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  Haggis said:
Fantastic 4


Average, a few good moments and some boring ones too. Doom annoys me and without the presence of Chris Evans it would be pointless.





Fantastic 4: The Silver Surfer


A little better than the first, I think. The general annoyed me, so I cheered when he died. Von Doom again bugged me, but I did like the ending. Galactus looked rather impressive when the world was about to be consumed. Again, it would be nothing without Chris Evans.





I love these films, for their sheer loveability. They don't take themselves seriously, yet are strangely endearing. I thought I preferred the second one, but I rewatched it the other day, and I instensely disliked how short it was, and how they handled Doom in general.




The Big Easy


A really great film! I'd only ever heard of it, but never seen it. I love the characterization.



  Paj Meen Ah said:
I love these films, for their sheer loveability. They don't take themselves seriously, yet are strangely endearing. I thought I preferred the second one, but I rewatched it the other day, and I instensely disliked how short it was, and how they handled Doom in general.


That's the problem, the movies switch from comedy type stuff to suddenly some guy getting his chest blown away by Von Doom. It was just too quick of a transition for it to have any effect on me whilst viewing. The second was a little more consistent in it's balance of not taking itself seriously but at the same time doing exactly that, but you're right it is a little too short.


Hellboy 1 - Was on the fence about seeing the second one so I watched the first one recently. Wasn't bad but wasn't great either. Story and the action was a bit meh. I am hearing that the second one is better but I'm still undecided on whether to go and see it or not. 6/10


Carry On Jack - Always been a fan of the Carry On films (and I'll continue to be until this piece of crap remake gets released). It was good, not overboard (get it? :P) with the jokes. About right. 8/10


Police Academy 6: City Under Siege

Having watched all of the Police Academy films bar Mission Moscow, this is my favourite, just for the sexy cheesy action, the Mastermind, and Tackleberry doing some pimpsmacking.



Eight and half Shabba's




ok, revieiwing holiday films from cornwall


the transforners movie (cartoon)


to quote my friend "a steaming pile of wank" the story was shifitng around at 1,000,000 an hour, the whole thing was devoid of logic and the dace scene, "WTF!?" despite all this, it was awsome. the power ballads, the shere awsomeness of optimus prime running over everything in his path then kicking megatrons ass was a higlite, the name tears at THAT scene, it was simultaiously the best and worst movie ever made.


top gun.


whats not to love, awsome music that can be shouted out a car window at night, ultra gay scenes, decent fighter jet action, sheer 80s cheese, and i love it.


ferris bulers day off


ok, totaly awsome, litterally has the best understanding of fun of any movie ive seen, just takes things easy, and isnt afraid to do nothing. has led to me and a friend deciding to 80's scam our way through life.


and just to break the 80's fest, reno 911. very funny. totaly stupid, one of the best jokes was the opening dream, or just after with the lines "wow, i just had the wierdest dream!" "you know your driving right?" "SHIT!" *CRASH* had me in stiches.


"before the beginning there was a cube"


I knew it was gonna be bad by then. I mean the plot has no sense, nothing drives it from one point to another *sigh*

  DomJcg said:
"before the beginning there was a cube"


I knew it was gonna be bad by then. I mean the plot has no sense, nothing drives it from one point to another *sigh*


yeah, but how mental was it, it was like i was really high when in reality i was only a little drunk.

  Chris the great said:
yeah, but how mental was it, it was like i was really high when in reality i was only a little drunk.


Funniest bit was the cd player walking in plain sight of people and not getting noticed, and also orgasming at the sight of glasses :P

  DomJcg said:
Funniest bit was the cd player walking in plain sight of people and not getting noticed, and also orgasming at the sight of glasses :P


wait, isnt that the live action movie?


i was talking about the 80s cartoon.

  Chris the great said:
wait, isnt that the live action movie?


i was talking about the 80s cartoon.


Shame on you for merking the 80s film - it makes plenty of sense (in an unrealistic way). Plus who can fault Leonard Nimoy as Galvatron - fuckin' amazing!


The Strangers


Wow! The cinema was packed, and everyone thought the same thing. It rocked!


The first time we got to see one of "The Strangers" the whole audience went "Ooooooooh!" - it was brilliant. I've never experienced that in a cinema before. It made everyone jump so many times, it was unbeliveable. The one thing that bothered me slightly was the end, but I suppose they couldn't of done it any other way.


Such a great suspense movie, something you don't usually get done well nowadays.



Jump Factor: 10/10

  Solo said:
The Strangers looks alot like Funny Games to me, only replace the tense atmosphere with with by the book scares.


I've seen so many horror films it's ridiculous, and I have to say this is actually rather good. It made me jump in places I least suspected, and because of that I was on the edge of my seat throughout. Don't judge it before you see it, it's alot better than you think. The use of the music/sound effects is brilliant and helps create a rather scary movie.


I'm not by any means saying it's a masterpeice. I'm just saying it's the first horror film I've seen in years thats actually used suspense well - rather than the old "He's behind the door" etc.


Blazing Saddles


Comedy perfection, this. Classic Brooks send up of the Western, racism and just about anything that gets in his way. I was raised on this film and I've probably seen it about 30 times. Genius.

  Dan Dare said:
Blazing Saddles


Comedy perfection, this. Classic Brooks send up of the Western, racism and just about anything that gets in his way. I was raised on this film and I've probably seen it about 30 times. Genius.


There was a question in the pub quiz about this tonight, I didn't know it, but it brought my attention my lust for wanting to watch it.


Batman Begins

I thought I would watch the first before I went to see the sequel tomorrow. The first time it was amazing, this time its phwoar. Christian Bale ftw. Even though some people may be bothered by his voice, its clearly to avoid being recognised!


Well, after seeing it mentioned in this thread, I decided to watch Lost in Translation, again.


I've seen it many times, now. The first time, I was left with an almost totally different outlook on life. Granted, I was almost drunk at the time, and the film just "bleeeew my mind, maaan."


The more I watch it, the more I realise that there is not a huge amount of dialogue in this film. The director is comfortable enough to leave small scenes where you focus on the character's facial expressions or body language. Also, there are very few "useless" scenes in this film. Every scene does have some degree of purpose. You're not left with dialogue meant for "obligatory character development", but you are left with dialogue that is there for a reason.


This really is about a film with two lost souls, who are lonely, in a city that is buzzing with life. A debate still rages on whether these two characters were "in love" or just seeking companionship. To me, it's a combination of the two. That ending scene breaks my heart everytime I see it, and seeing the beautiful Scarlett Johansen shed tears at saying goodbye. The whisper between Murray and her is probably one of the greatest "mysteries" in film today. What happens after the credits roll? To me, I think he goes back for her, but that may just be me being a sucker for romance. :)


The film also has one of the best soundtracks I've ever come across in a film. It starts out on an absolute fucking high with Death in Vegas, and it ends so well with the Jesus and Mary Chain. Two chooons that are so fitting, and couldn't have been picked for better scenes.


As you might have guessed, I love this film. It might be a bit slow for people's liking, and that's probably why people don't like this film. But, I don't think it could have been done any better. :)


10/10 for me.

  MoogleViper said:
Rape, murder, arson and rape.


This isn't the how was your day thread moogle :) (Sorry that was lame)


American Psycho

I know this film was really good but I don't know why. The ending has confused me because I'm not really sure what was and wasn't real. The killings were fun though :)

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