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Rate the last film you saw


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I've seen both, yes. Why do you ask?


Just checking, as I was worried if you hadn't, you might mistakenly assume they were as bad as the AVP movies. :bowdown:


As the self-proclaimed protector of the dignity of the Alien series, I need to do these kinda check-ups! :heh:

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Soldier's Girl


Based on a true story as it smacks you with at the start. Story of a soldier who falls for a transgendered cabaret singer with a suprisingly (although, not so much if you know the real events its based on I suppose...) shocking ending.


And Lee Pace as a woman looks kinda like Lisa Kudrow/Felicity Huffman.

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


A brilliant story beautifully told. It's extremely interesting all the way through, the acting is wonderful (I never knew Pitt could actually act). Everything about the film is absolutely spot-on: the pacing, the characters, the locations and the look of the world is just as you'd expect from each era. The only fault of the film is that some things are a tad obvious, but it doesn't detract from it in any way whatsoever.



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Technically one of my favourite films, despite never having seen the ending.


But yeah, was it set in space though?


It was set in the [near] future [at the time the film was made] and had robots.


Theres no point in "science fiction" in which the word 'space' is uttered :p

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Pitt can act, but god I fucking hate him. He just comes off as a total idiot, plus he is part of the reason I refuse to watch Troy. I saw about half of it and quit and I refuse to even try again I hated it.


Just watched To Sir, With Love.


Pretty good movie with a decent story I liked it.

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Brilliant. :)

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

Wowza. That was awesome. I wasn't sure if the nurse woman was supposed to be seen as being a crazy bitch until it became obvious towards the end, but she looked so evil, with her face. Outstanding performances from everyone. Particularly Danny Devitos bemused smile. Rather excellent.




I actually watched this weekend too.



Masterpiece, can't believe I've only just seen it. The performances of Nicholson and Fletcher are mind-blowing. The way Nicholson develops; every little victory, moment of happiness or despair feels like your own. Fletcher's control, patience and cool demeanour just make her so evil, what a brilliant villain. The other patients too of course, put in stunning performances, who knew Doc was in it? Awesome. The chief too, I loved the twist with his character. When they steal the bus and go on the fishing boat, that whole scene is just brilliant, had a massive smile on my face. I love the balance between humour, joy, pure desperation and tragedy; the end pretty much destroyed me, I don't know what I was expecting but it was heart breaking. There are too many things to mention, but all in all... 10/10



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Diary of the Dead


An excellent return to form for George A. Romero as a director and a thoroughly entertaining film which is superbly shot and scripted, it's just the right length although the ending was deliberately abrupt and does leave you wanting more, nevertheless still really good stuff.



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Pretty good, the performances totally made the film though. It's a little awkward in places, with all the mockumentary sections feeling pretty out of place, but overall it works.


I have never seen the stage play so I'm not sure how much content was added, but it was an enjoyable film about a very historic interview.



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Oh dear, what a bad film! For those who dont know it is a horror about a virgin girl who has a very bizarre vagina that likes to bite people when shes mad. Im not even kidding. I knew that before watching it though and wasnt expecting anything but a few laughs, but it hardly managed that. Its gross, yeah, which makes you laugh a little, but meh, we got bored of it very quickly.






Good film i thought, very good CGI with decent story and actors. I'm not a big Hulk fan or a massive comic buff or anything though and im sure those who are would find something to complain about, but i found it pretty enjoyable.




The Incredible Hulk


I'm confused. Is this a sequel? If so, why did they change the actors? I'm sorry, but that is just stupid and ruined any continuity it could have had for me. Yeah, Liv Tyler is attractive, but she annoyed me in this, and the Fight Club guy is amazing, but for God's sake, he looks nothing like Hulk! Okay, so no-one looks like the Hulk really, but they have to have the right hair style/color for a start! I just didn't feel like it clicked at all. The story was pretty shit too, going against alot of what the first film put accross i thought yet still ending the same way. Good CGI again though and good action i suppose gives it a few points.



