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About to watch Dead poets Society - Captain my Captain'. Anyone else watching?


Is that the one with Robin Williams teaching at a all boys school that he used to attend?


If so I saw it a while back, and it wasn't too shabby at all.


Toy Story is the definitive Pixar film. As many have said, I also have fond memories of it (see below), it's one of my most watched films ever, and I'm pretty sure I've watched it more in recent years than I did when I was younger.


Toy Story was going to become the first film I was going to see at the cinema, but I chickened out, as I was afraid of being in the dark...


After a lot of nagging I got a Buzz Lightyear toy when the film was released. But if I had to choose between Buzz and Woody now, I think I'd prefer a Woody. Werid.


I had the Toy Story video game on SNES and GB, and they were pretty good. Some classic platforming, stealth missions in Pizza Planet and racing on top of R.C. Good times!


I also collected the Toy Story stickers and think I completed the album. Go me! Also, Toy Story, was the first thing I ever pre-ordered, and I got a free mug with it. Now to find that mug!!


Toy Story

Toy Story 2

Finding Nemo


A Bug's Life


Monsters Inc

The Incredibles



you can't possibly rate A Bugs Life over The Incredibles? the only notable thing about that film is that for the first and only time ever, Dreamworks made a better film than Pixar with Antz.

The Incredibles is genius. I rate it way higher than Toy Story and only just behind Ratatoullie and Wall.E (which is by far their best film)


That said, They're one of the finest studios in the world. pretty much everything they've ever produced is solid gold.


Well, last night i should of been watching Eraser. But alas, it never arrived from Amazon so i made do and chose this as my Tuesday Curry night movie


Rambo III


This is the Blu-ray version. Still a good movie, just made slightly better by the sound which makes the explosions sound more real than ever really. Not the best of the 4, but still watchable all the way though




Oh well, here is hoping Eraser arrived today. If so, my thoughts will be posted later.


I never liked Antz much either, preferred A Bug's Life. Might not be their best film, but I still found it enjoyable and fun to watch. =)


And I find it almost impossible to make a list of their films in the order of their greatness. I love them all! Toy Story would be somewhere on top, mostly because it was so innovative for its time (and of course all the memories attached to it). But then now Wall-E has taken over my heart... And I also really loved Ratatouille and Finding Nemo, and thought The Incredibles was great! And Monster's Inc. was fun, even though people keep forgetting it.

Cars was okay, probably would be at the bottom of my list, even though it wasn't bad.





there's a pixar box set right? Might invest one of these days as it's been ages since I saw most of their films and most of them I've not seen enough- particularly Monsters Inc and The Incredibles.

there's a pixar box set right? Might invest one of these days as it's been ages since I saw most of their films and most of them I've not seen enough- particularly Monsters Inc and The Incredibles.


It's £45 (Play.com) and has everything from Toy Story to Ratatouille, plus a bunch of shorts.

It's £45 (Play.com) and has everything from Toy Story to Ratatouille, plus a bunch of shorts.


Hmmm, might have to invest in that myself someday, as I think the only Pixar film I own (legally) is Wall-E.



(Though I do think we had VHS versions of some of the older Pixar films, but can't watch them anymore anyway.)


Think I prefer A Bugs Life to Antz aswell.


I absolutely love, LOVE Toy Story and Toy Story 2,

but if I'm being honest, no other Pixar film other than these two has ever done all that much for me.

Sure the animation is always mind blowing and gets better with every installment, but as films, I just find them good watches and quite entertaining, but that's about it.

I don't really get all the hype surrounding the other films; I found Finding Nemo and The Incredibles quite average.

A Bugs Life is pretty good.

I think my favourite of all the others after the Toy Story's is probably Monsters Inc. I found that one to be the next most engaging.


I'm yet to see Cars, Ratatouille and Wall-E.

Im suprised so many people prefer A Bugs Life to Antz, considering Antz was obviously superior.


Well obviously it isn't obviously superior or else not so many people would prefer the so called inferior movie.


Oh, I do prefer A Bugs Life also.


1- Toy Story 2

2 - Toy Story

3- Wall-E

4 - Ratatouille

5 - Monsters Inc

6 - Finding Nemo









15 - A Bug's Life (ReZ is right on this one)





20 - Cars




















































1000000000 - The Incredibles


What did people prefer about it? I can't fathom this. *Does not compute*


Oh and for the record.


1) Toy Story

2) Toy Story 2

3) Ratatouille

4) Finding Nemo

5) The Incredibles

6) Wall-E

7) Monsters Inc

8) A Bug's Life


Havn't seen Cars/any I've missed.


What did people prefer about it? I can't fathom this. *Does not compute*


For starters, A Bug's Life had likeable characters.


I prefer A Bug's Life because of the circus bit. Felt funny.



And I had the PS game of it, which felt funny, because it was annoyingly hard in some places, and too easy elsewhere.


Its just more likable all round i think, and i like the story. There are some funny little moments in it as well, like when the slug gets salt on his dinner in the bar and gets frazzled haha. Its the little things like that for me.

Wall*E is the best Pixar movie by a golden mile.


I do really adore it. But as I said, Toy Story has that nostalgic childhood glee that tips it over.


there's a pixar box set right? Might invest one of these days as it's been ages since I saw most of their films and most of them I've not seen enough- particularly Monsters Inc and The Incredibles.


There is indeed. I own it. And this. Went on a Pixar fanboy spree during the summer. Box set is really good. Got mine for £30 off ebay (and it was listed as the previous (ie TS>Incredibles) version but turned up as the full one which was awesome :D And comes with postcards from each of the movies and the short 'For the Birds' (another awesome short). Good times.


Im suprised so many people prefer A Bugs Life to Antz, considering Antz was obviously superior.


I think what you just posted in post your purchases completely renders you opinion about anything null and void




I think they were irritating, not likeable. Claire Bennet was the most irritating animated character ever....IMHO.


Yeah she was a child. Have you not met children? Little brats. The lot of them.


Plus A Bug's Life has David Hyde Pierce who is awesome (shame he seems to have aged really quickly since Frasier).

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