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I'm gonna answer some of your gripes, duuuude.


I still have a couple of real (but small) gripes about the film. Some of the editing seemed a tad off.


First off, did you watch the Director's Cut or the Original Version? Ridley Scott did go back and rework some of the scenes, most notably adding in additional footage and cutting some of the beginning/ending of scenes, to work on the pace a little. I think the original version does feature quite a few moments where nothing happens, to try and give you a sense of atmosphere/getting you to look at the ship in more detail. I kinda liked that.


For example, it was impossible to tell when they got back to the Nostromo. They were on the big shuttle thing that they took to the surface, then you don't really see anything to do with the ship (except for mentioning of the small shuttle) until it blows up.


I'm a bit confused by this, but maybe you can help there. You see the Nostromo detach from the rest of the tug and venture towards the planet. Then, you see the scene again later where they leave the planet and re-enter space. There is one scene on the planet where Dallas is in the shuttle, listening to classic music, but most of the action takes place on the Nostromo, especially the scenes with the autodoc with Kane.


You don't see the ship reconnect with the tug, but you do see a scene that last for around 10-15 seconds where the ship (tug, tow) are both moving off into space. There ya are.


Why did Ripley go back to turn of the self destruct? And why did the self destruct spurt a load of gas (and why didn't the flame on the flamethrower not affect it).


Well, you see Ripley running towards the Shuttle, and then see the Alien blocking the way, very briefly. So...she can't get to the Shuttle. If she waits, the Alien would either have caught her or she would've been blown up with the rest of the ship.


Also, the gas was related to the cooling units. You hear it when Ripley turns the units back and tells Mother, but of course the time had already expired, and the ship would automatically detonate. I think there is also a scene where Parker and Ripley are talking about the cooling units before they disappear in opposite directions, Parker to his and Lambert's death.


To be honest, if you watch this film for the first time or so and feel like you're going to fall half asleep, you're going to miss out on some much important dialogue. It's not an action film, and you need to watch to really fill in the blanks, particularly with the sub-plot of the Company trying to protect the Alien.

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Kill Bill: Volume 2 was on Watch last night.


Over the top, over dramatic, over violent and overly great.


Worth it just to see Daryl Hannah flail around in a hilariously frantic manner.




Yes! I laughed so much at how many times she screams "YOU FUCKIN' BITCH". I love how a huge sword fight was expected, and then it's just BAM.

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Veronica Guerin


Was just on, about the Irish reporter who famously got too close to the gangsters she was investigating, despite not even being a proper investigative reporter. Cate Blanchett is always welcome. Noticed Colin Farrell cameo too.


Good, Joel Shumacher does have some good films under his belt in addition to the shit ones. Some very nice direction.



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First off, did you watch the Director's Cut or the Original Version?


Director's Cut


I'm a bit confused by this, but maybe you can help there. You see the Nostromo detach from the rest of the tug


Ah. I thought the tug was the Nostromo




Well, you see Ripley running towards the Shuttle, and then see the Alien blocking the way, very briefly. So...she can't get to the Shuttle. If she waits, the Alien would either have caught her or she would've been blown up with the rest of the ship.


particularly with the sub-plot of the Company trying to protect the Alien.


That part was quite clear. Thanks for the rest of the comments.

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Director's Cut




Ah. I thought the tug was the Nostromo




That part was quite clear. Thanks for the rest of the comments.


Director's Cut is awesome, and some of the footage they had in here instead of the Theatrical Version is just nice to see. I love both versions, but I only ever watch the Director's Cut now. :)


Heh, quite a lot of people mistake the whoooole ship and cargo as the Nostromo, and the vessel that lands on the planet as the shuttle that Ripley escapes in at the end, when it's not. There's a flash of information right at the beginning of the film which describes what the ship is carrying. That huuuuuuge thing, which about a million times bigger than the Nostromo is the Ore Refinery. :)


So yar, random information there.

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I never knew that. I thought the entire thing was the Nostromo. Oh well.


*has to reconsider all he's ever thought to be true*


Well, I guess you could refer to the entire thing as the Nostromo, but then it would be really difficult to describe "both segments" when the ship lands on the planet and the refinery stays in space. Heh.


That refinery is seriously fucking huge, though. That poor little Nostromo towing that. It's like a toddler carrying Arnie.

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What do you mean nothing happened? Jesus Christ! It's good because it's the perfect essay on human loneliness/alienation/feeling or purposeless. And as for "nothing happening", if you mean to say that human interaction is nothing, then I guess so, nothing happened.

Ok ok, I'll slam in the hidden word, Nothing Entertaining Happened. I thought that was obvious.

But your part of the ADD generation, so why care?

Why care? Because I was led to believe this film was worth watching.

