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Rate the last film you saw


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Princess Mononoke






I watched Princess Mononoke about a year ago now and can't remember a thing about it! You just made me wanna watch it again now tho.


I'm coming to the end of my uni course and need to watch shed loads of films to fill up a research book (it's a hard life) and watched True Romance last night. I watched it about 5 years ago and well enjoyed it but could only remember certain scenes.

It was just as awesome, some horrific scenes with a comical edge, bit of action, quirky conversations Tarentino style and a great sound track. It's one of those films where you don't wanna move while it's on, the flow of it is perfect which keeps you hooked. The cast is impressive to and every character works well together. I'd give it 9/10.


I also watched Pi the other week which was ace, the sound was very experimental and interesting and the lead character was acted well. I felt like I was watching a slightly more advanced student film but not in a bad way just with it being so creative. I'd give it 7/10 just because it ain't the sort of film I'd watch over and over. Oh yeah and the sound track was impressive too, big fan of Aphex Twin



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Watched this earlier and even though I had heard a bad opinion of it from someone, I still thought it was a very good comedy. Nice nerdy moments in there for both Star Wars and Star Trek, im looking forward to it coming out on dvd. Plus you gotta love Kristen Bell in the gold bikini.




In the mood for more comedy now, putting on Anchorman.

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Watched this earlier and even though I had heard a bad opinion of it from someone, I still thought it was a very good comedy. Nice nerdy moments in there for both Star Wars and Star Trek, im looking forward to it coming out on dvd. Plus you gotta love Kristen Bell in the gold bikini.




In the mood for more comedy now, putting on Anchorman.


Whaaaaaa. Is it out or.....

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Crank 2: High Voltage


The cut is too hectic in the beginning and everything seems a bit wierd but after half an hour it is replaced by that old-school trashy awesomeness. The film doesn't take itself too seriously and it's really funny to see all this supid stuff happening. Sometimes I couldn't help but compare it to No More Heroes because of the presentation.





X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Better than I expected. The backstory to Wolverine is in some parts quite original in others not. The action scenes are great throughout and there's a good balance between action and story. But somehow everythings a little too predictive and the dialogue a little too shallow, so it's little more than a good popcorn movie.



Edited by Konfucius
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The Mummy


Awesome movie starring Brendon Frasier. Even though i've seen it so many times, it still makes me laugh when i see Benny. And i spotted when the sacrifice is about to be made for Anuk-sunamem to be resurrected (at the end), the mummified body of her is breathing?? before the soul is returned to it.



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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


well, it was pretty good actualy, far better then i expected. action was the good old over the top, screw logic for what looks good affair. story had less depth then a paddeling pool, and it felt like some characters were just in to boost the count for fans.


i laughed alot at the film, mostly because every 20 mins some one dropped to their knees and screamed at the sky.


some of the cgi was terrible mind, especialy on the claws.


so yeah, if you want somthing deep and thought provolking with a sensible plot, stay clear. if you want to see hugh jackman fight a helocopter, give it a go.



does what i expected.

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Demolition Man


Again. I couldn't find anything in my DVD folder to peak my interest at that moment and checking my video folder I found what I was seeking, plus I also had random quotes from the film going in and out my head for the past few days. I find it a nice random bit of trivia that Wesley Snipes had to slow down his pimpsmacking moves, since being a pr0 black belt in real life, his movements were too quick for the camera.


And how the fuck do the three seashells work.


Eight Shabba's



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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


well, it was pretty good actualy, far better then i expected. action was the good old over the top, screw logic for what looks good affair. story had less depth then a paddeling pool, and it felt like some characters were just in to boost the count for fans.


i laughed alot at the film, mostly because every 20 mins some one dropped to their knees and screamed at the sky.

some of the cgi was terrible mind, especialy on the claws.


so yeah, if you want somthing deep and thought provolking with a sensible plot, stay clear. if you want to see hugh jackman fight a helocopter, give it a go.



does what i expected.

say what you will, but that one in the forest was textbook



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The Mummy


Awesome movie starring Brendon Frasier. Even though i've seen it so many times, it still makes me laugh when i see Benny. And i spotted when the sacrifice is about to be made for Anuk-sunamem to be resurrected (at the end), the mummified body of her is breathing?? before the soul is returned to it.




