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Rate the last film you saw


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Star Trek


Loved it. I didn't expect to since I didn't like some of the episodes and didn't like the previous movies. Also, can any Trekkies out there tell me if they liked the movie?




Hollywood is now, and has always been, a business.


True. Have they no shame! :p

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Justice League: The New Frontier


It was decent...I would have liked it to be have been a series I think...the pacing was weird.

Wonder Woman added, being a strange take on the character. I liked how they did Batman, acknowledging his changes in character. And how Superman wasn't even the main character.

I would have preferrred just an animated take on JLA: Year One tbh.

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The Hangover


Not 'OMG the funniest film ever' but many a laugh was had! Enjoyed it more than I thought it would.





The Time Travellers Wife


God I well up too easily at films/tv these days!... don't actually cry, but that's almost worse!

It was an ok watch, a bit lame really, but an interesting enough concept and acting was alright.







Really liked the first 20mins or so, it felt like we were getting something different from an animated film, but then it just got pretty damn generic really, with a couple of nice moments/scenes later on! Some funny moments... I liked the scout character.

But I certainly wouldn't go along with all the rave reviews, and the 'masterpiece' comments.


Nothing has ever come close to Toy Story 1/2 IMO... but I'd probably rate UP as the next best Pixar film (ahead of Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc.)... but still quite a way behind.



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I think Toy Story is looked at through a lot of nostalgia-tinted glasses, but it is actually very good. For a while I was in the "I'm SEW bored of it!" camp, but then I remembered that it's strangely brilliant and moving.

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The first part of Up (where it goes through his life with his wife) is the best thing Disney has ever done.

Absolutely, although I'm sure there are other contenders.


I've been told The Hunchback of Notre Dame is amazing yet have never seen it, what opinions do people have on it?

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The fact that fuck all happened. I can't remember how long into the film I gave up, but it didn't exactly fill me with promise of something decent happening.


Sorry for the late reply to this. It's not a very plot-orientated film, though. It's more about the character interaction than it is about plot. If you're watching the film expecting a car chase or the building to explode, then you're probably watching the wrong film. It's about two characters who are at almost opposite ends of their lives: One is an aging actor, and the other is a young woman who doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. There's a lot you can take from the film, such as that no matter where you are in the world, there will almost certainly be someone else close who is as lost as you are. :heh:


Mrs. Doubtfire

Ah absolute classic! Caught it on tv, though I'd been wanting to watch it for aaaaages already. Had been way too long since I last saw it. Just a funny film, Robin Williams is great. =D

Though the film seemed a lot more serious now than it did when I was little (what with the parents fighting and the divorce and all that). Maybe I just didn't get all of it when I was younger heh.


Groundhog Day

Interesting film. Had no idea what to expect when Jim turned it on. Was quite good, though it seemed to go on for ages... which I know isn't true but I was really tired so maybe that's why. =P


True Lies

True Arnie comedy-action film haha. Quite enjoyed this actually. Just one of those popcorn flicks you can just turn on and laugh with.


Big Trouble in Little China

Dear god... Jim put this on saying he used to love it and watch it again and again. I wish he hadn't put it on to be honest. The film was quite pointless, with a story that made absolutely no sense. I couldn't even laugh at how bad it was, I just wanted it to end haha.


I'm pleased with most of your reactions to those films. However, Big Trouble is hilarious, haha. In a supremely bad way, but it's still great fun. :D


I really enjoyed UP. Yeah, the first 20 minutes are incredibly moving. I think it would've lost all impact had it kept up that sombre note for so long (there's only so much depression one person can take). I see the film as one old man's last adventure. A final hurrah. There was still plenty of sadness and emotions throughout, it's not like the film turned purely into a comedy. It's one of these films that does everything. It makes you laugh, cry, it moves you, it draws you in and it finds a way to lift you up. I feel the same way about Forrest Gump.

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Absolutely, although I'm sure there are other contenders.


I've been told The Hunchback of Notre Dame is amazing yet have never seen it, what opinions do people have on it?


Hunchback of Notre Dame is amazing. The most grown-up and dark (genuinely) animated one Disney's done.


I think it's better than all the Pixar ones, but then I'm biased toward the standard animation ones I think.

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WALL-E, Up, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo and Ratatouille are all better than Toy Story.


Hmm, it depends what you mean by "better"? Do you mean the stories are better, or that they're funnier? Or just that in general, when you put it all together, they're all better than Toy Story?


I like The Incredibles, but it isn't even in the same league as Toy Story. I don't think there's a single department where the Incredibles has one over Toy Story. Toy Story has a better story, it's funnier, I think it looks better and the characters are better.


Wall-E is quite similar to UP in that the first 20 minutes or half hour are really quite magical. It's a great piece of work. I do think that the film slightly loses a bit of magic when the humans are introduced, but it's still quality. They're all different films with different subject material.


Finding Nemo was great when I first watched it, but I haven't seen it in a while so I can't say whether that's better than Toy Story. From what I remember, I really enjoyed it, but would still place Toy Story one level higher.

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Toy Story is a great film, but it's probably not the best Pixar film anymore. I think lots of people just really love it for nostalgic reasons. Rose-tinted glasses and all that. =P


I love Toy Story 1 and 2, but I think I currently think Up and Wall-E are better than those. Can't wait for Toy Story 3 though. =D

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Toy Story is a great film, but it's probably not the best Pixar film anymore. I think lots of people just really love it for nostalgic reasons. Rose-tinted glasses and all that. =P


I love Toy Story 1 and 2, but I think I currently think Up and Wall-E are better than those. Can't wait for Toy Story 3 though. =D


I think I'll need a few more years and repeated viewings to decide if those two are better than Toy Story.


The only one I think at the moment which is perhaps better is Monsters Inc. In about five years time, I reckon I could probably add Up to that list.


Dug! Loveeeee.

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I think I'll need a few more years and repeated viewings to decide if those two are better than Toy Story.


The only one I think at the moment which is perhaps better is Monsters Inc. In about five years time, I reckon I could probably add Up to that list.


Dug! Loveeeee.


Monsters Inc. better than Toy Story?

I quite like Monsters Inc., but I would place it below Toy Story personally. Also, you said somewhere up there Toy Story is better looking than The Incredibles... don't really get how you can say that. The Incredibles looks miiiiiiles better, has much better animation and physics and all that. Just compare the characters to Andy or Sid from Toy Story. Big difference I think.

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Personally I'm not looking through rose tinted glasses at all when it comes to Toy Story.


Whenever I watch them (now or back then) they are just timeless classics!

Such great characters, that exude so much love and warmth, lovely stories, great humour and priceless moments!


Sure Toy Story 1 looks dated now visually, but it doesn't detract from the film at all, which shows how strong it is.


IMO they haven't come close to being beaten by any 3D animation.


The Lion King holds the 2D crown and possibly just beats Toy Story 1/2 to my favourite ever animation.

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