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Ok ok, I'll slam in the hidden word, Nothing Entertaining Happened. I thought that was obvious.


Why care? Because I was led to believe this film was worth watching.


It IS worth watching. You're just looking for entertainment instead of looking for content. I'd love to have you see Intolerance, just so you could hate it. :heh:


Being John Malkovich

Weird but ever so wonderful.



I demand a raise! :geek:

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It IS worth watching. You're just looking for entertainment instead of looking for content.

Maybe, I'm sure there is a film some might consider "boring" that I like.

I'd love to have you see Intolerance, just so you could hate it. :heh:

I'll see what I can do.

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This is all Dan Dares' fault. He knows it and is very sorry. :blank:


Anyways, I've never been a big fan of this film. It just feels they're trying to force 2 genres together, the army film and a sci-fi, which has worked but I don't feel it did well this time. I think it's because they brought in the Predator too late. Plus, the Predator, I feel, is quite selfish in this film. Dutch and his men are trying to perform a rescue operation and this alien pops up to have some fun... disgraceful.


It does have some classic lines, "If it bleeds, we can kill it", "Stick around", "Knock knock!", "You sonnuva bitch!" and, naturally "Get to the choppah".


Seven Shabba's



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The Hangover


Pretty good. Nothing side splittingly funny (apart from the trailer of Bruno that was on before it) but there was a few chuckles to be had. Especially at him pranging the babys head with the door. That was genius.



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What do you mean nothing happened? Jesus Christ! It's good because it's the perfect essay on human loneliness/alienation/feeling or purposeless. And as for "nothing happening", if you mean to say that human interaction is nothing, then I guess so, nothing happened. But your part of the ADD generation, so why care?


Sorry, only just checked up on this.


I didn't say it was pointless. I said I couldn't empathise with it and couldn't understand how other people could do so much, when human loneliness, isolation, alienation, whatever you want to call it, is so much greater than that film could ever hope to convey.


Feeling alone in a big city, on the other side of the world, I get that, I understand the whole film. I also appreciate it but I feel that if that's what people think real isolation is then of course this film will appeal to them.


It's a neat film. I get why people like it.

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Terminator: Salvation


Forgot to review this. Saw it early in the morning, like 10am or something, for the lulz, so it has a kinda haze over it when I think about what happened.


Basically added nothing but took away nothing from my life. Too many explosions with no point behind them. Christian Bale's voice was tolerable in Batman when it had an explanation, and it was normal when he was Bruce, here it was just silly. Bryce Dallas Howard was 15 years too young looking to be Katherine Brewster. Claire Danes looked older than her in T3, set 15 years earlier. Seriously WEIRD casting on her part. I like her, but...yeah.


Arnie bit was entertaining/the best bit. I hated the pointless inclusion of the mute girl (boy?) to make Kyle Reese seems like some sort of Oliver/Annie/Urchin/Saviour of the poor character.


Found Sam Worthington to be more compelling than Bale. Loved his team-up with Psylocke (as I called her).


Wait, Helena Bonham Carter was the best thing about it. I love her being the bitch behind it all/how I interpret it.


Shrug. I enjoyed it, but hardly good. But not bad either. Kinda reminded me why I hated Transformers, but not as patronising. /10

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Found Sam Worthington to be more compelling than Bale.

He was more compelling. Bale was so annoying that at times I wanted John Connor, of ALL people, to just stay down.


Also, I want to marry Sam Worthington, for reasons I won't disclose.

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Lately, I've been watching Saw and forgot how much I loved it.




Saw II tomorrow :yay:


EDIT: Yes, I have become a tad obsessed lately, lmao.


If you haven't seen the sequels yet, don't bother, it'll tarnish your experience of the original.


Or if you have, don't bother, it'll tarnish your experience of the original

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If you haven't seen the sequels yet, don't bother, it'll tarnish your experience of the original.


Or if you have, don't bother, it'll tarnish your experience of the original


I've seen them all at least three times, I think it's a great horror series (except for IV.....worst. Saw. Ever)


I had a SAW day today, lol. Feeling quite Jigsaw-y (as everyone knows lately)


Saw II


My favourite one of them all (except for the needle part). And is it me or does Amanda look kind of...sexy?






It's alright. Not the best one but not the worst one either. Sad that one of my favourite characters is gone...oh well.




Saw IV


I thought the storyline was a tad weak this time. This is the weakest out of them all, I didn't enjoy it as much as I did with the others.




Saw V


Loved the whole 'five-in-a-trap-bitchfest' idea and some of the questions that were unanswered were answered. Hopefully Saw VI will finally end my ever-going question: 'WTF happened to Dr Lawrence Gordon from the first one?!'



Edited by Animal
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