Dumbo is by far the best do far. It's everything a Disney movie SHOULD be, and what the executives who enjoy stripping Disney of any kind of creativity should remember that it was this kind of films that built the corperation. Dumbo has it all - immorial and uncaring society, seperation and substance abuse. All in all, it's actually a pretty dark and even brutal film at times, albeit one with a happy ending. Whole studios, like Studio Ghibli, probably wouldn't be able to do what they do if animated films like Dumbo, Pinnochio and Snow White had not blazed such a trail, one which seems so alien to 21st century Disney. Walt must be spinning in his cryotube.

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Aladdin, defiantly. It's the best easily, the songs are the best, the comedy was the best, the villan was the evil-est and the love story was the classiest. Some amazing graphics achievments in it, and Jafar the snaked caused many pants to be wetted and "Still I fink he;s rrather tasty" is such a great line!


Lion King is also amazing, and I would happily watch Pocahontas every day. This thread has inspired me to make an Aladdin sig...

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