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Rate the last film you saw


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Alien3 is fantastic. It's different, but it's more true to the original film than Aliens is!


Although, I'm a massive fan of the saga. Love them all - with less love for Alien: Resurrection. Almost a travesty.


Yesterday, I also saw Hollow Man. And, TapeDeck's review is spot on.


As he said yesterday, "it was a stroke of genius making Kevin Bacon invisible for this film!"


It's true. The idea is good, but the execution was way off. I'd give it 5/10, because it wasn't overly tragic, but it could have been much, much better.


Pretty good special effects, too.

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Alien3 is fantastic. It's different, but it's more true to the original film than Aliens is!


Although, I'm a massive fan of the saga. Love them all - with less love for Alien: Resurrection. Almost a travesty.


I loved all of them. Except Alien.

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Guest bluey

ahh hollow man... i remember that... the only thing i found even remotely scary in that film (apart from the acting) was the semi-rape scene... or not the rape scene, cause it wasnt really a rape scene it was just implied... but the implication of it was enough to set my BRAIN in motion over it and i scared myself.... so.... yeah that film didnt scare me at all :wtf:


...what was i talking about??



last film i saw was


.......hmmmmmmmmmmm... would have been great if they hadn't shown the monster for more than the split second glimpses you get during the "HOLY CRAP RUN THE HECK AWAAAAYYYYY!" scenes/most of the movie. but i thought the whole thing was pretty nicely done... it's a little overrated but anything with that much hype would have to be the second coming of christ (or whispa bars) NOT to be overrated....

although what the hell kind of camera was that?! at the beginning of the movie on the "SCENE OF INCIDENT" label it says it's in SD memory card format, yet throughout the movie there are like "taped over" bits, and what the hell kind of camera has a spotlight, army-grade night vision AND can survive the nuclear napalm holocaust and drops it endured?!


i want me one of THOSE!

7/10 minus marks for not leaving the monster more to the imagination, which i think would've been scarier.

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my only problem with Cloverfield is that the script consists of far too much 'oh man, what is that!?' dialogue. I know that it's going to be the main question on their minds an all but this is still Hollywood world- land of the inexplicably eloquent. I'd have prefered a bit more variation, if only for entertainments sake.


Still, good film.

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Guest Jordan
ahh hollow man... i remember that... the only thing i found even remotely scary in that film (apart from the acting) was the semi-rape scene... or not the rape scene, cause it wasnt really a rape scene it was just implied... but the implication of it was enough to set my BRAIN in motion over it and i scared myself.... so.... yeah that film didnt scare me at all :wtf:


...what was i talking about??



last film i saw was


.......hmmmmmmmmmmm... would have been great if they hadn't shown the monster for more than the split second glimpses you get during the "HOLY CRAP RUN THE HECK AWAAAAYYYYY!" scenes/most of the movie. but i thought the whole thing was pretty nicely done... it's a little overrated but anything with that much hype would have to be the second coming of christ (or whispa bars) NOT to be overrated....

although what the hell kind of camera was that?! at the beginning of the movie on the "SCENE OF INCIDENT" label it says it's in SD memory card format, yet throughout the movie there are like "taped over" bits, and what the hell kind of camera has a spotlight, army-grade night vision AND can survive the nuclear napalm holocaust and drops it endured?!


i want me one of THOSE!

7/10 minus marks for not leaving the monster more to the imagination, which i think would've been scarier.


Theres a reason for this.

1, Although it may have been originally recorded on video tape, its likely whoever found the tape (possibly the government) backed it up to an SD card format.


2, The night vision, you can get a fairly cheap camcorder with night vision these days so that wasn't too suprising. But yeah... the bomb thing is a little dodgy :p.


Cloverfield has a HUGE backstory, so if you were interested you should look into it.

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Guest bluey
my only problem with Cloverfield is that the script consists of far too much 'oh man, what is that!?' dialogue. I know that it's going to be the main question on their minds an all but this is still Hollywood world- land of the inexplicably eloquent. I'd have prefered a bit more variation, if only for entertainments sake.


Still, good film.


i noticed that, i liked that camera-man guy's responses:


girl who could run pretty fast for someone so badly injured: "oh my god! what IS that?!"

camera guy: "...something terrible!"


