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Rate the last film you saw


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What gets me is how dated his performance is now. It's so very, very 90s in the worst way. The rest of the movie is timeless, and he stands out like a sore thumb.


and his friend has a filthy ginger mullet. Unforgivable.


Terminator is so very eighties too.


Though I suppose that's really only in the style/setting, rather than script.


Eh, he's the best child in a role like that I can think of.

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There Will Be Blood


Why the hell was this so praised?! Someone tell me please, because i was bored as hell throughout the whole thing. Nothing much happened, the story was dull and it was damn long. Yes, the acting was amazing in parts, but that doesn't make a great film alone. I was so glad i only rented it after it finished. What a waste of 3 hours or whatever it was.




Come now, don't be rash. "Whatever it was" is perhaps one of the best character studies ever made, never has greed and ambition been portrayed better than this, nor has the clash between the capitalist mindset and the church. Seriously, if you can't appreciate it due to your shortcomings as an individual is a separate matter completely to the quality inherent to TWBB.


shhh if oxigen hears you say it, he'l kill you.


Let's not be extremists, shall we? :heh:




Really sucked!! 1984-esque sci-fi but it was so clichéd and predictable... generally of the acting was poor (though arguably that was the point, given their injections, ect) but gah.

Quite funs though, and i do like my dystopia, but only gets a


6 / 10


I rate a 7/10. Which is a very good grade, as far as I'm concerned. What bothers me isn't as much the fact that you didn't like it, but the fact that you rated a 6 to something which "really sucked". How amazing.


It's great- no doubt about that. I just think the first is slightly better for being a bit grubbier.


It's not that "you think", the first IS better. While the second is fantastic too, the first is just better inb pretty much every sense.


The Terminator - 9/10

The Terminator 2 - 8.5/10


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Watched this last night again, decent film and it saved Carrey from the diabolical Majestic performance. Only just got the whole story as well after a 3rd showing of it. 9/10


What do you mean "decent"? It's the best movie Carrey's ever been in...




Gonna watch Wall-E tomorrow. Finally.

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I rate a 7/10. Which is a very good grade, as far as I'm concerned. What bothers me isn't as much the fact that you didn't like it, but the fact that you rated a 6 to something which "really sucked". How amazing.


Haha touché.


It's just that I can't really figure out what I thought of it, and in the space between starting that little review and finishing it id started to think that maybe it was quite good. So much was brilliant yet so much was poor that it averaged to about a six. I take back the 'really sucked' bit now


And i suppose I didn't want to give it too lower a mark cause I know alot of people love it and i didn't wanna get a flaming :P


EDIT: Today I bought a 3-in-1 set of Million Dollar Baby, Brokeback Mountain, & Hotel Rowanda for £7 from sainsburys. Bargin :yay:

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That's fucking wicked.


Need to watch Million Dollar, and indeeed more Clint movies in general. I love his Iwo Jima efforts.


If you never watched Million Dollar before, do. And don't see any trailers or read anything about it. Seriously, best name ever for a movie, considering the contentes. : peace: Plus, it's quite good.

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mutant chronicles. Not bad, not good. flying steam trains and 300 style blood. Ridculous enemnies that dont die from bullits but swords are good. Seems like one of those computer game to movie films except there is no computer game. A computer game based on the world would have been good though

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The Mummy (the most recent one)


Not bad actually' date=' was action-packed and had a cool storyline

I liked it considering i haven't seen the other ones, but some friends have said the others are a bit better.




im considering seeing it, but yours is litteraly the only good review ive seen, though its this or clone wars that i will be made to see, so i have no real win option.

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They should make a film and computer game at the same time, like design both from the ground up with the other in mind. Even have two different storyline elements, and a cliffhanger in each one, that is solved in the other.


Enter The Matrix did that. A Bit.


But then, both film and game were utter gash so...

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I'm so excited about Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


I just love the style of animation, and the 8 year old inside me is jumping for joy that another Star Wars installment is coming out. I've not really seen any of the Animated Series or read any comics or books or anything, but I'm a Star Wars enthusiast nontheless.

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