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Rate the last film you saw


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Harry Potter and the Half Asleep Dyson


5/10. No more, no less, it was decidedly average. It was by no means a bad film but I just couldn't keep track of it, and I am certainly a Potter fan - though this is the first HP film I've seen since the first one. I think the fact I know what's coming doesn't help - though there were a few moments that stopped me from giving it a lower score. I'm not sure why but the "All hands on deck, Granger!" line really got me, and the jump scene still managed to scare the shit out of me. The special effects, bar the bridge collapse at the start of the film, were top notch. But I felt that the all important final scene had no power to it and I felt nothing when what happened, happened. I think for me the most entertaining aspect of the film was the character relations as opposed to the main storyline progression - the actors seem to be able to accurately act like they should at the age they're acting at, and the chemistry is great.


I went in to the film not knowing what to expect and still came out a little disappointed.

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I laughed at "All hands on deck Granger!" too. :)


A bit like in Goblet Of Fire, when Dumbledore's like "Ms.Granger, what are you doing here?" in the tent before the first challenge in the tournament.




So Inland Empire. One of my favourite films.


RANDOMLY on as a special feature in the tiny Orkney cinema. So I went to see the 3-hour epic by myself, having never seen it on a big screen before.


I found a good quote that sums up what I love about David Lynch films most.

Then, to clarify, he offered a full minute of borderline-meaningless sentences that did nothing to explain his relationship to music but plenty to reinforce what his movies have conveyed for 30 years: Our wildest, most intense feelings crush our ability to describe them.


It's just an experience. I don't pretend to get Inland Empire beyong the shred of story it gives you. It's just awesome.


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Bruno or make you feel quiet sad about society


ok, i'll just say off the bat, i found it really rather funny, not hysterical but i was laughing all the way through. but in a few points, it was the wrong sort of laugh. particularly the baby casting scene. i mean, when he asked "is your baby ok around burning phosphorus?" and the guy said "he loves it." i was horrified, though it was also my biggest laugh in the movie.


the film didnt have the same charm as borat, but still was a fun film to watch, exposing peoples prejudice was the right mix of funny and disturbing, and i gotta say, he did well to stay in character.


the middle east scene, whilst hillarious, was a step to far.


good laugh, but bring a spare monicle as your will surely fallinto a glass of champagne due to the shock of it all 8/10

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Potter 6 (Lazy) I don't know what I think of it but I guess it was good/10


I feel quite satisfied with it as a film, I think it's better than the others and I chuckled most of the time. I also would say the jump moment more than matched the one in TDK.


Anyway, I'm reading your conflicting posts and I don't really think I have an opinion really, which is weird. The whole thing sort of felt hollow as if it was missing tons of stuff from the book but what would I know since it's been ages since I read it?


In the first couple of films, for me anyway, I was taken into the HP universe much more, it seemed more believable, whereas this almost solely concentrated on the main events, which is understandable. I kinda agree with the Daniel/Potter thing, it doesn't always seem right, whereas the others seem to fit their roles pretty well.


Ginny isn't even fit. Lose.


I would be in favour of them making multiple series with a mega budget that doesn't miss one thing from the book and maybe even adds more chapters to the backstory. I'd happily waste my time watching through hours upon hours of Potter lore that was done a bit more justice.


If I were to give it a score, despite being a bit empty I'm pretty sure it was good so I'd give it a 7/10


P.S when Harry said to Dumbledore 'You've never really changed' or something like that, I was astonished he hadn't noticed the difference in appearance of him between years 2 & 3 of Hogwarts.

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Went to see it after never hearing about it until everyone kept going on on how funny and great it is.

It is very funny but not as much as it was being described to me and plot wise it is very predictable but I did not let that bother because of the likeable character

in the film made up for it.


All in all it´s a good comedy and I would not be surprised if I watch it again sometime.


Also, it might not bas funny as Hangover but Very Bad Things is still my favourite

"Stag Party" film just for how cruel it is.