*not very much later*

gwcrpffssbi: "oh god! what is THAT?!!!"

cg: "i dont know! something else... ALSO terrible!!"

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Still the only film I've ever seen which might actually be improved by being in HD. It's a bloody good film in any resolution mind.


Some films look better than others i've noticed, for instance Harry Potter looked damn sweet when i watched it last night.

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Stopped watching after i figured out how the old man murdered his wife


20 minutes into the film lawl, i think about it too much i guess...oh well!


6.5/10 from what i did see.


Fight Club


Hadn't seen it before, so awesome! the ending was alittle shakey, as were the cops, but i loved jack from the beginning, and of course, tyler. But his death was abit wtf?



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Stopped watching after i figured out how the old man murdered his wife


20 minutes into the film lawl, i think about it too much i guess...oh well!


6.5/10 from what i did see.


Fight Club


Hadn't seen it before, so awesome! the ending was alittle shakey, as were the cops, but i loved jack from the beginning, and of course, tyler. But his death was abit wtf?




Erm, Tyler was never alive. But yeah, there's one thing that i don't get about that movie. When he blows up his apartment, there's no way he did it as we see him get out of the cab and see it explode. I must've missed something. It's also hard to conceive that no-one in the initial fight club didn't see his split-personality.


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Erm, Tyler was never alive. But yeah, there's one thing that i don't get about that movie. When he blows up his apartment, there's no way he did it as we see him get out of the cab and see it explode. I must've missed something. It's also hard to conceive that no-one in the initial fight club didn't see his split-personality.


What are you talking about? Jack is tyler, and when he shoots himself, he grazes his face but tylers is blown off...


Oh and as for the apartment thing, it was planned for 4 days, the detective man raised that theory and it was accepted that tyler did it that way later on.


Oh and i agree, the original, where they first fight was alittle odd...


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Alien3 is fantastic. It's different, but it's more true to the original film than Aliens is!


Although, I'm a massive fan of the saga. Love them all - with less love for Alien: Resurrection. Almost a travesty.


Alien3 shows that they tried to be original, and that's great. A bigger budget/less cafuffle during production would have made the effects better though...the Alien isn't scary in dodgy cgi.


But yeah, one of my alltime fave film series.

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Death Proof

Was watchable, but a disappointment compared to Tarantino's other works. A kick ass soundtrack, great dialogue but some of the scene's with the girls just chatting, dragged on and were unnecessary. Could of had done with more Kurt Russell.



The Goonies

Never saw this as a kid! :eek: Highly entertaining and funny and you can't help but love something about each kid. The quality of the the last 30minutes or so feel's messy though.


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The book is a little better, short read though.


Meh, Id be tempted to disagree - im halfway through reading at the moment and Id say the film actually improves on the book. Which is saying something considering how good the book is (thus far).


Id give the film a perfect 10 in any case...

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Meh, Id be tempted to disagree - im halfway through reading at the moment and Id say the film actually improves on the book. Which is saying something considering how good the book is (thus far).


Id give the film a perfect 10 in any case...


The end is a little better in the book I think. Marla was kind of forgotten towards the end of the film but she is better flushed out in the book.


But it really is a judgement call, I only narrowly choose the book.

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meh. to stupid. macavoy was cack, the story was cack, the whole thing was none sense.


still, the woman next to my mate had a strangers hotdog fall and land on her head. propper sat there. funniest thing ever. she and her boyfriend left before the film started. lucky them i suppose, though the action was decent.


4/10 watchable but painfull.

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meh. to stupid. macavoy was cack, the story was cack, the whole thing was none sense.


still, the woman next to my mate had a strangers hotdog fall and land on her head. propper sat there. funniest thing ever. she and her boyfriend left before the film started. lucky them i suppose, though the action was decent.


4/10 watchable but painfull.


Congratulations on not knowing how to enjoy a film.


It was "to stupid". No fucking shit...thats not a negative point. Did you like LOTR? The Matrix? And fictional film? A lot of them have proposturous plots but are still enjoyable. Seriously WTF?


Also how on earth is Angelina Jolies BARE NAKED DRIPPING WET ARSE painful? Most ridiculous post Ive read all morning TBH.


Im sorry for riding up on your opinion, but yeah.

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