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Rate the last film you saw


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"Abre Los Ojos" is quite good, certainly miles better than that Tom Cruise wankfest, but not the best film. Some numbskull on a Uni open day was showing us around the library and desribed "Abre Los Ojos" as a rare film. Pah.


Shoot The Pianist

Francois Truffaut directed flick about a lonely pianist who becomes unwillingly involved with mobsters. The majority of the film has fantastic dialogue, typical of the era, with shades of the Marx brothers to boot.



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Easily the best Sci-Fi movie I've ever seen, I would recommend it to anyone.






Biggest wankfest ever, with abysmal CGi, awfully done direction, the action scenes were poorly done (Most of them gave me motion sickness). On the whole, it's easily one of the worst movies ever made.



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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Jim Carey, Kate Winslet) which i bought on DVD last week.


Interesting plot:


Joel, (Jim carey) meets Clementine (Kate Winslet), after having both had their memories of each other erased. The story then flips back to when Joel has his memory erased, and realising that he still loves Clementine. Aw.


8/10 - an extra point, just cause i love Jim Carey. :)

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The Proposition


Technically a fantastic film (cinematography, editing, score etc. all great). The plot and script were great as well, as were the performances (Winstone especially), but I thought it moved too slow for the sake of it, or a bit too much of an 'art-house'. Still a good western, though.



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The Proposition


Technically a fantastic film (cinematography, editing, score etc. all great). The plot and script were great as well, as were the performances (Winstone especially), but I thought it moved too slow for the sake of it, or a bit too much of an 'art-house'. Still a good western, though.




Brilliant film, well I thought so at least although I would agree with it being a bit slow in places.

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Silent Hill

I really wasn't expecting much from this for obvious reasons. It left me pleasantly surprised. And a little queasy.


Aesthetically it's a very faithful conversion, and whilst the plot is more a pick'n'mix of the game series' themes and characters rather than a direct translation, it's certainly nothing like the unfaithful mess that is the Resident Evil films. The sets are very authentic, and the monsters from the games maintain their grotesque elegance.


Amidst all the terrible teen horror movies that have been doing the rounds in recent years, Silent Hill is a nice change towards something more disturbing than graphic — although it does have quite a bit of gore, so the squeamish might want to steer clear.


Overall I give this film 2 sides out of a Pyramid Head.



A Scanner Darkly

First off let's get the obvious out of the way: this film looks amazing. For those who don't know about this film's look, think of it as real actors cel-shaded.


The basic premise is a battle against a pervasive new drug in the near future. What follows is a rather heavy going tale of drug addicts and an undercover operative trying to track down the big fish. However, whilst the plot does require your constant attention to keep on top of it, there a lot of funny moments and paranoid conversation that really captures just how screwed up the cast are.


Whilst it could easily be argued to be a case of style over substance, and the concepts aren't anything you won't have come across elsewhere, A Scanner Darkly is such a visual feast that I think it could be enjoyed by anyone willing to put the effort in.


2 brain cells out of a full cranium.

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"Abre Los Ojos" is quite good, certainly miles better than that Tom Cruise wankfest, but not the best film. Some numbskull on a Uni open day was showing us around the library and desribed "Abre Los Ojos" as a rare film. Pah.


Shoot The Pianist

Francois Truffaut directed flick about a lonely pianist who becomes unwillingly involved with mobsters. The majority of the film has fantastic dialogue, typical of the era, with shades of the Marx brothers to boot.




It's certainly far from rare, but in this I must disagree: "not the best film". I actually think it's quite great. But I'm not to be taken into account here, for I love Philip K. Dick's writings... I like all of the films I've seen who've been created based on his work (I have yet to see A Scanner Darkly), yes, that includes Minority Report I know it's not masjestic, but I actually enjoyed it), and both Blade Runner and Abre Los Ojos are, as far as I'm concerned, great movies and each of them gets better with every viewing.


Whilst it could easily be argued to be a case of style over substance, and the concept's aren't anything you won't have come across elsewhere


You are aware that the novel was written in 1977, aren't you?




Anyway, moving on, I watched Revolver (for the 3rd time) last night, and yes, it still checks out, a perfect 10. (killthenet, I know you're gonna hate me for this one)

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Ahh, but "Abre Los Ojos" is not a PKD adaptation, it just employs some of the theories that are in "Ubik". I'll have to watch it again anyhow, it has been a while since I've seen it. I did enjoy "Minority Report" but it looks very ugly and it's far too long. You should definately check out "A Scanner Darkly" it's not the most perfect adaptation, but it gets the ideas across well and looks fantastic in the process - though not as nice as "Waking Life". Narrative isn't as clear and they miss out some of the funnier sections of the book, but it's still a very well made film.