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Bruno or make you feel quiet sad about society


ok, i'll just say off the bat, i found it really rather funny, not hysterical but i was laughing all the way through. but in a few points, it was the wrong sort of laugh. particularly the baby casting scene. i mean, when he asked "is your baby ok around burning phosphorus?" and the guy said "he loves it." i was horrified, though it was also my biggest laugh in the movie.


the film didnt have the same charm as borat, but still was a fun film to watch, exposing peoples prejudice was the right mix of funny and disturbing, and i gotta say, he did well to stay in character.


the middle east scene, whilst hillarious, was a step to far.


good laugh, but bring a spare monicle as your will surely fallinto a glass of champagne due to the shock of it all 8/10

I think Borat's Cringe:Laugh ratio was 30:70, whereas Bruno's was 70:30.

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I think Borat's Cringe:Laugh ratio was 30:70, whereas Bruno's was 70:30.


i cringe laughed. alot.


borat was way funnier, i still remeber the "chocolate face" line. i was sat behind a black guy, i knew i had to wait for him to laugh before i could, i saw his face, it was utter shock, i didnt know which way hed go, thankfully he laughed almost as hard as me.

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I think Borat's Cringe:Laugh ratio was 30:70, whereas Bruno's was 70:30.


That's a pretty good comparison. I don't remember that many really hard to watch bits in Borat, but some of the bits in Bruno were painful to watch.

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Amazing documentary about people living in an abandoned section of the New York underground. DJ Shadow does the music, I think most of it was off 'Endtroducing...'. The whole background to the film as well is worth a read.



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Todays movie


Rambo: First Blood Part II


Sly Stallone stars in this sequel to the 1982 original (with the same name, minus the Part II part). As it's been warned with the previous encounter with police, don't mess with Rambo. He will extract revenge no matter who messes with him be it good guys or bad guys. A great movie, which gets 9/10

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Harry Potter and the half Blood Prince(2009)




I liked the fifth one and really wanted to like this but it just didn't click with me. It left me feeling empty by the end of it. It lacked the character present in the other films. It all felt very awkward. I wasn't completely drawn in to what was happening. The story chugged along slowly with very little impact, I didn't feel any tension at all.


Also at times it felt like a cheap romantic drama there was definitely too much of that. At first it was funny and a light relief but after awhile it lost its charm and I'm like they aren't leaving enough time for them to develop the actual plot!


They needed to make Draco Malfoy's part a lot better. There was definite potential there but they underused him.


I did quite the stuff with Dumbledore at the end! although it did look like Gandalf fending off a hord of Gollum's. :p


Moon (2009)




I went in not knowing anything about it. :heh:


What a wonderful movie this is. It's not as complicated as it first looks. Brilliant acting from Sam Rockwell which it had to be as it is almost a one man show. I loved the pacing of the whole movie and how each new thread unfolded with subtle hints along the way. Everything I thought was going to happen doesn't and that for me was the surprise.


I think this may be my favourite movie I've seen this year. It has got itself lodged in my head I keep thinking about it and everytime I do the more I realise how much I loved it. :grin:


7 bears out of 7


Kingdom of Heaven: Directors Cut (2005)




Yeah this was good. I was watching it in HD and it looked beautiful. It was not what I thought it was going to be like which was just an excuse for pointless action.


5 and a half Bears out of 7.

Edited by Coolness Bears
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I'm DESPERATE to see Moon.


It sounds like a film made for me.


I want to see eet, too. Me and ViPeR/Joe have been following it for quite some time.


I'm trying to look on the Kinepolis website, as its a cinema in Belgium, so I'm looking to see if I could watch eet with de female. Alas, I can't find any listings for Moon. :(

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My Super Ex-Girlfriend


At first the wife and I thought it was just being bad as like a joke, but it turns out the whole film is baaaaaad, and it's not a joke. It was sometimes a little bit funny, but basically it was the worst film I've seen in ages.

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In preparation to see The Half Blood Prince, I watched the following:


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Had a seizure

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Die Hard


And then obviously I didn't get the chance to watch Half Blood Prince... I can't be bothered to rate them all, so the Harry Potter films can get 7 Shabba's. Die Hard can get 9-10. Because it's pr0.

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Tropic Thunder

It started off well, but after 10-15 minutes or so it went downhill. Three or four decent lines, but you'll only find this hillarious if you're aged twelve.



Knock knock! Very good, tense and entertaining. Thought the Predator looked a little bit too comical, once his face was unveiled at the end, but hey that's the 80's!


Also gave In Bruges a re-watch which I think is one of the best dark comedies in ages.

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