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Rate the last film you saw


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Damn! Thought this was a up straight horror/gore/thriller but they also threw in some on the darkest blackest humour I have ever seen. I mean, if my male member was at jeapordy I would consider killing myself. Wait no, maybe becoming a wom....nah suicide is the only answer.

Anyways entertaining romp with an actress who was really annoying at first (didnt like her voice for some reason) but she really kinda grows on you. Fairly predicatable plot but entertaining nethertheless. May consider getting this on dvd just to freak out mates.



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The film kind of bored me. I didn't really understand it. :heh: but also there was just a lot of long silences and it just felt really empty and incoherent.


3 Bears out of 7. :)


That the one with mel gibson set on some sort of spaceship where he meets his dead wife? Could not sit through five mins of that :blank: so damn boring.

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That the one with mel gibson set on some sort of spaceship where he meets his dead wife? Could not sit through five mins of that :blank: so damn boring.


Yes that's the one but it's George Clooney not Mel Gibson. :heh:


I was in a lesson watching it. I think I drifted off to sleep for a bit and when I woke up the same stuff was happening. It just had a very dull atmosphere.

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2001 is one of the best films ever made. I'm not entirely sure why, exactly, but it is.


Haha, me and my friend were talking a couple of days ago about this film. Our conclusion, we both like it, but we don't know why we like it.

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Metropolis - 8/10


Loved this so much, and not just due to it's legendary status. A milestone in sci-fi, it's an interesting film, if very long and drawn out (we're so used to short sharp shots in films). I was entranced by Brigitte Helm as Maria, just the effect of her heavy make-up with the bad quality film.

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yay and another film about aliens! cept this wasn't about aliens, don't get me wrong, it was about aliens and them contacting us, but it was about the ramifications of it all, such as the political side to contacting them, the religious side to it and the scienctific side to it. And it has one of the best twists in it that i've ever seen!


9.8/"we are not alone"

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My sister and I saw Closer years ago and we really hated it. All we did was laugh at how bad we thought it was. Only thing I still remember from it now is wigs.


I'm glad somebody else shares my hatred for Closer.


I was actually angry with the world after seeing that film in the cinema. I can't believe I actually paid them to watch it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.


Sorry, I'm still not over it.


Yesterday, I witnessed one of my childhood favourites on FilmFour...Nuns on the Run.


It's genius, seriously. It's a lot like Sister Act...ok, it pretty much IS Sister Act, but it's hilarious. Except, there's no Whoppi Goldberg. But, Cracker is in it!


8/10. I love.

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Finally got round to seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night..... holy crap I need to buy myself a new fridge just in case :heh: WTF?


haha, seriously though, i fully enjoyed, kinda weird seeing it ended up about aliens though, huh?



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Yesterday, I witnessed one of my childhood favourites on FilmFour...Nuns on the Run.


It's genius, seriously. It's a lot like Sister Act...ok, it pretty much IS Sister Act, but it's hilarious. Except, there's no Whoppi Goldberg. But, Cracker is in it!


8/10. I love.

I watched that too! Fecking hilarious!


Gets a 8.1/10 from me.

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Yes that's the one but it's George Clooney not Mel Gibson. :heh:


I was in a lesson watching it. I think I drifted off to sleep for a bit and when I woke up the same stuff was happening. It just had a very dull atmosphere.


It's a shitty remake of a fantastic movie, what would you expect? :(

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Metropolis - 8/10


Loved this so much, and not just due to it's legendary status. A milestone in sci-fi, it's an interesting film, if very long and drawn out (we're so used to short sharp shots in films). I was entranced by Brigitte Helm as Maria, just the effect of her heavy make-up with the bad quality film.


Yes it is a milestone film and impressive for its time but boring as fuck. Especially being made to watch it twice.

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Yes it is a milestone film and impressive for its time but boring as fuck. Especially being made to watch it twice.


I liked it, and it's length. I actually saw the whole thing mutliple times, as I've been spendgin all my school days in the art department finishing the art magazine, and all the classes have been watching it in the same room as the macs, so yeah. Made me appreciate it more, actually.


However, I really hated the remade soundtrack for it...like a loop of shite 1998 classical mixed with upbeat industrial.

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The Village


On repeat viewing I actually enjoyed this a lot more. Ivy Walker is really damn good in it. I think the film is a lot better knowing the "twist" from the beginning but again Shyamalan doesn't go near the most interesting concepts raised by the film. I think Shyamalan is a pretty good director at times but he is a tragically bad writer.



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The Happening


I've never laughed so much at a movie that's not meant to be funny in my life, literally awesome.

Seriously, it was so atrocious it was brilliant. Everyone was acting with there eyes (everyone had WIDE eyes all the time) and then those people suddenly got shot and Marky Mark went all "Nooooo" in slow motion. Then the fact his voice was strangely camp and he couldn't go low to save his life.



Terrible acting (I'm talking primary school children quality)

Massive eyes

Huge ears

Slow motion dives

Hair clip


Also, when it cut to 3 months later and she goes "I found my hairclip" we were like...so thats the plot? She lost her fecking hairclip? Nice.


Sheer entertainment 10/10

Film quality 2/10

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It's a shitty remake of a fantastic movie, what would you expect? :(


Ah I didn't know that. :)


I wasn't expecting much but it managed to be worse thatn I expected!


Mean Girls

Fourth time I've watched this and it's still great fun! :D A really enjoyable movie.

5 Bears out of 7

What Dreams May Come


This movie was alright but everything went to fast the pacing was all over the place. I wasn't the biggest fan of the story either and I found it kind of predictable. The actual way they portrayed what heaven would be like was fairly interesting though.

3 Bears out of 7.

Hot Fuzz


Brilliant. First time I'd watched this and it was Hilarious all the way through. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost make a great team. I also really enjoyed the story/plot I thought it was cleverly done.


6 Bears out of 7


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Balls of Fury


I was expecting it to be like Dodgeball so I was quite let down, but it's easy to watch and funny in places.






Now this surprised me, I wasn't expecting to enjoy it very much. It was actually excellent! A really good fantasy film with great performances from quite an all-star cast. Robert De Niro was awesome.



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Shulmp. Had this knocking around me hard drive disk thing for months since it was on channel 4, finally got round to watching it. Absolutely beautiful throughout, with amazing sequences (fending off the arrows was a particular favourite of mine, as was the fight in the middle of fallen leaves). Didn't care much for the plot but i don't think that mattered too much frankly.


9 / 10




Similarly beautiful, but throughout i was couldn't help thinking how much better it would have been at the cinema :angry: Ahh well. Anyway, looked fantastic and the soundtrack was great. The last third seemed alot more 'meh' to me, and the 'twist', while initially well executed, almost ruined the film.



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