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Rate the last film you saw


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Reign of Fire


I wasn't something special but a nice pop-corn movie and I'm glad it was more Christian Bale and less Matthew McConaughey (who looked quite cool actually).

The story felt a bit like out of a comic book but it was still enjoyable and the effects were also better than expected.





Predator 2


It's not as good as the first one but it has more Predators and more dead bodies which is good for this kind of film.

What really annoyed me though was, that Danny Glover was fighting the Predator - it just doesn't seem right, especially because Glover seemed rather fat than trained.

Hunting in a city was a very nice idea though but it doesn't really manage to keep the tension and comic relief (due to Schwarzenegger's exceptional Engrisch) of the original.



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Seen a few recently, but...


L.A. Confidential


One of the best films of the 90's. The complex and ever evolving plot draws you in so, with the help of the three main characters (Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Guy Pierce); all cops with a unique way of solving the several crimes presented in the film (mainly the Night Owl Massacre), who are some of the most complex and intriging characters in a film, probably ever. One of the best films of the 90's



Bubble Boy


Little known comedy, and I can see why. A few funny moments, but ultimately, meh!



Forrest Gump


I don't know why it took me so long to finally see this. I know I had plenty of chances. Probably the best performance Tom Hanks has ever produced, and it was cool seeing all the pop culture references in the 60's and 70's, and Forrest being too stupid to understand them. I'd like to know how they filmed those scenes with Forrest Gump with JFK, Nixon etc.



Spiderman 3


It was alright. Not fantastic, though. I think I left my thoughts about it in the official thread.


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Forrest Gump


I don't know why it took me so long to finally see this. I know I had plenty of chances. Probably the best performance Tom Hanks has ever produced, and it was cool seeing all the pop culture references in the 60's and 70's, and Forrest being too stupid to understand them. I'd like to know how they filmed those scenes with Forrest Gump with JFK, Nixon etc.



They got Tom Hanks on Blue screen, then merged his footage with the old footage by using CGi to make it look like he was there.
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28 Weeks Later


Awesome!! If 28 Days Later is like Alien, 28 Weeks Later is like Aliens!


Not a scary but way more action!! I could have sat through another hour of that...unlike that dog turd of a film Spiderman 3 which was about a sequal too long! The only downside was that the children were a bit annoying.



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28 Weeks Later


Awesome!! If 28 Days Later is like Alien, 28 Weeks Later is like Aliens!


Not a scary but way more action!! I could have sat through another hour of that...unlike that dog turd of a film Spiderman 3 which was about a sequal too long! The only downside was that the children were a bit annoying.




You took the words out of my mouth.


I think the beginning of this film with Don leaving his wife and running away from all those infected is one of the greatest parts of a film I've ever seen.

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You took the words out of my mouth.


I think the beginning of this film with Don leaving his wife and running away from all those infected is one of the greatest parts of a film I've ever seen.


Yea, I loved that bit...and I probably would have legged it aswell! :heh:


The bit in the undergound with the nightvision at the was quite funny/freaky aswell!

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L.A. Confidential


One of the best films of the 90's. The complex and ever evolving plot draws you in so, with the help of the three main characters (Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, Guy Pierce); all cops with a unique way of solving the several crimes presented in the film (mainly the Night Owl Massacre), who are some of the most complex and intriging characters in a film, probably ever. One of the best films of the 90's




It's a brilliant film! : peace:

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seen a few recently:


A Scanner Darkly: I dont like Rotoscoping, the film was alright. Keanu awful as ever. 5/10


The Prestige: Loved it at the cinema, still loved it on DVD. Christian Bale continues to cement a place in my favourite actors list. David Bowies role awesome as well. 7.5/10


Thank You For Smoking: I enjoyed it Aaron Eckhart puts in a great performance. Well worth a watch. 7/10


Wonderland: Still love this film, must have seen it about 10 times now. Val Kilmer is fantastic as John Holmes (yes that John Holmes) in the story about a violent murder that took place in LA in the 80s. 8/10


Nacho Libre: Was alright, not as good on a 2nd watch. Jack Black still awesome though. 6/10

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Space Jam


Crazy to think its been 11 years since I last watched it. A fun film, and now I understand the innuendos, such as Bugs going, literally, stiff as a board when Lola was being 'sexy'.



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National Treasure


Mr Cage's last decent film imo. A lot of good talent involved in this film, and it wasn't that bad. It's like a DaVinci Code for kids. Sequel in the pipeline too, woo!




for kids? it's better than the film da vinci code in every possible way

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V for Vendetta

No matter how many times I see it always love it. One of my favourite movies, simply awesome.


You should read the graphic novel. It's somewhere in the region of ten billion times better.


not a bad film effort, for the most part, but the pen is mightier than the camera...

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Cool idea and very well executed. It's nice to see how they change the past and how little things then have a very different outcome. I didn't like how the changes were handled though, especially towards the end but some parts were really brilliant and it was overall very exciting.

I especially liked the performance of Dennis Quaid although I didn't really like his films so far.



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Watched 2 films this afternoon :


Ferris Bueller's Day Off


Nothing special. Got very bored of it towards the end. Don't understand why this has such a big fanbase. The day off itself, was nothing worth writing home about!






Very enjoyable movie, but I think I would have enjoyed it even more if I had watched it at night. Plenty of laughs and action along the way and some great lines. Bill Murray is great and Sigourney Weaver is sex on legs in it!



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You should read the graphic novel. It's somewhere in the region of ten billion times better.


not a bad film effort, for the most part, but the pen is mightier than the camera...


I've read it already, don't know which one I prefer, but a lot of people always prefer the comics, even if deep down, they really don't. It's the smooth way to go. Not saying you're like this Dan. But I don't have to choose, I love both the comic and the movie.



Haven't watched it in a long time, really entertaining, very nice movie.


The league of extraordinary gentlemen

Meh, it's watchable, I actually enjoyed it more the first time I saw it.

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Kingdom of Heaven - 7/10

was better than I expected after the write-ups it got from critics


Pirates of the Carribean: DMC - 6/10

nice set pieces but in all honesty what was the point in this movie apart from to set up the third?

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Guest Stefkov
Kiki's delivery service -




lol, I still need to see that. I might watch princess mononoke now..

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