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Oh dear, what a bad film! For those who dont know it is a horror about a virgin girl who has a very bizarre vagina that likes to bite people when shes mad. Im not even kidding. I knew that before watching it though and wasnt expecting anything but a few laughs, but it hardly managed that. Its gross, yeah, which makes you laugh a little, but meh, we got bored of it very quickly.




I still attest that the vagina dentata myth itself is far more interesting than this awful film. (and still wish to read the upcoming essay into the myth called "some cunts have teeth" which is the best article name ever)

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Good film i thought, very good CGI


I saw part of this on TV and it took me around 5 minutes to decide if it was the old TV series or the film. I wasn't sure if the Hulk was some guy in a cheap plastic suit or some really, really bad CGI.


I'm confused. Is this a sequel? If so, why did they change the actors?


It's a completely different film. They couldn't make a sequel for Hulk (the 2004 film) because of how bad it was.

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The Incredible Hulk


I'm confused. Is this a sequel? If so, why did they change the actors? I'm sorry, but that is just stupid and ruined any continuity it could have had for me. Yeah, Liv Tyler is attractive, but she annoyed me in this, and the Fight Club guy is amazing, but for God's sake, he looks nothing like Hulk! Okay, so no-one looks like the Hulk really, but they have to have the right hair style/color for a start! I just didn't feel like it clicked at all. The story was pretty shit too, going against alot of what the first film put accross i thought yet still ending the same way. Good CGI again though and good action i suppose gives it a few points.





Its a "reboot" basically, you assume the first film happened, but you ignore it (as far as I gather)


Edward Norton looks like...Bruce Banner...I would say more so than Eric Bana. Eric Bana looks more like a brooding huncho, rather than a geeky scientist.


Also Tim Roth = immensity.

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Humour wasn't exactly subtle? Is that a criticism. "amusing enough" I couldn't really disagree more tbh.


I'd even understand more if you'd both given it a lower rating as it might not be your thing. Its not a mediocore film....its effectively a masterpiece of comedy, and shaped and inspired an entire generation of movies.


Well yah, I did give a lower rating because it wasn't so much my thing. Too in-your face, relentless comedy for my taste. Though I didn't say it was mediocre either; 7 / 10 is a good rating. And again, like I said I was drunk and only had half an eye on it. And started watching about half an hour in, so, im not in a great position to talk about it.


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


A brilliant story beautifully told. It's extremely interesting all the way through, the acting is wonderful (I never knew Pitt could actually act).


I always thought this, but actually he's really rather good at times. Like Haggis said, se7en, and then Fight Club, Babel, Twelve Monkeys are all pretty great, as are, from what I hear, Assasination of Jesse James and Snatch.


Aanyways back to the film, I am so frickin' hyped for Benjamin Button!!

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I always thought this, but actually he's really rather good at times. Like Haggis said, se7en, and then Fight Club, Babel, Twelve Monkeys are all pretty great, as are, from what I hear, Assasination of Jesse James and Snatch.


Aanyways back to the film, I am so frickin' hyped for Benjamin Button!!


I forgot Fight Club totally. Shit, how did I do such a thing? It's one of my favourite movies. Plus. about the "mediocre scoring" thing ReZ said. Like you say, 7 is not a mediocre score, 5 is. 7 is a good, solid movie. I do hate how people seem to give something a seven when they think it's "meh".


United 93


The last half an hour was incredibly intense. I remember hoping they made it out alive in a hollywood style "Fuck terroists" ending, before realising they actually died anyway. Still, it's an amazing true story, and definitely one that made for a thought provoking movie. Definitely worth a watch.



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I actually thought this movie wasnt too bad, from what I had heard people say about it I was expecting a lot worse.


Story was a bit weak though, I never really believed the Paladins quest to kill all the jumpers, I think that needed more backstory maybe than just a few lines.


But for a no brains movie it was good enough.



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