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Rate the last film you saw


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A really beautiful story. The characters are amazing and it's a wonderful adventure. The best Disney film yet.


Edit: I forgot to mention that there were loads of funny bits and a load of bits that are just really, really cute. And WALL•E himself shows more emotion than virtually every actor/actress ever. Like a better Gromit.



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Stargate: Continuum


Really nice to have some new SG1 again and I hope they carry on doing these dvd movies every few years. I think I prefered Continuum to Ark of Truth.


Some brilliant shots in the movie, bits weve been waiting to see of a full scale bombardment from space. I was hoping with the Tok'Ra in the movie that we'd see some older faces from them but unfortunately not, just a load of nameless guys.


The story was pretty good, similar to Mobius from season 8 but with different twists. Needed more O'Neill though, if there are anymore I really hope he can be convinced to do a full movie.


The ending however did feel a bit flat, I wont spoil it for anyone actually interested in Stargate but it kind of just fluttered out.



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transformers was one of the single most over rated movies ive ever seen. ive ranted about it many times.


Thank god. I thought you may have been my spiritual opposite for a second. We're on similar, if not the same, pages then. Whew. : peace:






I just watched Blade Runner.


My god, was it good.



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The man in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang creeps me out to this day! :p



Anyway I watched:

All of Me


A random comedy starring Steve Martin. It was fairly funny with a few good scenes and a good premise that never went anywhere. I felt it dragged as it went on. Nothing special.


3 Bears out of 7. :D

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The hole linkeh


One of the films Kiera Knightley was in before she really hit the big time. What can I say about this film...


Its a bit horrific in places. Plot twist was interesting if a little flawed.


One positive thing - they named it well. The plot was full of fucking holes.


The only survivor killing himself?? wtf surely the cops would have known he was pushed by the forensics or whatever... None of it really added up, AT ALL.




Best part? Desmond Harrington is TO. DIE. FOR. <3



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Hancock: One word: "Medicore" everything in the movie is medicore, acting, plot et cetera.

Not good not bad but borderline boring.

It´s like that they got the idea to make a movie about a superhero who is an asshole and a bum but didn´t think they needed make something good out.

Like an abortion this movie is a waste of good potential.

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The hole linkeh


One of the films Kiera Knightley was in before she really hit the big time. What can I say about this film...


Its a bit horrific in places. Plot twist was interesting if a little flawed.


One positive thing - they named it well. The plot was full of fucking holes.


The only survivor killing himself?? wtf surely the cops would have known he was pushed by the forensics or whatever... None of it really added up, AT ALL.




Best part? Desmond Harrington is TO. DIE. FOR. <3




I really liked that film, in a perverse way. I mean it's not great as a film, but it's just very compelling. It felt a bit flat at the end.



ZOMG after watching the like 4 hour documentary that came on Disc2 of Blade Runner, I wish I could rate it 11/10

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I really liked that film, in a perverse way. I mean it's not great as a film, but it's just very compelling. It felt a bit flat at the end.



ZOMG after watching the like 4 hour documentary that came on Disc2 of Blade Runner, I wish I could rate it 11/10


I liked it too, just the plot ending was a let down. =)


I'm very weak when it comes to death, blood, gore etc :heh:

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I've been waiting to see this for months, I'm so glad I finally managed to watch it. First things first, it's one of the sickest, messed up movies I've ever seen. The enjoyment on some of their faces as they sadistically cut up the bodies was shocking. In the final scene my mouth was wide open in shock for the most part, it was compelling.


One of the most shocking movies I've seen, but I loved it. Though one thing that annoyed me was it felt as though Milano's character was just there because they thought she might aswell be. Plus, it's hard to concentrate on the plot when the lead character is played by Milo, he's too attractive for his own good. :p



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From reading recent posts, I am determined to watch Blade Runner and Wall E. Blade Runner is meant to be amazing so I definitely need to catch that.


Over my holiday in NYC, I watched some movies that the hotel were showing...


Notes on a Scandal - not bad actually. lol. 6/10


The Aviator - not bad as well. was ok. 7/10

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From reading recent posts, I am determined to watch Blade Runner and Wall E. Blade Runner is meant to be amazing so I definitely need to catch that.


Don't watch the theatrical release. I've never seen it, but I watched the documentary that came with the Final Cut and it has a cheesy voiceover to explain everything to you. I didn't need anything explained, the lack of clear explanation made the film much more cerebral and engaging.

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Paj, if you haven't read the book you should definately check it out. There are plenty of differences but the mood of the book was translated perfectly. In many ways the book is more interesting, it includes a whole religion theme that was left out of the film that really adds a lot to the 'what is human' themes.

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a fair 6.5/10


not awful, really missing something though. And oddly enough I was expecting it to be funnier. It had some terrible stupid cheesy moments.

Charlize Theron turns up at hancock's trailer, one minute she's all suburban mother and the next she's in slutty black dress with her boobs hanging out and black eye make-up and messy hair. Dumb!



To survive inbetween Ironman and The Hulk, and the upcoming Dark Knight, this film would've had to be something truly amazing, and it was not. Still there was some very enjoyable parts and it looked good. One big issue I had was that most of the good/funny stuff was given away in the trailer....

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Watched Hancock last night.


Funny in parts but was not good as i was expecting.


6/10 from me.


What i did enjoy that night though was watching a trailer for the new 007 film (not sure how u spell the title) and also the vue cinema at cheshire oaks had The Dark knight posters/stands all over the place! Made me quite excited for the end of the month!

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