I always presumed he had already resurrected her body. She was alive and breathing, he just needed Eve as a sacrifice to restore her soul. If you've seen the second one its the same thing. Anucksunamun (sp?!) is alive and helping Imhotep, but she's not really herself until a part the part in the film where he performs the ritual again and restores her soul to the body.

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I always presumed he had already resurrected her body. She was alive and breathing, he just needed Eve as a sacrifice to restore her soul. If you've seen the second one its the same thing. Anucksunamun (sp?!) is alive and helping Imhotep, but she's not really herself until a part the part in the film where he performs the ritual again and restores her soul to the body.


The soul of Anucksunamun had not even returned to the body at this point, this is before Imotep reads from the book, he mutters her name whilst moving his hand over her mummified face. Look by the neck area in the same scene as Imotep moving is hand over her mummified body, and you will see what i mean. The person inside the mummy suit is trying hard to not show that they are breathing and to the non-observant it is un-noticable.


The moment you are probably talking about was after the screaming return of her soul to the body right before Imoteps attempted sacrifice of Eve.


I have seen the second movie, and i believed it to be someone who looked more like Anucksunamun than Eve did and believed to be the ressurected in body only Anucksunamun until Imotep performs said ritual again after the flash back to when she killed herself to bring back the soul again, this time with no distractions (Pharoahs Bodyguards first time, Johnathan the second time with the Gold Book).

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The Bourne Ultimatum

Daft as you like super thriller but never less than absolutely gripping. The action is simply astonishing- particularly as it rarely lets up, and never gets boring. It's an assured finale to the series in slower moments too. Matt Damon is quietly impressive; he really carries off the air of Bourne being at once the unwilling fugitive and the lethal weapon in the same scene.

Some of it is truly absurd (particularly the CIA's ability to hack any CCTV camera/phone/mobile signal in seconds as they choose) but when the direction and pace is so tight, who gives a shit?



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It amazes me that the film was actually filmed on the days that the story take place (eg. When Winston is writing his April 4th 1984 entry in the diary, it was actually filmed on April 4th 1984 etc).


A pretty grim story. And I'm sure I remember the ending being a bit more obvious in the book.


ie he actually gets executed in the end once he realises he loves Big Brother. Although in all fairness, if I discovered I loved Big Brother I'd want to be shot!



I find it a little unbelievable that a government like that would exist though. I'd like to think that people would have opposed it before it had started and stopped it from happening to begin with. But then again, it wouldn't surprise me either if people just let it happen.



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Ghost Town


This wouldn't even be a film worth seeing it it wasn't for Gervais. Lot of chuckles throughout, but under that is a poor story line.


3/5 (With Gervais)

1/5 (Without Gervais)

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The Mummy Returns


Stars Brendan Fraiser (again) Rachial Wiez (again) and Arnold Vosloo (again). Its a pretty darn good sequel to the 1999 original blockbuster.


At the end of the movie, i do honestly feel so sorry for Imohtep when he gets dumped at a crucial life-saving moment by his 3,000 yr old g/f


It still makes me wonder when Imohtep came back how he had eyes, a tongue and more flesh than he did the first time (how it mysteriously grew back). He would need to suck someone dry to get flesh to return


Anyway, enough of me finding faults. Its a good movie, 8/10

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A road trip movie with nerdy references essentially. A nice escapist comedy. Glad they kept the original narrative, the non-cancer version would be (presumably) quite lame. I like how to test if they were fanboys the security guard asked two Star Wars questions followed by a sex question.


It seems almost fitting that I watched it the day I finished uni after I heard about it in the summer before I started uni. Can't believe it took so long to be released.

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I've decided I hate when famous things pointlessly aren't on DVD over here. I was looking for Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?, a pretty famous films, and it's only on DVD in region 1. "CUNTS!" I cried.


Twin Peaks series 2 has a strange release in the UK. In that there's a region 2 version available..but not easily. And it's £41 on Amazon. Do not want.

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Iron Man


often hugely entertaining romp, told with far more confidence than most of the previously out sourced marvel films. Robert Dowry Jr steals the show (as per) as Tony Stark. The film has weaknesses mind- not least the time stamp reading a full 60 mins before the full red n gold Iron Man is revealed. The result of this is a second half that feels comparatively half baked to the impeccable first. The bad guy's motives are never made clear (a problem compounded by a mis cast Jeff Bridges), nor is Iron Man given enough screen time in full glory.

still, a solid start to an intended franchise effort for one of Marvel's best properties. The sequel, as tends to be the case, will almost certainly, be absolutely ace.

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