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Rate the last film you saw


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Seeing a film on a big screen is totally different...some films I'd pay to go see if I knew they were being reshown. 2001: A Space Odyssey must be brilliant on a big screen...wouldn't mind seeing Requiem For A Dream in a cinema either. These big sensory testing ones.

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Worst thing was the whole "adult" phase. It ruined the movie.


Same here with me and it wasn't anywhere near dark enough for my liking!


Iron man


Surprisingly good. Quality entertainment. It was a solid effort and did what a Superhero movie should to which is thoroughly entertain me.


5 and a half Bears out of 7 :D


Pink Panther 2


meh. I strangely wanted a terrible comedy starring Steve Martin as background noise while playing Pokemon, this fit the bill. It is so stupid.


2 Bears out of 7.

Edited by Coolness Bears
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I liked it, yes, but it's hardly a masterpiece. It's ok. What I'm saying is that it really shines when addressing the hollowness of these characters, which are supposed to be society's cream of the crop. It's quite astonishing, in that sense. Those scenes were very well executed.


And it's not trying to be thought provoking, all of it is pretty self-explanatory. It is, however, inteligent enough.


I have to disagree, I thought it was a constant use of boring cliches and stereotypes mixed with self importance. I did like it though.

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Pink Panther 2


meh. I strangely wanted a terrible comedy starring Steve Martin as background noise while playing Pokemon, this fit the bill. It is so stupid.


2 Bears out of 7.

It took all your concentration to not play Pokémon whilst watching Memento. ;)

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I see. I have actually re-watched it because the ending kind of... woke me up from my boredom. To ending was very, very good.


I also watched Michael Clayton.


You might fall asleep at the start. But if you did then you should maybe avoid watching movies that aren't like Transformers/10.


Wait, that doesn't actually explain anything about what I think about the movie. Huh. Quite good though.

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I love American Psycho! I thought Bales acting fitted the character perfectly and that the film did a very good job from very difficult source material, some of those scenes are truly unfilmable.


I watched Network today, a film about a crazy anchorman who becomes the voice of a people before fading into obscurity. I think it might just be my favourite film now, it's so unbelievably perceptive in it's writing, the fact it is 30 years old and feels more relevant and accurate about today's society than any other film I have watched speaks volumes. Loved it from start to finish, 10/10

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I see. I have actually re-watched it because the ending kind of... woke me up from my boredom. To ending was very, very good.


I also watched Michael Clayton.


You might fall asleep at the start. But if you did then you should maybe avoid watching movies that aren't like Transformers/10.


Wait, that doesn't actually explain anything about what I think about the movie. Huh. Quite good though.


I fell asleep in Transformers! :laughing:


Never fallen asleep in the cinema before that.

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I started to fall asleep watching Transformers on DVD. Jesus I hated that movie. I fell asleep watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose at the cinema. Falling asleep at a supposed horror film surely isn't good. That movie sucked.

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The only film I've ever fallen asleep watching is Alien.


Do you like the film? I'm presuming you've watched it since.


I've fell asleep while watching some great movies before, some of my favourite movies. What else can compete with your dreamy landscape?

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Do you like the film? I'm presuming you've watched it since.


I haven't seen the whole film.


I have owned it on DVD for a few months now. I really need to get round to watching it.


This weekend. Then I'll watch all the others in the box set (I've seen the other Alien films in full and I like them all).

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Terminator Salvation


Too sleepy for a real review now but I didn't particularly like it.


When the camera came over the wall and we first saw Skynet did anyone else think...Mordor? Or just me. Also, when Kyle said ''Come with me if you want to live'' I turned and smiled at ReZ and...*blank*. He told me after the film he's never seen the originals, heh.


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When the camera came over the wall and we first saw Skynet did anyone else think...Mordor? Or just me. Also, when Kyle said ''Come with me if you want to live'' I turned and smiled at ReZ and...*blank*. He told me after the film he's never seen the originals, heh.


Other than the "I'll be back", I quite liked the references to the originals. I especially liked the use of "You Could Be Mine". I don't think the person I was with got any of the references apart from IBB.

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Terminator Salvation


Too sleepy for a real review now but I didn't particularly like it.


But not sleepy enough to nod off while watching it?


I have yet to watch this film. So, without spoilers, if I hated T3 (which I did), would I like this?

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Terminator Salvation. 5/10.


Christian Bale is pretty much the same in every movie he's in. Except in Batman, where he's Christian Bale being the same as he is in every movie he's in and doing his "big boy" voice pretending to be Batman.


Yet another sequel that feels like it's saying "James Cameron wasn't good enough" this is better than Terminator 3, but far worse than the first two. It pisses all over canon with the Marcus Wright Character - the idea wa that the T800 was the first infiltrator the resistance couldn't peg immediately. The 600 series "had rubber skin" and no mini gun.


I guess if you take this film as canon on its own, then it's alright, but then why the references to the previous movies? It's just a bit messy, like it's fighting for its own direction in the shadow of what are ultimately better movies.


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ReZ has never seen The Terminator films? Sweet lord of Wolfie...jesus Fuck.


Even Ine has seen the first film, on VHS/Vuuhsss. How hardcore is she? Next stop: TeeToo.


Also, Wesleeeee: I honestly don't know. But, if you go into it with an open mind and fairly low expectations, then hopefully you will like it. If you go into it thinking it'll beat the originals, then...you're a tart. Nothing will beat the originals. Not even ice cream.


Edit: Iun, Thank You! There is someone out there who cannot stand Christian Bale, either. He's played a poor Bruce Wayne (In The Dark Knight anyway) and has played an equally poor John Connor. Average at best in both of these roles. I got slated by some of my friends for saying that I really couldn't stand him in The Dark Knight.


I have a theory about Bale. Basically, any scene that he is in, you can almost guarantee that every other actor will be better. Both Sam Worthington and Anton Yelchin gave far superior performances than he did.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Watching T2 with my gf made me realise quite how shite the whole thing is, because watching anything with an audience makes you consider the ridiculousness of it all and makes it even harder to suspend your disbelief. There are some fairly cool moments peppered throughout, but as a whole, its pretty ass, especially if you remove yourself from the context of the era in which it was released; then you realise that not only is the acting and story pretty crude, but the effects and action are pretty sedate too. Phail. Not sure if I can be bothered with Salvation.


Drag me to hell: watched it with some friends about a week or so ago. Was very entertaining all the way through, some genuinely frightening moments were seemingly "ruined" by the hilarious gore and spewing of bodily fluids, but I think that was probably the point. Monster pops out of the closet and scares the shit out of you only to have the director instantly reverse that effect as if he's taking the piss. Fun film. Justin Long was not too annoying. Strange.

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