And you're right, I hate you for liking Revolver.

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Ahh, but "Abre Los Ojos" is not a PKD adaptation, it just employs some of the theories that are in "Ubik". I'll have to watch it again anyhow, it has been a while since I've seen it. I did enjoy "Minority Report" but it looks very ugly and it's far too long. You should definately check out "A Scanner Darkly" it's not the most perfect adaptation, but it gets the ideas across well and looks fantastic in the process - though not as nice as "Waking Life". Narrative isn't as clear and they miss out some of the funnier sections of the book, but it's still a very well made film.


And you're right, I hate you for liking Revolver.


I know it's not an adaptation, I've read Ubik (actually, it's the only novel I've read by Philip, other than that, I've only read his short stories, and I've recently got my hands on a copy of "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" and I'll be diving into it soon).


I love Linklater's Waking Life, so, yeah, I'm keen on checking out how "A Scanner Darkly" turned out, even though they're completely different movies (but hey, he did direct both Waking Life and the Sunrise/Sunset movies, so, who knows?).


Hey, I'm a sucker for the kind of narrative employed in revolver, a very poor man's Lynch, I know, but I enjoy it. (I'm guessing you also hate A Tale Of Two Sisters?) :D

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Children of Men


The film begins quite weird yet interesting then had me wondering for some time and finally could drag me into it as I began to understand how everyone was feeling in a childless future.

Particularly towards the end I really liked how the hatred and violence was portrait and how people got used to it and also how they somehow felt they could touch God when they saw the baby.

However, I missed the role of the government. It gave me the feeling that it was an interesting part of the book yet left out almost completely during the film. There's not much about the motives or ideals why they are doing what they are doing which kept me wondering instead of thinking.



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You are aware that the novel was written in 1977, aren't you?

And? I was rating the film, not the book, and whilst it's quite possible Phillip K. Dick's writings inspired media which followed similar themes that doesn't change the fact that you'll more than likely have come across them before.

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And? I was rating the film, not the book, and whilst it's quite possible Phillip K. Dick's writings inspired media which followed similar themes that doesn't change the fact that you'll more than likely have come across them before.


Precisely, the times you came across it before where most likely inspired in that book, meaning it shouldn't be a negative point whilst judging the film.

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Precisely, the times you came across it before where most likely inspired in that book, meaning it shouldn't be a negative point whilst judging the film.

It wasn't a negative point, just a point. I said it could be argued to "be a case of style over substance" and then supported that by noting parenthetically that the "concepts aren't anything you won't have come across elsewhere".


Personally I think the visual style lends itself very well to the story and makes some of the more abstract scenes more cohesive than they would have been with the overly shiny CGI that intrudes upon most contemporary films. However, not everyone will see it this way so it's my obligation to those people to note possible sticking points. Obviously I didn't cater to Phillip K. Dick fanatics, but you can't please everyone.


Anyway, maybe you should stop picking on poor defenceless old me and see the film for yourself. It's pretty good, you know.

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Science of Sleep


Very well acted and clever dialogue. I like the parts inside his head especially. The dream parts are also disturbing and hilarious and I like how reality and dream slowly start to mix. Towards the end it gets a bit too confusing for me though. I'd like a clearer ending that wouldn't keep me guessing how things will actually work out.



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It wasn't a negative point, just a point. I said it could be argued to "be a case of style over substance" and then supported that by noting parenthetically that the "concepts aren't anything you won't have come across elsewhere".


Personally I think the visual style lends itself very well to the story and makes some of the more abstract scenes more cohesive than they would have been with the overly shiny CGI that intrudes upon most contemporary films. However, not everyone will see it this way so it's my obligation to those people to note possible sticking points. Obviously I didn't cater to Phillip K. Dick fanatics, but you can't please everyone.


Anyway, maybe you should stop picking on poor defenceless old me and see the film for yourself. It's pretty good, you know.


Hey, I wasn't picking on you. If I were, I'd have been more aggressive. It was just healthy discussion.

And yeah, I should see the movie. :D Thanks for the advice.

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Layer Cake



Daniel Craig is Bond.. James Bond. Wait. No he isn't. But he's still very suave as a drugs dealer/business man. A bit like Guy Richie's films only darker and more character driven. Nice shock ending to boot. It's a grower.




(a possible 4/5 after more viewings)

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