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Blades of Glory


Fanfuckingtastic!! I thought this would be funny but it just got better and better!!! I was awesome! Everyone go see this! Zoolander was my favourite comedy film, now its this!!



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Man on Fire


I still suffer from epilepsy due to the extensive use of colour-, distortion- and grain filters at the same time. :p

But the story is quite enjoyable and although the idea of a kidnapped girl the hero is going to save isn't new the whole portrait of the society of Mexico as well as of the characters - especially the main character makes it stand out of the crowd. The film also really manages to keep its pace. I was afraid it would change once the action really started but it didn't and suited the film perfectly.

The only real letdown are the filters which make the important parts of the action scenes almost unwatchable and since I'm an action-fan it's quite of a letdown to me.



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I watched Children of Men the other night. Really enjoyed it. The whole concept is brilliant. Loved the way it was filmed aswell with the one long camera shots.


Only let down was the end I feel.




that running battle shot all done on one camera.....bloody hell it's brilliant. one of the finest pieces of cinematography I've ever seen, like. Woah :yay:

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Flight of the Phoenix (original)


Missed the first 20 minutes or so (was om TV this afternoon),but I really got into it. Great character study and drama, even if it was a little slow at times. Fancy watching the remake now aswell, to see the changes.



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Blades of Glory


Fanfuckingtastic!! I thought this would be funny but it just got better and better!!! I was awesome! Everyone go see this! Zoolander was my favourite comedy film, now its this!!




Have you seen Anchorman? If not then watch that, esaily surpasses both those films!


Anyway, I saw Blades of Glory last night and it was most excellent. Although the end was abit odd. Probably on par with Taladega Nights, but not as good as Will Ferrels best - Anchorman!



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Universal Soldiers


I expected it to be Trash but this is one of the most cleverly filmed trash movies I've ever seen. The characters get quite some time to develope as well and it has nicely filmed action scene with a few outstanding ones - like the truck "race" on the cliff. I'm also very surprised by the pace. It is really constant throughout the whole film and makes it all the more enjoyable therefore.





Deep Blue Sea


Pretty good film with aggressive Sharks and the people who got chased were intelligent and so didn't do the most idiotic things which offered a lot of back story to it. It's actually a lot more intelligent than I thought but therefore fails to deliver with shocking moments and becomes quite boring at times.



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The Great Escape


Had an urge to watch this last night after seeing Richard Attengrbrough in Flight of the Phoenix. A timeless film that will last forever. Seen it over 20 times now I'm sure. The only thing that is misleading is the title, as the scheme isn't really a "great" escape. Out of about 70 people who actually escape the camp (250 were meant too), only around 4 make it! Ah well, still my favourite WW2 movie!


All together now....da dum, da dum di dum di, da da.......



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What an amazing film, that not only has great visuals and effects but if you look for it has a great story there too. It is going down for me as one of the best films ever, I look forward to watching it countless times. Nothing has been this good since Superman Returns (for me personally which is my fave movie ever!) Seriously 300 is amazing, and Ive had countless fights with people saying otherwise!!





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Anchorman 6.5/10


I laughed at the opening text line, a few clever lines here and there but on the whole found it a little overrated. I guess I enjoyed it but looking back I'm aware that I didn't laugh out loud very often. I laughed a lot more watching, say, the Jackass movies. It's not that I don't get ironic humour or sideways statements about society or anything. That said, one problem was one of my friends is always talking about the film, so he spoiled some of the best lines before they arrived (I'm sure "I love... Lamp!" would've killed me if I didn't know it was coming).

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Friday night lights 7/10


I bought this film simply for the sound track (it's almost entirely Explosions in the Sky). I ended up really enjoying it. I might give the tv series a whirl, even though i assume that soundtrack won't include EITS

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Get's it's message across perfectly well, but it could have been so much better. The 'slasher' element introduced towards the end of the film lets it down a lot, as it is clumsy and doesn't sit well next to the rest of the film. There are though some genuinely brilliant moments, in fact the first 30 minutes of the film are amazing, but the rest of it can't match up, and Danny Boyle is a bit of a rubbish director, which marr's the project somewhat. But the message is there and it's clear, so they succeded in their task but still, it could have been something akin to "2001" but instead it's more like "Stargate" - so much potential, but the talent behind it just weren't up to the job.



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I like how the first half of the film jars slightly with the second half. I can understand killthenet's view but I think worth a higher score. Then again I thought the remake of Solaris was fantastic, so what do I know!



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